Mama's Princess Is Daddy's Beloved

1032 Status of a princess.

"What do you mean by that?" When saw Li Xue getting arrogant, the woman asked rudely, sending glares in her direction. "Are you trying to offend me on my face?" She added, before taking her time to walk to Li Xue.

Li Xue was neither fazed by her gaze nor felt offended by her words. She just stood there, waiting for the woman to approach her closer so that she could see her face clearly.

"Sister Xue, it was okay. I am here to help you. I would have picked the can and given it to them. There would have been nothing inconvenient in that." Xiao Meng sensed the danger around and couldn't help but ask Li Xue to allow her to bend.

But Li Xue denied it. Keeping her eyes at the front, she simply said. "It's okay. You don't have to since that's not your job."

"Not her job? Isn't she just your assistant? So, picking a can couldn't be hard for her?" Someone amidst the group of girls said as they came to stand just in front of Li Xue and Xiao Meng. "Furthermore, even if you want to consider it as a job, you or she shouldn't be embarrassed serving Sister Bingling. You know she is the most beautiful princess of the royal family and not everyone can serve her."

The girl said with her best confidence before looking boastfully at the woman standing in the middle. Given her sophisticated and beautiful appearance with jet black hair, Li Xue wouldn't doubt her words.

Xiao Meng stared as well and it didn't take long for her to recognize the lady at the front. Sticking to the side of Li Xue, she whispered, "Sister Xue, she must be Shen Bingling. She would also be participating in the project of the royals." She informed and understanding her words, Li Xue blinked and nodded.

Then looking back at the woman, her lips curled up in appreciation. "Hello, Ms. Shen. It's nice to meet you." She said and her such easy tone almost pricked everyone. They were all dumbfounded as if they couldn't believe what they heard.

But there was also nothing they could say or yell at. As whatever Li Xue said was remaining under her boundary of politeness, so they couldn't complain.

Shen Bingling's mood turned sour as she looked at Li Xue and greeted with reluctance. "It's nice to meet you as well." She said as turning to her side, she gestured to her underling to begin the things again. Just with that gesture, Li Xue confirmed that they were purposely there to cause her a scene.

Li Xue suppressed her laughter inside. Did they really think that she would allow them to cause the scene? No way. They might like causing a ruckus on the first day of their work but she was definitely not like them. Neither she like causing scenes nor she would allow anyone else to do that.

Li Na, the other girl who has been standing just on the side of Shen Bingling, immediately understood what she was been asked for. So, giving a wordless assurance to her, she turned back to look at Li Xue to say with previous arrogance. "Since you already know her now, what are you waiting for? Come on, do it then."

Li Xue raised her brows before wrinkling them in confusion. And seeing her so dumbfounded, Li Na repeated the whole of the thing, "Ah I see, you must have forgotten. No worries. We just asked you to pick up this coke-can for Sister Bingling. Do it fast or we will be late inside."

She said and Li Xue just smiled at her request. Xiao Meng felt the tension. And just to not bring Li Xu into the tough spot, she advanced her steps. "It's okay. I am Sister Xue's assistant. I will do it for her." She said but just when she was about to bed down, Li Xue's held her back by her hands.

"Didn't I say that you don't have to, MengMeng?"

"Sister Xue, I …"

"I said so not to offend Ms. Shen, but for I knew that it won't be needed in the first place." She said before turning to look at the girls with a smile. "It won't be needed to Ms. Shen in the first place. And even if it would have been something important, I am sure Ms. Li Na would have been eager to help her out first." She said with a smile and her words made the girl bit down on her lower lips.

"Right. Ms. Li Na?" Li Xue asked with a smile that was holding a challenge for the girl.

"You … Of course, for Sister Bingling, I-I would …"

"Ms. Li Xue, I have heard a lot about you and have also known that you have a sharp tongue. But beware, I am not someone simple you can offend with your words audaciously. Though you might be the Chief female model presenting the royal project this time, don't forget, every year it has been me. You don't yet hold the capability to talk like that to my people."

Not able to take it any longer, Shen Bingling said. Her eyes got a bit fierce, letting everyone know that she had enough of the joke. Now she was serious and was clearly intending to show Li Xue her real position.

Li Xue stared at her for a good moment of time and just when the beautiful princess thought that she had successfully intimidated the woman, Li Xue's lips curled up in a smile as she shook her head. "Ms. Shen, you might have got my intentions wrong. Offending my co-worker can never be my intention. What I said earlier was just for your sake. After all, drinking from a fallen can wouldn't just be unhygienic, but would also not suit your status as the princess."

"…" Shen Bingling felt her fists clench. In her plan of looking down at Li Xue, she never thought, she would bring harm on her own name. She was embarrassed. But …

Li Xue kept the smile still on her face as looking at the woman, she again added, "But since you find it wrong. I might be wrong to think that princess cares more about their status and hygiene. MengMeng, for the satisfaction of Ms. Shen, please help her pick the coke can. She might be feeling too thirsty."

"You …" Shen Bingling was offended but more than offense she felt herself losing the face that was most important to her. "Li Xue, I will see you later." She said and was about to charge forward with some intentions when a soft yet domineering voice from behind stiffened every girl in the group.

"Is there something important going on there?"

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