Master Of None

1257 1257. Fire And Earth Combined

Midnight was watching how Walker was taking the water out of the earth. She had not considered mixing the two when she had trained her elemental breath attacks. She had the fire breath and the golden flame breath. She also had the decaying breath which was a darkness elemental breath that was similar in appearance to fire. It would confuse anyone when it came to what it really was since it seemed so close to real flames. It just decayed things at a rate similar to burning them.

The thought to add water and earth together to make a fusion elemental breath attack was something that she could try. Something that would challenge her and her higher ability to create elemental flame breath attacks due to the golden flame heart. As she started to pull the water elemental and the earth elemental mana toward her, Fleur hopped in to the air surprised.

Fleur could feel what Midnight was trying to do and grew excited. She wanted to train with them too but knew that Walker wanted to focus on his own. Therefore, she began to pull more of the earth and water elemental mana toward Midnight to help. She watched as the mana entered Midnight's body and built up in her center. It was still separate but Midnight could easily push them together. Water and earth were often bonded in some way since they worked together to nourish plants in the soil. It could be said that they were some of the closest working elemental manas. It was similar to the water in the air or the light in the air.

For a moment, Walker sensed this and only spared a single glance at the two while they worked together. He was sure that what Midnight was training while walking forward was going to be a good development for her, especially if Fleur had become interested in it. He needed to focus himself though. He was about to start a flame with some of the dried grass within his storage. He needed to be able to control the fire elemental mana to enter the earth he was slowly shaping. The only problem was that he didn't know what shape he wanted it to take.

Thoughts of golems entered Walker's mind but he felt that the magical metal creations the dwarves made were too complicated. He lacked the understanding to properly make them able to move and function. He wanted something simple and easy to control. Something that would pose a challenge and act as another defender with Su. Thus, when he thought of the silver golem they had faced in the caves with the dwarves, he was struck by inspiration.

The simple form of a golem with a core was easy to replicate. It also added the shaping that would allow the fire elemental mana to dwell in the center of the earth and heat it throughout to meld them together. The high earth sculpting skill began to work overtime while Walker slowly walked with the ever changing dried earth and stone mixture beside him. The legs formed in to stumps of hardened and condensed earth. The head was basically just a larger rock that Walker had drawn to him. The body was large and its arms heavy enough to be used as clubs. It was extremely simple but it would be perfect for defense.

The single hole within its chest had many small veins running from it. They were for the flames to ignite and begin to form. The amount of mana that Walker had used was not small. It was enough to say that he needed a few low tier mana potions, which he gulped down while holding his concentration. The added challenge of carrying the golem with his grand elemental manipulation was enough to burn extra mana. Adding in walking and trying to gather any fire elemental mana from the air he could, was much tougher.

"I know I can't make a golem. That takes years and I wouldn't be able to control it. But I can steal the shape and use it to my advantage!" Walker talked himself up while he pulled the straw and dried grass from his storage. It ignited instantly with the addition of fire elemental mana. He immediately thrust it in to the golem shaped body he created. Then, his next challenge began.

Guiding the fire elemental mana that he had just added to the hollow center of the earth doll he created was much harder than he thought it would be. Walker needed to keep control of the fire constantly. Every single time he would try and allow it to spread and meld with the stone and earth, it would cause the heat to melt it. The magma it would create would be good to attack with but it would be hard to control and all the work shaping it would go to waste.

"I need to keep it controlled." This realization caused him to slowly step away from the flames. They were hot but not enough to cause him lasting damage, therefore, he allowed thin wisps of fire to follow from his fingertips. This was the minimal control he needed without fully releasing the flames to destroy the earth he condensed. It was radically different from the flame doll which just needed fuel to burn or else it would dissipate. Walker was the source of control for it so that the balance between the elemental manas would meld and not clash.

The constant control allowed the flames to start to show through the joints of the earth doll he had created. His hands moved to guide it and soon the creature was walking beside him. Burned footprints in the wet grass left behind. Smoke drifted off of it slightly. It was a sight that would scare away any weak monster that saw it.



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