Martial God Asura

Chapter 5320: You’re My Big Brother!

Chapter 5320: You're My Big Brother!

"Where is Bai Yunqing?" Milady Queen asked.

"Indeed. Where's Bai Yinqing?"

Chu Feng belatedly realized that Bai Yunqing wasn't anywhere to be found. His senses were hindered by the cavern, so he had to manually search the area. Soon, he found a person lying on the ground—Bai Yunqing.

The latter was crawling on the floor, mumbling something.

"Father, mother, don't leave me. Please don't leave me. Yunqing is not a monster. I really am not a monster!"

Chu Feng could tell right away and Bai Yunqing was still trapped within the illusory formation. He walked up to the latter and saw that his face was covered in tears and snot. This was not an act at all.

"Father, mother, don't leave me. Don't leave me all alone. Mother, I'll be obedient from now on. I promise that I won't fight with others anymore. Don't abandon me," Bai Yunqing cried while crawling on.

Chu Feng felt a pang in his heart. Bai Yunqing's crawling motion was extremely abnormal, reminiscent of a severely wounded child.

"Just what has Bai Yunqing been through?" Chu Feng wondered.

He wanted to help Bai Yunqing, but he knew that he couldn't do anything here. The illusory formation was extremely powerful. Bai Yunqing would have to overcome it himself.

All of a sudden, Bai Yunqing stopped howling. He raised his head to look at Chu Feng, causing them to meet eyes.

"You're awake?" Chu Feng asked.

"Ah," Bai Yunqing replied with a dazed nod.

"Wipe your face." Chu Feng handed him a handkerchief.

Perhaps it was because Bai Yunqing hadn't fully snapped out of his illusion yet, his tone and movements were much gentler than usual. He slowly got back to his feet, took the handkerchief, and carefully wiped away the tears and snot on his face.

He seemed to be in a low mood.

"You heard everything?" Bai Yunqing asked.

"I heard a little," Chu Feng replied.

"I made a joke of myself. That was a stain in my life." Bai Yunqing shook his head with a bitter smile, feeling a tinge of humiliation.

"That's not a stain. I was abandoned by my parents from a young age," Chu Feng replied.

"You were abandoned?" Bai Yunqing raised his head to look at Chu Feng.

"It wouldn't be accurate to say that I was abandoned. They did it to protect me. Could your parents have done the same too?" Chu Feng asked.

"No, they didn't do it to protect me. I was abandoned for real. I'll always remember that day. They better wish that I don't find them, or else I'll mince them into bits!" Bai Yunqing's depressed expression was replaced with a vicious one.

"It looks like we haven't fully breached this formation. Let's continue," Bai Yunqing said as he walked deeper into the cavern.

Chu Feng followed him.

The cavern opened wider the further they advanced. A wind started to blow, and it swiftly crescendoed. A suction force could be vaguely felt.

"Don't get careless. There's a powerful formation ahead," Chu Feng said.

"Rest assured. Who do you think I am? I am the disciple of the Totem Dragon Clan's First Guest Elder! Just take care of yourself," Bai Yunqing said.

He had finally overcome his depression arising from the illusory formation, causing him to revert to his usual arrogant self.

"Chu Feng, what's the situation like ahead?" Eggy worriedly asked.

"There's a powerful formation in front of us, but I'm not able to see through it due to the cavern hindering my senses. I'll have to go closer," Chu Feng said.

"What about the Celestial Master's Horsetail Whisk? Is it not working?" Eggy asked.

"It's not providing me with any guidance here. I'll have to count on myself. Eggy, don't worry. I can deal with this formation," Chu Feng replied.

As Chu Feng and Bai Yunqing carefully advanced ahead, the suction force swiftly grew stronger. The suction force carried a hint of killing intent, threatening to tear them into shreds if they got swept in. It would have been disastrous if their cultivation hadn't been strong enough.

"Stop. We shouldn't advance any deeper. We have to assess the formation and decipher it here, or else we'll get swept into it," Chu Feng said.

"How can we assess the formation here when we can't see anything at all?" Bai Yunqing exclaimed.

"Leave it to me if you trust me," Chu Feng said.

He first placed his palm on the cavern wall before sticking his ear on it. Since his senses had been limited inside this cavern, he would just have to resort to manual means.

"Right ahead of us is a crevice. There's a formation inside the crevice, and that's where the suction force is coming from. We'll have to construct an extremely stable formation to withstand the formation if we wish to cross to the other side," Chu Feng said.𝚏𝘳e𝒆𝙬e𝘣𝗻𝙤v𝒆l.𝑐𝒐𝘮

"It's that simple?" Bai Yunqing asked.

"Yes, it's that simple," Chu Feng replied as he began constructing the formation.

He didn't even raise his head when he replied. He wanted to quickly complete the formation and overcome this trial.

"I don't think that it's that simple. I'll get to the bottom of this myself," Bai Yunqing insisted as he took yet another step forward.

"You'll regret not listening to my advice. If you really insist on checking the situation out, you should at least construct a formation to neutralize the suction force," Chu Feng reminded.

Despite Bai Yunqing's obstinacy in doing things his way, he still heeded Chu Feng's advice and constructed a formation to neutralize the suction force. It was just that the suction force was so strong that the formation could only partially neutralize it.

Even so, Bai Yunqing still advanced further into the cavern.

Chu Feng ignored him and concentrated on constructing his formation.

"Gah! Big brother Chu Feng, save me!" Bai Yunqing's voice suddenly echoed from the depth of the cavern.

"Ignore him, Chu Feng," Eggy said.

However, Chu Feng constructed his own formation and rushed toward the cavern. Just as he had warned earlier, there was a huge crevice releasing a terrifying suction force.

Bai Yunqing was barely holding onto the walls of the crevice. It was fortunate that he had treasures protecting him, or else he would have already been swept into the formation.

"Big brother Chu Feng, hurry up and save me!"

Bai Yunqing was so anxious that his eyes had turned wet. He knew that he would really die if he fell into the crevice. While his treasure was still protecting him at the moment, he knew that it wouldn't last long. At this rate, it was only a matter of time before the suction force claimed him.

Chu Feng clenched his jaws.

He first added another formation core in his own formation before charging toward Bai Yunqing. With dexterous movements, he grabbed Bai Yunqing and dragged him into the formation, but at the same time, the formation started to waver and fall toward the crevice.

Even though Chu Feng was desperately channeling his spirit power into the formation, the suction force coming from the crevice was simply too much for him to bear.

"What are you staring in a daze for? Channel your spirit power into the formation too!" Chu Feng exclaimed.

He knew that he wouldn't be able to withstand the suction force, so he added an additional formation core so that Bai Yunqing could help to reinforce the formation too. That was the only way they could escape the crevice safe and sound.


Bai Yunqing was so shaken by what had just happened that it didn't even cross his mind to assist Chu Feng with his formation.

"You're a good person, Chu Feng. I won't be a burden to you!" Bai Yunqing said as he took out ten pills.

"You..." Chu Feng could tell right away what kind of pills were those.

Bai Yunqing swallowed them in a single mouthful.


Immense spirit power immediately burst forth from Bai Yunqing's body. He felt like a different person than before. With his assistance, Chu Feng's formation started to rise upward.

Soon enough, they rose to the top of the crevice and floated over to the opposite end.

However, Chu Feng didn't just stop there. He continued channeling the formation forward until he was confident that the crevice's suction force wouldn't be able to affect them anymore. When he finally stepped out of the formation, he fell on his bottom and gasped for air.

He had overexerted himself channeling the formation.

However, his condition was nothing compared to Bai Yunqing's. The latter had collapsed onto the floor in agony. This was the side effect arising from eating those ten pills. Those were the equivalent of forbidden medicine for world spiritists. Such medicine significantly raised a world spiritist's spirit power, but it would inflict a terrible backlash on the consumer afterward.

While the pills Bai Yunqing had consumed were much tamer compared to ordinary forbidden medicine, it was still inevitable that he would suffer a terrible backlash when he ate ten of them in a single mouthful.

"Are you fine?" Chu Feng asked.

"I'm fine." Bai Yunqing reached into his Cosmos Sack with his trembling hands to grab a couple of pills to alleviate the pain from the backlash.

When he was finally in a better state, he turned his gaze toward Chu Feng.

He did sense that something was amiss earlier, but the situation had been too urgent for him to take a proper look. Now that things had finally calmed down, his eyes narrowed in astonishment at what he saw.

Chu Feng's formation wasn't complete yet.

It was possible to control an incomplete formation, but the level of difficulty was much higher. Accidents could still occur even if the world spiritist's control was impeccable. This was a highly risky move to make.

It would have been much safer for Chu Feng if he completed the formation before making a move, but he didn't do so in order to save him.

On top of that, Chu Feng had already done his part by warning him not to approach the crevice, but he obstinately chose to do things his way. Under such circumstances, no one could blame Chu Feng for abandoning him, but the other party still braved danger to save him.

"Why... did you save me?" Bia Yunqing posed his question.

Chu Feng had also asked himself the same question. His initial intention was to check out the situation and maybe save Bai Yunqing if there was no danger in doing so. Yet, despite having determined that saving Bai Yunqing would be a risky maneuver, he still felt compelled to do so.

He couldn't understand what brought about such a whim, which led him to dig deeper into it. While he did think that Bai Yunqing wasn't as bad as he initially appeared to be, that wasn't enough reason for him to risk his life for the latter.

Eventually, he arrived at what he thought was the answer.

He had felt sympathetic toward Bai Yunqing's history, how he had dragged his wounded body as a child to beg his parents not to abandon him. It had unknowingly struck a chord in his heart.

However, Chu Feng chose not to disclose the truth. Instead, he chuckled softly and replied, "Didn't you call me big brother earlier on? What kind of big brother would watch his little brother die before his eyes?"

Bai Yunqing was stunned. A second later, he fell to his knees and kowtowed to Chu Feng despite his prideful nature.

"Chu Feng, I was wrong. Regardless of our past grudges, the difference in our ages, or our identities, from this day onward, I, Bai Yunqing, will view you, Chu Feng, as my big brother," Bai Yunqing declared with a lowered head.

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