Mama's Princess Is Daddy's Beloved

819 Don't say, it's Sister Yi Ran.

Qi Shuai's back stiffened at the voice as he turned around to look at Li Xue who had suddenly appeared pushing the door open. She was staring alternating her questioning eyes at both of them one after the other. Looking at her like that, Qi Shuai really wanted to punish his own tongue for not being careful. Only if he had not been repetitive in his words, he may have escaped being heard like this.

"Huh? Did I interrupt something? What accident and culprit were you talking about?" Li Xue asked again when saw no answer coming. Her eyes, getting still on the expressions of Qi Shuai.

Seeing her getting focused on him, Qi Shuai coughed lightly before pullings his lips into a smile. "Haha … how can you interrupt Xiao Xue? Not like we're hiding a secret from you" He said, shrugging his shoulders off, before continuing again, "We were just discussing the business. Nothing else!"

Li Xue doubted his words. His tone and unusual smile made her suspicious. "Really? Then what about the accident and the culprit?" She asked, reverting her eyes to look at Feng Shufen, who was sitting silently behind his chair with a nonchalant expression, looking at her.

"Ah, that! You want to hear that. Haha … I was talking about business in twisted words to make it sound like adventurous fun. We have got the news that the market will be having an economic crash very soon and since we have a special position and role in the industry, we would have to find the real culprit behind it. Didn't it sound fun?"

Qi Shuai said, using his best brain to weave this third-grade story that even a kid wouldn't believe. But since he has got no other way, he could just come up with anything spontaneous. After all, he cannot be the same as the Devil, who could even remain cool in the direst situation like this.

When heard Director Qi saying that Li Xue could not help but stare at him blankly before raising a small brow of 'oh' at him. Though she has been a good student back in her school and university days, she still had no good knowledge of the business. Living with Yi Lan and Feng Shufen for quite some time now has let her know about its basics, but she knew well that those basics were far away and different from the advanced studies that Qi Shuai and others practice.

So, not having much knowledge about the topic she didn't plan to dwell on it. But then something in the expression of the man was not supporting his story, not going along with the plot.

"Director Qi, are you really sure of that? I mean something on your face is not agreeing with your words." She said, pointing suspiciously at his expression.

At her doubt, Qi Shuai's hand at once went on his face. "Something on here? Where? Is it fine now? Huh?" He asked, rubbing away thinking of dirt on his face.

Li Xue's brows knitted more at his action. "Director Qi, you don't seem fine. Is everything alright with Yi Lan? She did not pick my call earlier."

Qi Shuai was almost at the brink of losing himself at those questions. Though it was easy for him to answer and deny the doubts of the woman, the anxiousness in his attitude was too much to keep it easy for him. Furthermore, he felt like he was playing two roles in the situation. One for himself while the other on the behalf of his friend since he has chosen to keep mum and aloof.

His eyes went to glare at the Devil but he knew well his glare would be of no use at the person. "Haha … Yi Lan must be asleep. You know she has just completed one of the big events for Aurora. She must be in need of that".

"But …" before Li Xue could say more, finally Feng Shufen from the side interjected, putting an end to the topic.

"You came here in a rush. Was it for Yi Lan?"

Li Xue nodded. Since Feng Yi Lan had not picked the call earlier, she could only come here to ask Director Qi about it.

"You don't need to worry. I have called earlier for something and the housekeeper of her place said that she is fine and sleeping soundly in her room." Feng Shufen said, keeping it simple. And at the side, Qi Shuai could only be speechless.

The Devil's ways were not only simple but also perfect! Here, he had almost used half of his brain yet was not able to put the end to the suspicion topic, yet just a few words from him instantly soothed the topic as there was nothing to worry about.

Couldn't he be merciful like this before? Qi Shuai pursed his lips. If his friend would have really been that kind then, he wouldn't have called him with the title of Devil. His eyes grudgingly stared at Shufen but nothing changed.

Li Xue at the front nodded. "Oh, that's fine then. I think I felt a false alarm. Anyway, I will call her later and check things for now you two can carry on with your work, while I will go my way." She said with a smile. Feng Shufen nodded to her words as well. They looked like an understanding, harmonious couple together that could put anyone at envy.

Li Xue smiled, realizing it well. She was about to retreat out pulling the door after her but just when she thought of it, the bubbly voice of her little came from downstairs that made her brows tugged together in confusion.

"You are really WeiWei's Aunt? How come WeiWei has never met you before? Should I call Mama to ask first?"

Hearing that voice, Li Xue turned to look at Feng Shufen. "I think we have a guest downstairs. I will go and take a look first". She said, before pulling the door close and walking off.

Behind, Qi Shuai was also confused. "Aunt? Who is it now?" His expression paused as he guessed, widening his eyes, "Don't say it's Sister Yi Ran."

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