Martial God Asura

Chapter 5133: There Are Tiers to Secret Skills Too?

Chapter 5133: There Are Tiers to Secret Skills Too?

"I heard that they are a mysterious but extremely powerful clan. I'm surprised that little young master is acquainted with them," Lord Yuwei said.

"Elder Yuwei, do you know where the Ancient Era's War Clan is? How powerful are they?" Chu Feng asked.

"I'm afraid those are beyond my knowledge. I only know of the Ancient Era's War Clan through an elder of our Golden Dragon Flame Sect. He encountered their members during his journey, and he said that the Ancient Era's War Clansmen were extremely powerful and generous.

"Little young master, shouldn't you have a deeper understanding of the Ancient Era's War Clan than me considering how you have acquired one of their secret skills?" Lord Yuwei asked.

Chu Feng shared his encounter with the Ancient Era's War Clan with Lord Yuwei.

"Based on what I know, a clan-protection secret skill from the Ancient Era's War Clan shouldn't be that weak. It could be possible that the one you have received is impure," Lord Yuwei replied.


Chu Feng was perplexed.

"It might be a stolen power or simply a forged one," Lord Yuwei replied.

"Secret skills can be forged?"

Chu Feng was surprised to hear that. He did know that it was possible to steal a secret skill, but this was the first time he had heard about forging a secret skill.

"I have heard that powerful skills can be forged through certain means," Lord Yuwei said.

"Is that so? If only I could still communicate with Lord Ancient Era's War Sword… it might have known a thing about it," Chu Feng remarked with a sigh.

Secret skills possessed their consciousness, capable of interacting with others. However, some of them stopped talking after they were fused into a cultivator, either due to some restrictions or because they were simply unwilling to interact.

Chu Feng didn't know which category the Ancient Era's War Sword belonged to, but the latter had not been interacting with him ever since submitting to him. It had become nothing more than one of his offensive means.

"It wouldn't have mattered. A forged secret skill shares the same consciousness as the main body, such that some even believe that it's the main body. Your inability to fuse the talisman with your secret skill shows that your secret skill is still too weak. It probably hasn't reached Exalted level yet," Lord Yuwei said.

"Exalted level? Elder Yuwei, are there tiers for secret skills too?"

Chu Feng was surprised to hear that. He did know that not all secret skills were equal, but he had never heard of a ranking system to it.

"Little young master, you didn't know that there are tiers to secret skills too?" Lord Yuwei asked.

"I have never heard of it before," Chu Feng replied.

"Since secret skills have different levels of potency, it's only natural that there's a ranking system for them. The unique nature of secret skills makes it hard to properly classify them, but there is a way to do it.

Based on what I know, secret skills can be divided into 'Emperor', 'Ancestral', 'Immortal', 'Exalted', and 'God' level. My secret skill, Heavenly Dance of the Phoenixes, is an Exalted level secret skill. If you are unable to fuse the talisman into your secret skill, the chances are that your secret skill hasn't reached Exalted level," Lord Yuwei said.

"Elder Yuwei, do you know how to deem the tier of a secret skill?" Chu Feng asked out of curiosity.

He wanted to know the tiers of the secret skills he had.

"The Seven Realms Sacred Mansion has their rules regarding that. There are also some other world spiritists who know the method to deem the tier of a secret skill, but their methods may differ from one another, leading to vastly different outcomes. The most authoritative power in this field is still none other than the Seven Realms Sacred Mansion," Lord Yuwei said.

"I see."

This was the first time Chu Feng heard that there was a tier system for secret skills, but it didn't seem to be clearly defined. Unlike the case with martial techniques, most cultivators wouldn't be able to evaluate the tier of a secret skill right away.

"Did you hear that, Descent of the Demon Exalted? There are different tiers to secret skills too. Aren't you curious to know what your tier is? Submit to me and I'll strengthen you with this talisman. If it succeeds, it'll show that you're at least at Exalted level."

Chu Feng made use of this opportunity to tempt Descent of the Demon Exalted, knowing how powerful it was. He was confident that it would be at Exalted level even if the Ancient Era's War Sword wasn't.

It was just a pity that Descent of the Demon Exalted didn't respond to him. It didn't fall for Chu Feng's temptation. Chu Feng felt a little frustrated, but he could only let it slip.

He continued chatting with Lord Yuwei afterward.

Naturally, he asked about his grandfather's cultivation and whereabouts, but Lord Yuwei didn't know anything at all. It was not that Chu Feng's grandmother refused to confide in Lord Yuwei but that she was equally ignorant too.

"Elder Yuwei, please call me Chu Feng instead of a little young master. That address sounds too distant," Chu Feng said.

"Alright, little young master. No, I mean young master Chu Feng," Lord Yuwei replied politely.

Even though she added 'young master' in front of Chu Feng's name, it still sounded better as compared to little young master.

With that, Chu Feng ended his conversation with Lord Yuwei and turned toward his old pals from the Ancestral Martial Starfield. With an important responsibility on his shoulders, he didn't know when he would meet these old pals once more after this parting.

Due to that, they had endless things that they wanted to tell one another.

Chu Feng would have been overjoyed to chat with his old pals in the past, especially since many of them had braved life-and-death situations together with him. However, despite maintaining a smile on his face, he couldn't fully relax his nerves.

It was hard not to be emotionally affected after hearing about his grandmother's plight. That made it hard for him to enjoy the chat with his friends.

He would have marched straight to the Situ World Spiritist Clan right away to exact vengeance for his grandmother if not for his weakness. He wasn't sure whether the Asura World Spirit Army would be enough to deal with them.

According to Lord Yuwei, the Situ World Spiritist Clan was already a powerhouse back then, and a thousand years had passed since. She couldn't tell how powerful the Situ World Spiritist Clan had gotten over the years either.

Nevertheless, he still made up his mind to head to the Situ World Spiritist Clan.

As powerful as the Situ World Spiritist Clan was, Chu Feng had an advantage over them. They didn't know of his existence.

"Chu Feng, can you come into the World Spirit Space for a moment?" Yu Sha suddenly asked.

Chu Feng quickly projected his consciousness into the World Spirit Space.

The world within the World Spirit Space was divided into two. Half of it was his original World Spirit Space, whereas the other half had become the turf of the Asura World Spirit Army. These two spaces were divided by a gate.

Chu Feng was able to freely pass through the gate, but an invisible force was keeping Yu Sha and the Asura World Spirit Army away from one another.

"Look at that, Chu Feng."

Yu Sha quickly pointed to the gate that divided the World Spirit Space into two halves.

"That is…"

Chu Feng widened his eyes in astonishment.

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