Lady Su’s Revenge

Chapter 449 - Call black white

“Enough with your hurly-burly! How indecent!”

Just as the groups were arguing in the hall, an angry grunt came through the hall straightly into the ears of the crowd, like the matin bells and vesper drums deafened the crowd for a moment.

At the same time, a hunched figure appeared in front of the bedchamber and came next to Su Dingxian before the crowd even blinked. His eyes swept across the room indifferently.

“Why is he here?!”

Once Su Xianyun saw the face of the old man, his heart thumped, and he said a four-letter word secretly, forcing himself to bow respectfully and greeting unanimously with other elders.

“Old ancestor!”

“Old ancestor!”

“Old ancestor…”

The hunched elder nodded, but his face full of age spots was indifferent. Only when he looked at Su Dingxian, a little warmth emerged on his face.

This person, was the biggest backer of Su Dingxian, also the root of Su Dingxian’s side in the second house.

Su Dingchuan!

“Dingxian has told me what’s going on. I’ve checked with my divine awareness and haven’t found Su Jiuzhou’s pneuma here. Unless something unexpected happens, this woman has taken those practicing resources and escaped from the second branch of the Su Family.”

Su Dingchuan had no intention to hear Su Xianyun’s explanation and gave a final judgment as soon as he appeared. He instructed the crowd, “The practicing resources of the Su Family should not be stolen away easily. Send people to bring Su Jiuzhou back by all means, alive or dead!”

“Old Ancestor, I’m afraid there’s a misunderstanding in this matter!”

Su Xianyun was anxious and couldn’t help but speak out.

As Su Dingchuan looked over, Su Xianyun was choked instantly, as if something pressed his head, so that he could not say anything.

“I believe that the head of the branch is loyal to the Su Family and that cunning girl has conned her. I will let this go and say something nice for her in front of the old ancestor, so you don’t have to worry.”

“Old Ancestor! Su Jiuzhou would never lie to us because my life was saved by her. If it weren’t for her, the three of us would have been dead!”

Su Dingchuan called black white in such a serious way. Su Xianyun trembled out of anger, resisted the pressure above his head, and defended Su Li loudly.

“Exactly! If Su Jiuzhou were a liar, why would she give up her future for so little resources? First Elder, your words don’t make sense at all!”

Su Zheng said and touched Su Wenbing who had not made a sound beside him, “Third Junior Fellow Apprentice, say something!”

Su Wenbing turned his head around and his frightening face immediately scared the hell out of Su Xianyun and Su Zheng.

Su Dingxian gave a meaningful smile to the situation, “Xianyun, as you’ve said, only three of you can prove what happened in the Chaos Zone, others are not clear about it. No one else knew if Su Jiuzhou lost all her cultivation because she had to save you.”

His gaze fixed on Su Wenbing as he said, so his implication was obvious.

Su Xianyun was about to retort, but he saw Su Wenbing, who had been silent all the time, suddenly stood out and said softly in an unfamiliar tone he had never heard before.

“The First Elder is right. We have nothing to do with Su Jiuzhou’s injury in the Chaos Zone. She must blame herself for the injuries. Since returning, Su Jiuzhou has discussed the plot to defraud the Su Family of practicing resources. I pretended to agree with her, but that tortured me all the time. I cannot tolerate that the elders will be deceived again, so I hereby make my statement.”

Once these words were spoken, the entire hall became deadly silent.

Su Xianyun stared at Su Wenbing, moved his lips several times but could not say any word.

He didn’t know how to question him. His once familiar junior fellow apprentice now became icy-cold and unacquainted to him.

“Su Wenbing! Are you insane?! What a bullshit did you say?”

Seeing Su Wenbing talk the nonsense, Su Zheng almost went crazy, grasping Su Wenbing’s collar, “Do you know the consequence of what you’ve said? Aren’t you feeling sorry for our master or Su Jiuzhou who had saved your life?!”

Su Wenbing forced a smile, uglier than crying, saying mechanically, “Second Senior Fellow Apprentice, don’t fool yourself anymore. I can’t watch you keep making mistakes…”

“Piss off.”

Su Zheng shook off Su Wenbing, clapped his hands, suppressed his anger and disappointment, and said, shivering, “Touching you has disdained my hands. You are not my third junior fellow apprentice anymore!”

Su Dingxian watched the three fellow apprentices fall out and become enemies, and said gently to Su Dingchuan after coughing slightly, “Old Ancestor…”

Su Dingchuan took a glance.

Su Dingxian didn’t understand the meaning of the glance. Was it a warning or something else? Then he heard Su Dingchuan say loudly,

“Since Su Xianyun and Su Zheng are her accomplices, they will not be tolerated. Lock them up in Duwang Valley for ten years!”

Su Xianyun and Su Zheng were stunned at once, and they doubted if they’d misheard him. Even the accusation was true, it was still insufficient to be detained in Duwang Valley.

Before anything had been thoroughly investigated, Su Dingchuan forcibly declared them guilty and sent them to Duwang Valley.

“Su Dingxian is exterminating the master’s side!”


Su Xianyun reacted with horror in his eyes, grabbed Su Zheng, and retreated without saying a word.

Although he knew that he would never have a chance to explain his retreat, it was still better than dying here for no reason now.

“Are you absconding to avoid punishment like Su Jiuzhou did? Stay.”

Su Dingchuan’s cold voice sounded, as he waved his hand and released a hand-shaped seal. It grew rapidly in the air, and became dozens of times larger in the blink of an eye, smashing to the heads of Su Xianyun and Su Zheng, as if Mount Tai fell on them.

Su Wenbing’s face changed wildly, “This is not the deal we made. Don’t kill them!”

Before his words came out, he was knocked out by Su Dingxian and fell to the ground.

Su Xianyun sensed that he was shrouded by an intense coldness and caught a smell of the death immediately. But the strength was so immense that he had no chance to avoid it.

At this critical moment, a silver light descended from the sky, penetrated from the outer chamber of the hall through the wall diagonally, and collided with the huge hand seal.


In the huge roar, a beam of gold light and a beam of silver bright light flashed in the hall. The entire hall was split directly from the middle into two halves. The servants outside the hall watched the scene in a daze and then began to flee hastily after they realized what happened.

“The hall has collapsed!”


Shortly after the handymen fled, figures flew out of the palace ruins one by one. Everyone was dusty, and some of them, who was right in the middle of the collision, stumbled out with pale faces, covering their chests. They were seriously injured.

Su Dingxian, with his cultivation in Yuanying Realm, was not injured, but his face couldn’t help but become ugly as he saw Ya’er who was dead in the ruins.

For she was the only witness who saw Su Li spit blood. But she was killed by the shock waves of the collision.

“Old ancestor…”

He called Su Dingchuan, but there was no response. Su Dingchuan was staring seriously at several figures, who emerged from the dust.

A few moments later, the dust dissipated.

Su Dingchuan narrowed his eyes and saw a middle-aged man in a servant’s uniform that was coarse standing upright in the ruins and protecting Su Xianyun and Su Zheng, who were shocked but not injured.

“Uncle Guang?!”

Su Xianyun asked with full of surprise, “How could you actually …”

Uncle Guang had always been the servant of the master’s mother in his eyes. He was silent, but extremely careful in his work when he looked after the master’s mother.

But a usually invisible servant actually was an ancestor in Yuanying Realm, who could rival Su Dingchuan!

Su Xianyun could not believe this for the moment, while Su Zheng was already stunned and did not respond for a while.

The middle-aged man shook his head and did not respond to Su Xianyun, while he fixed his indifferent eyes on Su Dingxian in the nothingness not far away, saying slowly, “You have crossed the line.”

Su Dingchuan could not help but sneer at the words, “I have guessed that there must be a practitioner of Huashen Realm behind Su Dieyin, but I did not expect that it would be you. Fellow practitioner, may I ask your name?”

“I am nobody, unworthy of the concern of an ancestor from the Su Family.”

The middle-aged man spoke faintly, and his tone was as cold as before, “Before this matter was fully investigated, do not touch anyone from Su Dieyin’s side, including Su Wenbing.”

“Are you giving me an order?”

An icy-cold expression emerged on Su Dingchuan’s wrinkled old face. He said, “It is not the right place for you, an outsider, to dictate what we should do.”

“Su Dingchuan.”

The middle-aged man calmly called out his name, with a smile on his indifferent face, “You may not listen to my advice. Based on my strength, even if I am not your opponent, I am still sure to kill all the disciples under Huashen Realm from Su Dingxian’s side before you can respond. Give it a try?”

Once these words came out, many elders’ faces changed slightly, and they subconsciously moved away from the middle-aged man.

Even Su Dingxian felt a chill in his heart and could not help but move closer to Su Dingchuan.

A relentless guy!

Su Dingchuan coldly looked at the middle-aged man with a gloomy face, with the golden energy constantly changing in his palms, and he was likely to strike.

Su Dingxian became anxious instantly, and quickly transmitted a voice, “Old Ancestor, … think about it twice! If most people in the second branch were dead, what could we do with an empty shell?”

“Shut up!”

Su Dingchuan bellowed, staring at the middle-aged man as if a poisonous snake staring at its prey.

After some unknown time, the energy in Su Dingchuan’s hands dissipated and the tension was lightened.

“Su Dieyin has not done a respectable job and the evidence is overwhelming.”

As he said, he looked at Ya’er who was dead in the ruins with his old face trembling. Then he continued to say to the middle-aged man, “Regarding Su Jiuzhou, I will ask the old ancestor of the main branch to come over and make a final decision. Before that, Su Xianyun and Su Zheng will be under your custody. If they leave the Su Family, I will ask the main branch to exterminate you by all means!”

“I will take this one as well!”

The middle-aged man pointed to Su Wenbing, who was seriously injured and still unconscious, lying under the ruins. He said with a deep gaze, “After Su Dieyin comes back, make the decisions then. If you can convince Su Dieyin, I won’t meddle.”

Su Dingchuan frowned but said nothing.

However, Su Dingxian stood out and sneered, “Awesome! I’d like to see how Su Dieyin will defend herself in such a circumstance!”

As he spoke, his face became ugly, because the middle-aged man did not even give him a look. The middle-aged man waved his hand to move the broken wall of the hall, got Su Wenbing out of there, and left without saying a word.

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