Before Li Xue could realize it, time swiftly passed by. Shin Tinming had long gone to work in his study while her little devil was also out somewhere with the young brat. She was all at ease, feeling all home, so the need of checking time never struck her. Only when a maid came to interrupt her talks with the lady did she realize how efficiently time went by.

"Your Highness!" The maid interrupted before bowing her head to the lady. Then seeing the queen turned her attention to her, she added, "Sorry for the interruption but the guards from the front door have called to inform that the Prince of East City, Su Ce has come to meet the lady and His Highness."

Hearing the name, nothing changed in the expression of the queen. Seeing her unchanging expression like that, anyone would feel that the name was of some insignificant person.

But given Li Xue's gathered information, Pince of East City was not a small name to be overlooked. After all, in the royal family and their relatives, other than the Crown Prince and the lead royal couple, that one name is only considered to be significant. The one who holds both the brains and qualities to challenge the system on which the royal rules and customs were based on.

Chen Rui uninterestedly looked at the clock at a distance and said, "It's already so late. And Su Ce would need to travel back to the other side of the city. It's better to not trouble him at this late hour. Tell him with all due respect to visit us at lunch tomorrow. We would love to guest him then." She said and the maid nodded before leaving without any expression of surprise.

Li Xue was a bit dumbfounded. Was that the case every time? Or else, the maid wouldn't have been so familiar with the sequence?

"Wouldn't that be a problem later?" Not quite well getting it, Li Xue asked with some hesitation. But The royal lady waved her hands with some disagreement.

"What problem could there be? Can't I reject hosting a guest on my own?" She asked and Li Xue couldn't say a no to her asked question. Shaking her head first, she nodded it again.

"Of course, you can. I just thought that because of me you are rejecting to meet him"

"No, no, even without you I would have done the same. Who would love to see the guest at this hour?" Chen Rui said and Li Xue could only leave the topic as it was. After all, hosting a guest or not was one's own choice and none has the say in that.

While at the same time, outside, Su Ce was waiting in his car with his assistant when he saw a guard coming forward to whisper something in the ears of the other. Then discussing something among themselves, one of them came forward to inform with politeness.

"We are sorry, Prince Su. But Her Highness has let her maid pass on her concern to you. Seeing the late hour at which you have arrived at the palace, she said it would be a hassle for you to return back on time. So for your wellbeing, she has suggested you to come the next day during lunch". The guard at the gate said all politely, keeping his head low. Since Her Highness has asked them to be polite, they wouldn't dare to reject her order.

Su Ce's expression changed for the minutest second as his eyes sharply looked at the car that was parked far ahead. Then regaining his calm, yet cunning composure back, he said in a tone of pretentious gratefulness. "Oops, I almost forgot how well Her Highness treats me. She definitely wouldn't want me to return late at night and take the trouble of sleeping late. Certainly, there must be a problem in the rooms of the palace which wouldn't be suitable for me staying overnight."

He said and with his words, he easily specified both, his thoughts for the lady and also thoughts of the lady towards him. None of them hold any true concern about each other, there were just the necessary formalities that they needed to show to each other.

"We are sorry for the trouble, Prince Su!" The guard apologized once more, bowing his head to which the prince smiled and shook his head holding a smirk.

"No problem at all. I can understand. Deliver my apologies to Her Highness as well." He said, seeing the guard nod at his words. Then pausing, he asked with an interested tone. His eyes staring at the car parked ahead. "By the way, at this late at night, is there someone else visiting the palace?"

Having the details of almost everything in the palace, it wasn't too tough for him to tell that the midnight blue-black Bugatti Divo wasn't something that the oldies would love to own, nor a car in the league for the childish crown Prince to drive.

"That, Prince Su, we are not allowed to reveal the details of people coming to the palace to anyone. So please forgive us." Keeping the politeness, the guard solemnly denied. Though revealing such a small detail wasn't tough for them, there was a code of discretion of the palace that everyone was bound to follow.

Su Ce nodded and then turned to look at his assistant, giving him a nod. Pei Biming nodded before moving his hand on his tablet to note something before asking the driver of the car to drive back. But just when they were about to take the turn in retreat, a whooshing sound of the car made Su Ce halt his driver.

"Wait for a second!" He said and that very instant, his driver paused his actions.

Su Ce's eyes turned sharp as he saw the black Maybach appearing and driving ahead of his car. He waited only to see the royal guards hurrying to open the gates in the welcome of the car.

"Biming, check and tell me the details of the two cars soon" He ordered his assistant while keeping his eyes all straight at the car as if, if looked with all concentration, he would be able to check the person sitting inside the car.

"Sir, this black Maybach's details have been traced. It belongs to Feng Shufen of the Feng Internationals", the assistant reported immediately, moving his fingers swiftly over his tablet and the mention of the name was enough to put the young prince in shock.

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