Master Of None

1250 1250. Carriage Driver

' The skill basic carriage driving has been taken from the perfect driver system. The user has learned the skill basic carriage driving through past and present experiences.

Basic carriage driving- passive

The user does not need mana to gather the experience and easily learn the habits of any carriage they drive. They are able to easily use what they have seen and feel to drive any carriage. The more the user drives a carriage the more they will amass knowledge that will allow them to be a better carriage driver. They will have no issues driving a carriage for basic traveling.'

The skill was by no means high but Walker was glad to have it. He had barely made it out of the gates using what he had seen as a guide. Part of him wanted to reprimand Onyx for just assuming that he would learn this skill. Yet the more Walker thought about it, the more he wanted to praise Onyx. He had given enough time to travel the empty morning roads out of the city to learn. If he had left later then he could have caused an accident. It was wise thinking. And at the end of it all, Walker had learned the skills he needed.

"So, have you found any more information out the ravine since you first told everyone?" Walker was speaking with Onyx since he was the only one sitting at the front with him. Midnight was napping and the others were chatting while cleaning their gear. Walker and Onyx were the only two that were keeping watch while they traveled the now cleared pathways out of the Genesis fields. There would be more solid roads soon since workers were able to move the defrosted soil.

"Not much. The adventurers guild sent some people to guard it since it is hard to see from a distance. Apparently, there have been cases of merchants rushing through an area and falling in to holes and other obstacles. I hope that they have some information for when we get there." Walker understood this and knew that the adventures left to watch the area would definitely have some sightings of any monsters in the area since they were not there to fight them and just to observe and deter merchants.

That should help us a lot. I doubt that much has happened but I want to make sure that we know everything we can before going down there. While we move I was thinking at night I will train my high earth sculpting skill. I want to be able to hold up tunnels or caves or even ruins if we find them. I just don't know what could happen. The ground was able to split from an earthquake. If it wasn't a natural earthquake then we might have to think outside the box."

"I worried that an earthquake was not natural as well." Onyx was silent for a moment. This thought was one of the first dangers that he had come up with. There were many large monsters that moved through caves and through the earth that could cause such things. "But I investigated the area. The field lands are known for having ravines open up before. The caves underneath had some small flowing rivers that caused this to happen. There are also ruins that have been discovered underneath the field lands which explains why they may be flat. It could have been the work of ancient races."

This was more in depth than Walker expected. He didn't even know that ruins were common underneath the field lands. He just knew that some caves had been found underneath before. However, this made a lot of sense. The dwarves rarely found defined ruins in the mountains. Yet the ruins that Walker knew of with the undead had a lot of cleared land around them. There may be a forest nearby but that was still far from the ruins. It also made him wonder if the immortal king was still watching them in some form or fashion. That was one ancient monster he hoped he would not see again.

"Alice, it's about time. We have made it past the fields that we shouldn't cause any damage to." The fields directly outside of Genesis had just been pre seeded with special crops. Some felt it was too early but the expert farmers from the demi-human farms had made sure to explain the reasons why some crops had to be planted as soon as the snow melted. It is also one thing that Gil's mother had once explained to the party while they had helped with the mansion garden.

Onyx slithered to the top of the carriage to absorb the light elemental mana and to also keep watch around them now that they were passing the fields by. They would be in the wilds from here on out and he wanted to ensure everyone's safety. He also needed to make room for Alice to sing next to Walker as he drove. It would be the best way for them to speed up.

"If you need any mana while you sing just let me know. I have some concentrated mana potions we are working with. They don't have a long shelf life but they help mana regeneration through the day." Remey had the potions on a belt that she had made to hold certain battle potions. Her training gear had been left behind so she was a little off without having a belt anyways so it fit her perfectly.

Due to patrols in the area, they were able to move for half the day before stopping to eat lunch. They had no issues and overall the sound of Alice's singing had put them all in a wonderful mood. They were even well ahead of where Onyx thought that they would be meaning they would have more time to rest when they got to the abandoned village.



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