Martial God Asura

Chapter 4234 - His Name Is Chu Feng

Chapter 4234 - His Name Is Chu Feng

"A random treasure allocated according to one's desire is already this powerful."

"This Ancient Compliance Castle is truly remarkable. It's no wonder there are so many people that want to enter this place."

"It's also no wonder that there were people that wanted to obtain the Ancient Compliance Castle for themselves."

Even though Chu Feng already knew that the Ancient Compliance Castle was amazing, he was still shocked by the efficacy of the medicinal pellet.

He had never heard of a medicinal pellet that was so powerful.

The Ancient Compliance Castle had existed for many years. Countless people had stood before the Compliance Mirror.

If all those people had encountered treasures that fancied their interest, then exactly how many treasures were there in the Ancient Compliance Castle?

Furthermore, what sort of quality treasures were those?

It was truly a place that one would become very curious about, a place that could stir up greed in one's heart.

"Yu Sha, did your cultivation manage to increase?" asked Chu Feng.

Chu Feng felt that Yu Sha must've increased her cultivation through the closed-door training.

"Rank one Utmost Exalted," replied Yu Sha.

"Rank one Utmost Exalted?"

"Girl, you've made quite a bit of progress. Judging from this, it was worth it for you to spend all that time in closed-door training."

Chu Feng felt very happy.

Yu Sha's cultivation had surpassed his expectations.

After all, Chu Feng was only a rank one Utmost Exalted himself.

Yu Sha being able to gain this level of cultivation would also serve as a huge assistance to him.

After all, she was no ordinary world spirit. Her heaven-defying battle power was terrifying.

Suddenly, Chu Feng's expression changed.

"There's motion outside."

"Girl, I'll go out and have a look. I'll come back to reminisce with you later."

After Chu Feng said those words, he immediately cast his consciousness back into his own body.

It was only then that he discovered that the gaseous flames that had been blocking the crowd's vision had dissipated.

Chu Feng was finally visible to the crowd.

"Who's that?"

When the crowd saw Chu Feng, the great majority of them revealed confused expressions.

The person they were expecting was Lu Jie.

But, the person that had appeared was a stranger.

This made them extremely puzzled, so much so that they weren't even certain if Chu Feng was the person that had breached the Hidden Gate.

"It's him?"

Right when the majority of the crowd were confused, some people recognized Chu Feng.

Yue Yang and Chen Guang were amongst them.

But, compared to the others, the shock on their faces was even stronger.

After all, their previous encounter with Chu Feng was still vivid in their minds.

That day, Chu Feng had been requested by Long Xiaoxiao to aid her. On that day, they had thought Chu Feng to be a genius world spiritist.

After all, Long Xiaoxiao had praised Chu Feng extravagantly.

But, they were astonished by what had happened.

Not only had Chu Feng been unable to release his spirit power, he hadn't even dared to call out his world spirit.

Because of that, they'd thought Chu Feng to be a scammer, so much so that Chu Feng's name had become an object of ridicule for them after that day. From time to time, they would tell others about that ridiculous individual called Chu Feng.

But, the person they were laughing at should be a swindler, trash, a useless fellow.

How could someone like that be able to find the Hidden Gate?

As matters stood, they couldn't help but wonder if they had underestimated the fellow by the name of Chu Feng.

Could it be that he had truly encountered some sort of difficulty, and had been unable to use his world spirit techniques?

Or perhaps he wasn't the person who had opened the Hidden Gate at all?

It might also be possible that he had opened the Hidden Gate by sheer luck.

Yue Yang and Chen Guang were making nonstop guesses.

"He… he's still alive?!"

Compared to Yue Yang and Chen Guang, there was a person who was not only shocked, but also terrified.

That person was Li Fengxue.

Not only did he know Chu Feng, he also knew what Chu Feng should've encountered.

That day, Chu Feng had received the Incomplete Maps of the Ancient Era's Spirit Domain from his master.

Hidden inside those two Incomplete Maps of the Ancient Era's Spirit Domain were Realm's Ghost Talisman Insects, absolutely fatal things.

Those insects had been purchased by his master using a great amount of wealth, all so that he could protect the Incomplete Maps of the Ancient Era's Spirit Domain and make those that touched his Incomplete Maps suffer a miserable death.

The reason why those Realm's Ghost Talisman Insects cost so much was because they were no ordinary poison. Contained within their bodies were spirit formations.

Their spirit formations were extremely dreadful. Unless one was a Martial Exalted-level expert, they would definitely be killed by the Realm's Ghost Talisman Insects without exception.

'Could it be that those Realm's Ghost Talisman Insects had been discovered ahead of time, and had not entered Chu Feng's body?'

Even though Li Fengxue felt that Chu Feng shouldn't have been able to avoid the Realm's Ghost Talisman Insects, he could only guess that Chu Feng had been aided by Grandmaster Tang Chen, and had managed to avoid being affected by the Realm's Ghost Talisman Insects after seeing how Chu Feng stood before him completely unscathed.

'That old fart Tang Chen is truly quite skillful.'

'But, if he avoided the Realm's Ghost Talisman Insects, why is Yuan Shu acting so hostile toward me, like he's planning to kill me?'

'Yuan Shu is actually someone who holds a grudge this much?'

Li Fengxue's brows narrowed. He felt that things were amiss, but was unable to tell what was amiss.

"Who's that?"

Compared to Chen Guang, Yue Yang and Li Fengxue, the others were all filled with curiosity toward Chu Feng.

The expressions were slightly complicated. There was seriousness, reverence and even disapproval in their eyes.

The praises that they'd been shouting earlier had all disappeared.

Evidently, for the majority of them, Chu Feng, a stranger, opening the Hidden Gate was something they could not accept.

At that moment, Yuan Shu spoke, "His name is Chu Feng."

"Chu Feng? Whose disciple is he? How come I've never heard of him before?"

"That's right. Brother Yuan Shu, you know this man?"

The crowd all began to question Yuan Shu.

As Yuan Shu was Grandmaster Tang Chen's disciple, he already enjoyed a great reputation, and was known to those people .

His strength had also gained the acknowledgement of most people. As such, the people present believed in his words.

"He's naturally a disciple from a famous teacher. As for whose disciple he is, you all will come to learn that in the future."

With a smile on his face, Yuan Shu began deliberately beating around the bush.

His actions had successfully caught the crowd's interest.

After hearing Yuan Shu's introduction, the crowd's opinion of Chu Feng had also changed somewhat.


Suddenly, a figure appeared deep within the Ancient Compliance Castle.

It was an old man wearing a plain cotton gown.

The old man's hair and beard were both gray.

His hair was very fluffy, like a lion's mane.

Even his beard was puffed out.

Due to his fluffy hair and beard, one could only see a very small amount of his face.

Only his eyes could be seen most vividly.

But, his eyes appeared to be extremely tired and sleepy. They lacked spirit completely.

His outfit and appearance made him resemble a beggar.

However, once that person appeared, the people of the younger generation present immediately bowed respectfully toward him.

The reason for that was because he was the master of the place they were in. He was Old Man Compliance.

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