Lord Shadow
It was a good day. It was spring. The spring air. The blooming petals. The people outside going on a date.
Na Eun was lying on her bed inside her house. No, their house.
And the house itself was beautiful. He did say he pick the best for her. She is smiling thinking of her boyfriend.
Well, their relationship is a secret. Well, it's not really a secret but his boyfriend is known to be a romantic person which is a nice way of saying that he is a well-known playboy.
But she understands him because she knows his secret. All of his secret. He confessed it to her a year ago, the moment they decide to go out together.
Anyway, they have been living together for a year now.
Four years after the fall, Korea have managed to get up from the disaster and united as one.
Even though all the upheaval in the world, the interference of the Japanese Empire and the United States, Korea managed to maintained their independence.
Last year, she gathers her courage and confesses her feeling. She could still remember his face. He was flustered.
And his blank expression.
Which slowly curves into a smile.
They kissed. They hold hands and then they become lovers.
But even after a year dating together, they are many things in his mind he did not share. They are other people inside his mind.
There are other women. Other stuff. Other things that more important than her. Truth and justice.
The man she loved always does the right thing….even when the right thing would destroy him.
A hero bears the burden he once said to her. Four years in this world, he developed affection for the people in it, for the life in it.
A man from another Earth. And one day, soon rather than later, they have to separate.
She knew it. He knew it. And they both accepted that about each other.
Man she mused.
She went to the kitchen. Today is a special day. He would be coming home from the US Business Convention.
So, she is thinking to make some handmade cooking.
The kitchen was clean and temporary which features a wide variety of cabinetry from high quality manufactures.
The countertops are Neolith a thin and extremely durable porcelain slab known for even coloration that allows for longer and slimmer surface.
As she was cooking, she doesn't forget to brew some coffee.
She even wonders why he likes coffee that much. His skill in making coffee would put any barista to shame.
He said it has something to do with the smell of the coffee beans.
As she was waiting for the ingredients getting fired she remembers that night in Southampton.
Azief has a place there she murmured while smiling recounting the memories.
With views of Meadow Lane and the Atlantic, a three level home on a 40 foot bluff with stairs to the beach below it was a veritable summer palace.
The abundant window makes it feel much larger. All the principal rooms have water facing windows.
Outside, there is a seaside mahogany deck, a large pool, outdoor shower and personal spa, and allow sunrise and sunset viewing from various vantage points.
But it was not the house she remembers.
It was what they did. Singing. Azief don't know it but his voice was divine. It was sweet and beautiful. Every time he sings a love song, she will be choked with feelings.
And dancing.
It has always been her weakness. Her step is always a mess. They spent the time loving each other without care in the world.
One day of pure bliss. Remembering it her smiles grew wider and her cheeks blushed.
After finishing cooking she put the meal inside the Temperature Controller Fridge. Then she watches the news.
And then her mood is soured. Because she is just seeing that Azief is doing his old shtick.
She then changes the channel and watches a drama.
She was sitting on the sofa waiting for him to get home. The door opened.
'You're home?' She said as she keeps watching the drama on TV.
'How was your event?' he asked as he sat beside her and put his arms behind her and kiss her on the cheek. Clearly he is happy.
'Hmm' she said as she looks at Azief, her face showing nothing is wrong. She was cute as always.
'You look handsome. What's the occasion? You even have make up. '
She said while laughing which only makes Azief even more doubtful. It was like the expression of her being suspicious of him.
'Emmm….I didn't do it. My stylist did it for me.'
'Even your hair is different' she said as she rubs his hair.
'My hairdresser dresses this style he replies.
Uh oh. It was then Azief realizes something is wrong. What did I do wrong g? It's like a quiz.
Then still smiling she said barely a whisper
I think you're dressing up to look good for girls.
'IF I play around and-'
'Yes?' She said as crossed her hand together and glares at him
'Never mind'
'What is it?'
'Nothing' he said as he gulped. Then she looks forward and asks without looking at his face
'Who is she?' Her voice was full of fire and her eyes were also full of fire. So much so, like it was going to shoot out from her eyes.
Oh shit Azief mused. Then he did what no man should do he chuckles and flashed her an awkward smile
'Wow!' Was her response.
'Did you like it when she dances for you?'
'No. I was looking at her, dreaming it was you dancing it for me'
'Tch. You think I'll fall for that?'
Anyway, he smiles and then hugs her.
'Sorry. I keep saying sorry to you.'
Huh she sighed. It's not like she doesn't know that Azief is not really that kind of person but it still makes her heart burns when she sees headline like that.
'Anyway, what is the case this time?' She said as she is going to the kitchen. Azief follows her from behind as he left his coat at the coat hanger.
'The Case of the Missing Diamonds of Al Mansur.'
'The King's Diamonds?'
'Yes. The Missing Diamonds of Al Mansur was a diamond that was bought by the ancestor of the King family Theon King. Its historical value is priceless and was supposed to be donated to the Egypt Museum when a few days ago during the Qatar Conference it was stolen during its first time exhibits. I was helping King searching for that Diamond.'
'Who stole it? She asked as she poured him the coffee when Azief takes his seat.
'Sasha Makarov.'
'The duchess?' she exclaimed in shock
Nodding, he said
'Yes.' As he take a sip of the coffee.
'She was the Tsar most favorite nephew.' Na Eun said as she realized the enormity of the case.
'You seduced her.' She said as she gets the gist of the story.
'Well…you could say that.'
'I think…'and she paused 'you just like seducing her. I mean with all your abilities, couldn't you just force her to give it to you?'
'And risking the public turns even more?'
'That….'and she sighed. She lost her motivation to spend this night watching movies with him.
She knows looking at his face; there are some thing he is worried about.
In the last year since his cold war with the United States, Azief has maintained almost no interference with the problems occurring inside United States and focused his energy helping the other nations.
People might say he is choosing people to save and don't.
Truth be told…yes. It might seem cruel but he doesn't have the power to save everyone and especially not to save people who don't want to be saved.
Even God could not help people who don't want to be saved.
Alexander king with his Iron Soldier program strikes fear in every nation out of US.
The Middle East was incredibly startled when the US military demands more oil and cheaper oil and was on the verge of an invasion which was stopped by him.
And the Middle East is not the only one.
Other nations also began to see the Iron Soldiers as more just a weapon to fight him but also as a weapon of invasion directed to them which makes his presence supported by the other nations.
A suit or armour around the world. What began as measure against him has started to become the sword that the US military uses to wave around.
And people don't like that. Inside America and outside it. A measure which was created for peace is now being used for war.
Chaos continued even more chaotic than before.
Azief worst scenario has happened.
His existence and the fear for him have led this earth into a deep dark hole with no light shining the way.
He as warned King before. That his effort in stopping him will only bring a higher form of war.
Alexander King way of thinking is superbly naïve for a genius.
Azief could understand his thinking; more than King give him credit.
King believes that if he creates something that could stop him, then the world will be safe. Because to King, he was the ultimate threat.
An otherworldly being with powers and abilities that transcends human imagination. A myth becoming real.
A god among men.
King…believes Hyperion is the ultimate threat. What King failed to realize, man has been the earth greatest threat long before he arrives.
He has already said to him he did not come here to earth to become its savior.
He only came here to improve himself and then return.
He specifically said that to him in hopes of making him understand. Even though Azief has always viewed King as a rival, he never viewed him as an enemy.
In a way, Azief could understand his way of thinking. If it was him, maybe he couldn't accept it either.
That there is a being flying in the sky that practically could do anything he wants without any supervision or force that could stop him.
For a brilliant man, they will fear, as they rightly should. Power that could not be controlled.
That is something to be feared
'What are you thinking?' Na Eun asks as she looks at the dazed look on Azief face.
Thinking about what has happened he only smiles and doesn't know what to say.
She come behind him and hugs his back.
'Don't worry.'
Azief just hold her hand on her shoulder and rub her hand.
These days, he lived practically a good life. He and Na Eun have a stable relationship, relationships where both of them know will not last.
This is not a long distance relationship. They will one day be separated by a universe wide distance.
And the next time he came; Na Eun might not even live during that time. They treat everyday like their last day.
They get jealous at each other, mad at each other, arguing against each other….and loving each other.
Every day.
Every day is a moment to remember for both of them. Their love is beautiful because....it doesn't last.
It's beautiful because they know it will end.
So, they cherished each other more.
They created more memories to cover up the days that they will not be in each other life.
But for Azief, he doesn't want to live a life of regret, a life of what if.
So the only thing he could do now is only one to repay the sincerity of Na Eun feeling.
He loves her.
Without a minute or a second rest, the only thing he could do while they were with each other, is to love her.
And they are happy.
'Join me in bed when you're finished. Don't fly off for tonight' she said as she kiss him on the cheek and went to their bedroom.
Azief sit still drinking the coffee, savoring its flavor.
He also had been thinking about Will. From what Universe Orb tells him, he is now in another universe.
It was not Earth Prime though Will did cross over to Earth Prime for a while.
Azief did peer through the world where Will disappeared to and it was a world of magic. There was a dragon.
Goblins, elves, demonkind and all sort of fantasy creature.
Though what Azief was seeing was a great battle between the force of good and evil. Azief still could not forget what he sees.
A man with a dragon crest armour with a sword as blinding as the sun, riding on top of a black dragon fighting a demon with two horns and black wings that spans across the clouds and below them were millions of men fighting demonic creatures.
The sky was rendered apart, the clouds dissipated; the land split apart, mountains crumbles and the sea churns and churns like a gigantic beast in pain.
It was a world of great heroes.
Azief could only wish Will would be able to break through that world. If Will could tap the speed Source, then he could do it.
He could run fast enough to break through to other universe.
Anyway, that is already out of his hand.
When their battle was commencing in China, Azief was fighting the Behemoth. It is already dead and its corpse in the seabed of the Mediterranean Sea.
Azief smiles bitterly as he takes another sip of the coffee.
Who would have thought that Alexander King was prepared for him and uses hundreds and hundreds of Iron Soldiers to overwhelm him and forces him to retreat.
But if he encounters that again, he will win because two years can change a person a lot.
By now his level is already 56. He has also learned a few other Conceptualizations. He has learned Darkness, Void, Light and Devour.
With the attributes Darkness, when he activates it, it shows a sea of darkness where dark hands is coming from the darkness of the mist to grab the enemy and could drain their energy and life and even in some cases grab the blood vitality of the enemy.
The Void attributes creates a black hole that seems to suck everything into it. It could be used to absorb enemy attacks and magic.
Under the user feet there is also a void energy that is coming to repel any power that is weaker than the power of repulsion of the Void Conceptualization.
Light will create a blinding luminosity of star that seems to cover everything and light darkness away.
It can also be used to stun the enemy and confuses the energy attack as it interferes with the vibration of energy.
Devour summons a gigantic mouth that seems to devour everything and could also be used to devour energy to be used to increase energy inside the user body.
He has also succeeded in his Nine Opening Purification.
Purifying The Nine Openings, Strengthening The Celestial Soul, Preparing For Celestial Presence, Untainted By Mortal Taint.
The Nine Openings are the two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, the mouth, anal orifice and the genital orifice.
The seven apertures are the holders of the six senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and thought.
The last two are not included here because they are to be closed off from any dissipation of energy.
Each of these senses also has a consciousness, which can interpenetrate any of the others.
The eyes can smell, the mouth can hear, the nose can feel, the mind can touch, and so on.
Altogether there are eighteen sense realms: six sense organs, six sense consciousnesses, and the objects of the senses.
It is only because of our discrimination between the senses and objects of sense and the attachment to the physical organs themselves that we cannot experience interpenetration of these consciousnesses.
Humanity has imprisoned themselves within those sensations.
Azief is now free of those discriminations and attachments, so can use any of those consciousness's in whatever fashion is desired.
When Azief enter this state of the seven apertures can emit light, or wisdom light, as it is properly called.
To explain this phenomenon, all we must understand is what happens when we shut our eyes.
Do colors appear? Of course they do.
When we dream we also see colors and lights. Where do these colors and lights come from when we have closed off our organ of sight?
From the consciousness of sight.
When dreaming we may close off the sense organs, but the sense consciousnesses still function and thus produce objects of sense.
Therefore, Azief understands that not only are objects of the senses illusory, but that the organ and consciousness are also false.
This is of course contradictory to the nature of human body and the science behind it.
But the World Orb and the world he has seen has proven time and time again, that their logic is simply too restrictive.
The world is a large place than humanity originally believes.
He also managed to break through the level of Celestial Presence a few months after that.
Celestial Presence when activated will make the air around him compressed and shatter and emitted an Immortal might, creating blinding halo behind his body and Rings of Fire on top of his head like an Asura coming down with fiery vengeance.
With one stomp he could shake a city to believe they were in an earthquake. With one swish of his hand he could dispel a tsunami.
With one blow, he could blow back the Eastern wind. And this is only using his physical might
Then not long after his fight with another monster of the US army, he manages to break through to the Red Palace Forming where he forms another heart inside his body
Forming The Red Palace, Possessing Boundless Vitality And Energy, Body Clear As The Sky, Blood Flows Like The Wind.
A heart made of Blood Vitality and energy
By using his Devour attributes which aided in faster forming of the Red Palace, he manages to create the heart; the blood vitality dwells inside his Red Palace.
The excess blood transmute into pure energy dwelling in the Life Gate which is the two kidneys.
The pure energy then transforming into a purifying heat dwelling in the Ocean of Energy in his lower abdomen and energizes the whole body making him be able to not last longer but also double his physical strength and bones hardness.
And this year he manages to break through to the Eternal Spring.
Using The Red Palace, Blood Returns To The Origin, The Eternal Springs Replenishes The Body, Remains Standing Even Fighting Thousands.
He reaches to a point that his body could be healed with absorbing the natural energy around him and the energy around him
It's different from when he uses Devouring attributes.
And that is it he thought.
He reaches the pinnacle of the body refining. But no. There was another and he almost breakthrough to that.
Undying Body.
Even When Struck By The Tribulation Lightning, Invincible Under The Heavens, Heavenly Laws Could Not Alter, The Body Will Remains, The Laws Will Not Disperse, Remain Forever In The Ashes Of The Stars.
When anyone reaches Undying Body state, his body will be composed of the laws of the world and even when he dies, the Laws remains inside, trapped by the body.
Possessing Undying Body, even when the soul is left, the body will remain, to eternity until the End of the Universe.
If anyone else they will not have discover this.
But Azief who have seen many world s and learn many things in his four years inside earth Two, this knowledge is in his grasp.
With the Universe Orb aiding him, his percentage of success shot up. There were many things that happen in these four years.
Many people he has met and helps him. There is also another thing he needs to do. Dr Chandra. Azief has been lying to him for the past four years.
A white lie he always tells himself.
Dr Chandra believes that he could not see through auernite, a certain metal that interferes with energy.
But Azief could see it through well.
The metals do not exist in Earth prime but it exists here on Earth Two but only in minimal amount.
Azief in his research of earth two has discovered that while his power seem to be miraculous, Earth two has its own share of secrets.
For example, Alexander King serum.
To think he could use the ingredient found in this world to create a serum that could power a person like him.
Even though the Phoenix Initiative has been started a long time ago, the best that Azief has ever been to reach was to murder cancerous cell.
Alexander King is truly the genius of this generation. Azief very much admire that mind of Alexander King,
Chandra however serves another purpose. Azief need the suit. The suit was primarily designed to fight him…..but that was never his intention.
Azief is not stupid enough to create the very thing that would be used to pin him down. He's not that unselfish.
Chandra may believe that Azief ask him to create that suit to help stop him if he ever go bad but it is actually for a different reason.
Azief knows a girl who has literally no offensive power and only knows how to concoct pills.
If she had the suit, at least she could protect herself.
Technology and magic might be different but it depends on how you use them. If the World Orb could be said a source of magical things, then Earth two has developed their technology to the highest pinnacle of science there could be for their time.
Azief has seen many worlds.
Seresian world, which practices magic of the nature and body refinement, and there are also other worlds where they are minimal amount of magic where science and magic coexisted.
In the end, all of his preparation was for him to leave. Four years in a distant universe. But to his friend, it is only four months.
He takes another sip. And he sighed. He looks at the direction of the bedroom and he smiles bitterly.
She deserves a better man he said to himself. He got up and leaves the cup inside the automatic dishwasher.
Then he slowly went to the room and he could see Na Eun sporting a tight but transparent clothes. Azief come into the bed and grab her waist.
'Um' she said coyly.
He did not say anything as he kisses her neck and moans of pleasure could be heard from her.
She turned to face him and then they kissed each other.
Then they began using tongue. While Azief hand went down further to her underwear and slowly began pleasuring her as their breathing turns ragged
What Azief like the most about her was her kiss. He's not implying the sex was not good. The sex was good. It was great.
But it was her kiss that makes him fall for her. It was not like he doesn't kiss any woman before.
In Earth Prime he may not be a rich billionaire playboy but in earth two he was.
Azief discover if you have a lot of money, women tend to throw themselves at you.
Azief has kiss actresses, a world renowned thief, an Inspector policewoman, a Duchess of England, a Duchess of Spain, a world famous singer and a Russian Spy.
He kissed great woman before either for a smokescreen of who he is or as his strategy to get what he wants.
But when he kisses Na Eun, it was sweet as sugar.
It was warm like a home baked pie. The whole world opened up and time doesn't matter. He loses all sense of direction and he doesn't care.
He didn't care because the only person who mattered was there with him.
And knowing they're going to part he did try to give her up. And he has told her, that he could not stay.
And he always felt that it was cruel that one day he is going to leave and she might be left alone here.
He has laid it out in front of her and yet….still…she chooses him.
He reminds her that one day he will fail her and she knows it and accept it. Four years….and he falls in loves the second time.
And as they began undressing and began taking it up a notch, they let their passions drive them.
The sound of moaning, of panting can be heard all inside the house.
They touched each other like they were not going to see each other in the morning. They kissed like tomorrow does not exist.
They fucked each other like an unstoppable hurricane rocking their body to whichever way their heart leads them.
He kisses every soft place of her, makes her blush and faint as pleasure make her weep. He craves every taste of her.
He takes her in his hands and mouth and feast on her, under him, on her back. Her arms and her legs around him.
Her mouth that seems to accept every kiss , as he takes his time making her pleasurable on between her thighs.
They continued making love as the night deepens.
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