Master Of None

1247 1247. Announcement!

"This should be fun. We are one day closer to the battles of the races!" Scylla was a little too interested.

"Battles of the races? The craftsmanship competitions will show more promise. We need new genius in the forges to make me a new pickaxe. I want the best earth dwelling pickaxe that can crack boulders in a single swing." Adding the kind of the deep caves didn't seem to help. Walker didn't doubt that he could already smash boulders with a single thought let alone a pickaxe.

"I am just honored to be part of this with those that helped my people in our time of need." Leon was much more reserved. Alma could have spoken up to but she had taken a spot next to Gil in her best clothing. They were ornate ceremonial robes with blue ivy patterns. They had been made especially for Alma to represent the elves. Some had water symbols and others had forest like symbols. They would gain more patterns for every elven people that came together under her. It was a brilliant idea.

"Years of counting and standing behind the king brought me here. I can not wait to see this new technology. I will report every single detail." The new role for Markus Raven as the king's representative in the council seemed to inspire him to become a better person all around. It was actually very touching to see since Walker had started off roughly with him and learned that he was actually a much better person.

"Alight and here we go! The mages are starting the elemental manipulations. The runesmiths are in places. Start speaking….Now!" The call went out and Clara raised her head. The entirety of Genesis suddenly saw the bright light that painted a magnificent picture of its representatives and heroes.

Clara had worn the best clothing she could have made to represent the adventurers guild. She may not go out on quests and travel but she had on small portions of armor. The combination of armor and business attire was actually more striking than if she had worn full armor or anything else. Barry had been silent but towered behind her. Walker had thought he was out on a trip but he had remained around for this purpose.

"People of Genesis. We have reached a turning point. The roots have been put down. Fields will grow, guilds are blossoming, and the goal to unite every race on the continent is underway. Now is the time to show every race what we have to offer each other and the new potential we have when we come together. The adventurers guild had long been a port of every kingdom and today we will continue that tradition by starting off the competitions that will push a new wave of growth in this united kingdom!" The words that came from Clara's mouth sounded as if she was a different person. They were powerful and reverberated through the walls. The people watching the lights in the sky above Genesis were awestruck.

Not many had seen Clara the new adventurer's guild master. Now they were seeing the woman that would hold every adventurer to the rules and regulations. The woman that would ensure that no one would go against the ways of Genesis and the acceptance of all races. "The adventurer's guild accepts quests to help those in need. Therefore it has been decided that the young adventurers will take on the role of gathering herbs from all around the continent to build a base for the newly formed alchemy guild competitions. They will show their strengths and skills to gain valuable experience along with chances to move up within the guild.

"The quests about to be released to the young low tier adventurers will last for a total of thirty days. During this time we will accept the herbs and valuable potion materials found and organize them. When the adventurer or their party has decided to stop they will receive an evaluation based on what they handed in and the quests they completed in tandem. I strongly recommend that every single adventurer participates in some way. Those that have experience can teach but not directly help. The other regulations are posted around the city and will also list certain special herbs that are needed for the alchemy guild herbalists."

This was a surprise that Remey and Clara had set up specially. The flyers had been posted just an hour ago and no one had known what they were for. "Standing with me are your leaders who can not wait to see what brilliant accomplishments you can make now and in the future. Let the first bi-annual competition start now!" Clara shouted and Midnight followed up with a roar. The rest of them joined in with shouts and encouragement. The resounding chorus of voices that came from the streets and guilds caused all of Genesis to feel alive.

The mana in the room suddenly stopped and quite a few mages collapsed to the ground. The runesmiths were desperately cooling down multiple mana crystals that had begun to crack. They had been taxed by massive amounts of mana. "Get out and let us work! We have results to process!" The dwarves were rushed and kicked everyone unnecessary from the room. They had completed their part and now had a slew of new work to do.

"Now that was the look I wanted them to see. The guild master that will hold everyone accountable. That look demands attention. What a skill to have."

"Barry! Don't you have a quest to do!" Clara shouted at Barry who rushed away toward the gates. He had some dragonkin to meet and some rogue dragons to battle. To say that he was excited was an understatement, however, it was the look from Clara that truly pushed him to move.



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