Li Xue stared at the distance where the salesgirl left. Something felt amiss to her. All this time she was feeling someone's eyes over herself, but turning around she couldn't find anyone around. Things felt normal but had an air of suspiciousness in them.

She was pondering over the thing when suddenly heard her phone ring in her bag. Pulling out, she answered the phone at once. "Hello, Yi Lan."

"Li Xue, where are you? I have come to your forest place but you are not here. Don't say you have again made some plan excluding me" From the other side of the call, the accusing voice of Feng Yi Lan came that only made Li Xue roll her eyes.

"Dear, why are you still looking for me? Shouldn't you be going to look for Director Qi instead?"

"Li Xue, don't change the topic. Tell me, where you are and I will …"

"You don't have to come to me. I am out for some work and would not be able to stay at one place for long, dear. So, you better don't bother coming here. You have completed the important show of your company. But I still have some lineups." Li Xue interrupted her words in the mid as her lips curled up looking around.

Feng Yi Lan pursed her lips. But then shrugging off her shoulders, she said, "Fine, enjoy then. I won't disturb you. But at least tell me where you are at the moment. I may be of some help, you don't know".

Li Xue pondered for some moment before actually nodding to her idea. "I think you are right. You could be a help. Right now, I am in Western Arcade in some unknown store. Do you have any information about it? I feel like there is something special about this store that I am yet to know."

"Huh? Which store at Western Arcade are you talking about? As far as I have known, all the stores there are of high-end brands whose information are all easy to find on the internet".  Feng Yi Lan said and her words only made Li Xue look around the store one more time with some thought.

Of course, it was the same as she had heard before. At Western Arcade, every store was of high-end domestic and international brands. That's why when her eyes caught this nameless store with just two independent letter names, it caught her curiosity to know more about it.

"I know that Yi Lan. But this store is new and has quality products. And as I said it's not some renowned brand. It's some 'YY Collection Casket'. The salesgirl here said that they have just started the store to analyze the market of our country. It's surprising, right?" Li Xue said as she picked the embellished wallet again to check its detailed design.

Feng Yi Lan hummed on the call. "That's too expensively surprising, girl. Booking a spot at Western Arcade just to analyze the market is like flying hefty currency kites in the sky. Anyway, I will ask someone to check around".

"Mhm. Their collections are few but they are all something you won't be able to reject. This brand has the potential." Li Xue added more as her eyes caught the silhouette of the salesgirl appearing back. "Okay, Yi Lan. I will hang up first. I need to finish this up soon so that I can go and pick WeiWei up later". She said before disconnecting the call.

The salesgirl smiled as she came up with a packed box in her hand. "Ma'am, our store has a high-quality piece of cashmere scarf. See, if this is matching with the requirement you are looking for". She said before keeping the box aside to unbox it and reveal a mauve-colored scarf inside.

Li Xue stared at the piece. Her eyes pausing at its simplicity while her hand moving on its own to check the soft fabric under touch. "This design seemed to be strictly prepared and the fabric of cashmere is also very soft under the touch. It will become softer and softer with passing time. This is really a good one but can I know who is the one behind this creation". She asked, lifting her eyes curiously to look at the girl, waiting for her reply.

But to her question, the salesgirl just smiled, without revealing much about the things. "Ma'am you have keen eyes to see that. This piece was one to be strictly prepared. Sorry but we can't reveal much about our creator, but don't worry the fabrics are authentic and we aren't doing fraud".

Li Xue smiled. "Haha … I can't worry about the fraud as I can already see the quality of the fabric. It was just that your brand is a little too mysterious, killing me with curiosity, so I asked. Anyway, since you are not comfortable revealing too much, I won't make it difficult for you. Help me pack this one and bill this in my name." She said and the salesgirl happily nodded.

"Yes, Ma'am. Just give me a moment. I will discuss the price with the owner over the phone." She said and Li Xue understandingly nodded.

The call didn't take much time. Soon the sales girl proceeded with the billing process and clearing the bill, Li Xue set off from the store, waving goodbye to the salesgirl.

Just after she left, the back corner door of the store was pushed open as a woman came out with a smile written over her face. "Did she leave with satisfaction?"

"Yes, Ma'am. She was happy and satisfied with the scarf. But I never knew that scarf was in the store for sale? Sorry for my incompetence" The sales girl apologized and the woman just laughed out loud.

"Haha … you are not at fault. That scarf was not for sale. But since it matched something she was looking for, I made it an exception for her. Never mind, she was happy and that's all that matters" The lady said, turning around to smile at the girl.

But right at that moment, a voice interrupted from behind, surprising two women in the store all of a sudden.

"My happiness was so much of concern, I never knew". Li Xue said, returning back to the store.

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