Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1373 - Blood Bone Temples

Zhou Wen realized that something was amiss with the buildings here, even though they had mud bricks and wooden roofs from the outside.

However, Zhou Wen saw a gigantic pillar that resembled a femur in the nearest building. It was definitely not made of wood or mud.

Zhou Wen carefully observed the room again and realized that not only were the pillars in the room made of bone, but even the ceiling beam and spine were bones.

Or it should be said that the entire roof was a gigantic spine and rib cage? The columns were leg bones. The interior of the room was propped up by the bones of an unknown beast.

Zhou Wen's heart palpitated as he quickly looked at the nearby buildings and realized that it was as he had imagined.

He saw the bones of various beasts in buildings of various sizes. Or rather, these buildings were built according to the bones of the beasts.

Those with relatively smaller bones had smaller buildings. Some of the small houses were only half the height of a person, looking like models. However, the bones inside were real.

The large buildings were like a palace, and the bones inside were astonishingly large. It was difficult to imagine how terrifying a ferocious beast the bones were from when it was still alive.

According to the different skeletal structures, each building had a different appearance. Some were long, some were short, and some were tall. They looked very strange.

The more Zhou Wen looked at it, the more he felt that something was amiss. This place shouldn't be called a city, but a temple complex.

Of course, the temples here didn't worship deities but the strange beast bones.

The inside of the temple is the bones of mutated beasts… Then, these mud walls and wooden roofs… Zhou Wen looked at the yellowish-red mud bricks and couldn't help but associate them with something.

Don't tell me those mud bricks are formed from mixing mutated beast blood? The more Zhou Wen thought about it, the more fearful he became.

If this Yang City was really built using mutated beast blood mixed with soil, how much blood was needed?

There was also something that puzzled Zhou Wen. It was said that no one left Yang City alive. However, he had yet to encounter any danger.

Since he was already here, he naturally couldn't return empty-handed. Zhou Wen summoned Tyrant Behemoth and made it head for a blood bone temple. He wanted to try destroying the blood bone temple or see if there was anything hidden inside.

Tyrant Behemoth pounced at the small blood bone temple fiercely. The highest point of the building only reached Tyrant Behemoth's waist. Tyrant Behemoth activated its Absolute Strength and punched down from above, striking the wooden roof of the blood bone temple.


Before Tyrant Behemoth's fist could smash into the wooden roof, an evil glow erupted from the blood bone temple. A black sanguine flame soared into the sky and forcefully blasted Tyrant Behemoth's gigantic body into the air.

The blackish-red flames entrenched themselves above the blood bone temple and actually transformed into a blackish-red blood shadow. It looked like a large tortoise, but its claws were like that of a tiger or wolf. Its head was like a bird's, and its tail was like an alligator's with a tip resembling a scorpion's stinger.

The blood figure looked sinister, evil, and oppressive.

Tyrant Behemoth's body was in midair when the blood figure jumped up as if it had disappeared. When it appeared again, it had already grabbed Tyrant Behemoth's body and torn it into two.

Terror-grade! Zhou Wen was surprised.

The blood bone temple he had Tyrant Behemoth attack was already a very inconspicuous one. He didn't expect a Terror-grade existence to be hidden inside.

If this weren't a coincidence, it would be shocking enough with so many blood bone temples in Yang City—even if only half of them were at the Terror grade.

After the blood figure killed Tyrant Behemoth, it turned its gaze to the blood-colored avatar.

Zhou Wen didn't wait for it to launch another attack; he summoned Banana Fairy.

Banana Fairy sat on the banana leaf that resembled a small boat. Her muslin clothes fluttered despite the lack of wind. She really looked like a fairy that had descended to the mortal world.

The blood figure went berserk again and swept toward Zhou Wen as a bloody beam. Banana Fairy's red lips opened slightly as she exhaled a gust of Supreme Yin Wind.

The blood figure moved against the wind, and its charging speed became slower and slower. Furthermore, frost formed over its body. Finally, its entire body was wrapped in ice and blown away.


The frozen blood figure slammed into the wall of another blood bone temple, but it failed to break the mud brick wall. Instead, the blood bone temple lit up as a blood figure rushed out.

The blood figure that rushed out looked like a large snake, but its body was as large as a dragon's. However, it didn't have claws. Instead, it had a horn on its head.

The moment the blood-red snake appeared, it showed its prowess. It opened its mouth and spewed out blood-like river water that surged toward Zhou Wen and the others like a mountain flood.

Another Terror-grade! Zhou Wen was surprised and delighted.

Any creature that came out of the blood bone temples looked to be at the Terror grade. There were so many blood bone temples here, meaning that there were at least 200 to 300 Terror-grade creatures.

To Zhou Wen, this was a holy land for grinding Companion Eggs and dimensional crystals.

However, it was unlikely that there weren't any Calamity-grade creatures in such a terrifying place. If he encountered a Calamity-grade creature, Zhou Wen's means of resistance would be very limited without the help of the Heavenly Robe.

After the blood shadow beast slammed into the wall, the ice around it shattered. Its body wasn't too affected, but its actions looked a little stiff.

It got up from the ground and shook the ice fragments from its body. It opened its beak-like mouth and let out a strange scream, forming an aural ring that quickly spread out.

Banana Fairy was clearly a little peeved as she jumped down from the banana leaf and danced in front of Zhou Wen. She fanned the two monsters with the banana fan that was transformed from the banana leaf with one hand.

A terrifying Supreme Yin Wind swept out as the torrent-like blood froze. Even the sound waves were frozen in midair. With Banana Fairy as the origin, a fan-shaped area of ice was instantly formed. The two blood shadow-like Terror-grade creatures were frozen into ice sculptures and sent flying.

Their bodies slammed into the wall of a blood bone temple. This time, they failed to shatter the ice around them, but they also failed to destroy the temple.

Boom! Boom!

Due to Banana Fairy's fanning, the hundred-plus blood bone temples in the frozen area emitted terrifying black sanguine flames. Terrifying black and red blood shadows rushed out of the temples.

Every black and red blood shadow emitted a terrifying aura. Without a doubt, they were definitely at the Terror grade.

Zhou Wen looked around and didn't see a single creature below the Terror grade.. He was alarmed. What's going on in Yang City? Why are there so many Terror-grade creatures?

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