Mama's Princess Is Daddy's Beloved

1394 Be in the past, present or eternity.

Whatever was happening in the hospital was getting live telecasted. When Chen Rui and Shin Tingming sat for lunch, Butler Cao came in with hurried steps. His expression was looking all pale as if in just a few minutes, he had aged fifty years more.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, sorry to interrupt but this is important. Young Miss has been kept stuck at the hospital by the reporters." He said and both Chen Rui and Shin Tingming frowned at his words.

"What happened?" Shin Tingming asked.

To which the butler simply bowed his head down, "Your Majesty, you have to come and see. I fear my words won't be able to explain things properly." He said and at his request, the royal king picked the napkin from the side and wiped off his lips before pushing the change to stand up and walk along.

"Let's go." He said and the butler courteously moved aside to give the way to the king. Chen Rui also followed Shin Tingming's suite. But just as she stood up, her phone rang. Seeing Shen Bingling's name flashing over the screen, her brows furrowed deeper but she received it without any delay.

"Hello ..." She started but before she could even say anything, the girl on the other side of the call interrupted her. Although that interruption sounded impolite, the depression in her tone also couldn't be forsaken.

As Chen Rui heard her continue, her expression darkened gradually before reaching its extreme. Towards the end, she spoke in a cold voice, "Don't leave Li Xue's side. Stay with her. The royal guards will be there soon." She said and then disconnected the call without giving any other chance for Shen Bingling to reply.

And that's where Shen Bingling knew that she would also have to take the punishment for crossing her boundaries and putting Li Xue in such a situation. But at that time, she no longer cared for that. The happenings of later is for later, at the present, it was the present to focus. So, after the call ended, she didn't think much and rushed back to check on Li Xue.

While back at the palace, Chen Rui's expression was all stern as she ordered the guards to leave immediately in Li Xue's rescue. She might not have gone after Shin Tingming and Butler Cao but now, she perfectly knew what the concern the butler was referring to.

As her fingers clenched on the sides, after a short moment, she dialed Yuchun's number to call. When the phone got received, she didn't offer any formal greeting, rather went straight to say, "I don't know what you would have to do, but I want you to see you with Feng Yu Hao in the next two hours."

Saying that she disconnected the call and then walked in the direction of the living room. At this moment as much as she feared for Li Xue, she was scared of Shin Tingmng's reaction as well. He had just started going back liberal on Feng Shufen and now that this thing had happened, she was not sure how things would end up again.

While at the same time, back at the hospital, Li Xue's head was unbearably throbbing with pain. She remembered everything and that was the relief but along with the relief, there was also irritation. Irritation that she was feeling with the continuous blabbering of the people around. She needed time to adjust, but just as she was going to lift her head, she felt a movement around which made her alert.

Something shiny flashed at the corner of her eyes, and before she could check what it was, her senses gave her the hint. Ang her hand, raised up to catch the attack coming her way. Her expression turned cold, as she turned to look at the person, only to find him unfamiliar.

"Who are you?" She asked, her voice coming threateningly cold.

But before she could get her answer from him, the people around panicked. Although none left immediately, they still moved a bit to ensure their safety at the place. The camera didn't stop taking the pictures while there were people who already uploaded the video online, speculating that Madam Feng might have sent people to kill the extramarital affair of her husband.

But Li Xue's concern wasn't that. She had no time to read those things online at that moment =. Ander her focus was solely on the person, whose hand she was holding. The man who attacked her also tried to break free but even after trying his best, he simply couldn't pull back.

When the reporters found that it was all safe around, they asked without closing the distance. "Ms. Li Xue, you got attacked in broad daylight. What have you got to say about this?"

"Ms. Li Xue, do you think it's Madam Feng behind this?"

"Ms. Li Xue, now what do you think? Are you confident in yourself that President Feng will always be with you and leave Madam Feng completely?"

Li Xue was already annoyed and when she heard the people speaking so much, she couldn't help the annoyance from getting evident on her face. Snapping her head, she glared their way and with just her eyes, everyone got silenced.

Li Xue wanted to ask them to not speculate things on their own but when they thought again, she knew that her effort would go futile. So changed her mind and turned back to ask the person about the main culprit.

But without her realizing, another attack was thrown her way, which was way too fast for her to react. She was ready to take the blow but that attack never reached to scratch her. Half way in the air, it was again held back.

When Li Xue lifted her eyes to check who came in her protection, her gaze caught the assuring sight of Feng Shufen which at once brought her back to calm. She opened her mouth to speak. But before she could, Feng Shufen announced, "In this world, I can leave anyone but her. To me, she is the only priority. Be it past, present or eternity."

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