Lady Su’s Revenge

Chapter 444 - Loser Su Jiuzhou?

Chapter 444 Loser Su Jiuzhou?

Su Li was shocked slightly. She instantly recalled the extremely obscure peeping in the Black Stone Forest earlier.

She was always clear that there was something odd in the Black Stone Forest. But because there were many things to deal with, she had no time to care about that.

Since the seventh branch was involved in and Su Yuanhai was her key to control Su Family, she couldn’t ignore it anymore.

“The information is too limited. Su Dieyin should know more.”

Su Li frowned and pondered for a moment. Then she said in a low voice, “Except for Su Yang and Su Mu, has anyone who took part in the Tea Party for Immortals come back?”

Hua Yan nodded, “Yes, it’s sure. After hearing Su Yang’s description, I am afraid that it could possibly be the fake news from the twenty-five sects. So, I sent people to verify secretly and found that eighty percent of the news was fake!”

“Eighty percent?”

Su Li caught the point at once and said, “That means someone really came back.”

Hua Yan smiled coldly and said, “Yuxu Sect deliberately cover the secret. Because many people who went to that place were the offspring of the powerful people in Jiuzhou Region. There were always several people who were released through the backdoor. Of course, it claimed that they came back after having survived the test.”

“Besides those came out from the backdoor, there are many people who had found the secret as you did. They made lots of trouble after breaking through to Yuanying Realm and were sent back at last. Su Yang and Su Mu were at Yuanying Realm, which Su Family was unknown. If you send them back to the Su Family, no one will doubt it.”

Seeing Hua Yan had investigated so clearly, Su Li smiled and said, “You are still the same as before. Do everything perfectly, even I can’t find a flaw.”

Hua Yan rolled her eyes and grinned, “Without the support of Grand Elder, I would never be able to do this.”

Su Li scolded with a laugh, “Come on. Hurry to practice.”

“I see, Grand Elder. I’m on my way.”

Hua Yan picked up the universe ring. When she was about to walk out of the adytum, she suddenly heard a low voice behind her, “If that day comes, don’t worry about me.”

Hua Yan stopped her step. Without looking back, she raised her hand and laughed, “Don’t make me regret for the second time. Bye-bye.”

Early in the next morning, Su Yang and Su Mu received a sound transmission from Su Li who ordered them to go back to the main branch of the Su Family.

Su Yang got up from the bed with a roll. He rubbed his head and felt distressed, “Go back? If that old guy of the Su Family finds our secrets after we go back, we will be killed.”

Squeezing the carrier rune in his hand, Su Mu seemed to think something.

When did Su Jiuzhou return to Ni Sect? Why didn’t anyone tell them?

What did Su Jiuzhou’s sudden sound transmission mean?

The last test?

“Say something, Blockhead!”

Su Yang grunted, pressed close to Su Mu, and his eyes almost touched Su Mu’s face. He didn’t like to talk with the blockhead, but he didn’t trust anybody else except him.

Su Mu put away the carrier rune, and raised his head to look at Su Yang. Then he said slowly, “We’ll go back.”

Su Yang suddenly became worried and howled unwillingly for a while. Finally, with his spirit drooped, he said breathlessly, “You made the decision. If I lose my life…”

“I’ll pay you back.”

Su Mu said expressionlessly.

At the same time, Su Xianyun and the other two stood in a daze in a wilderness. They also looked dumbfounded.

After a long while, Su Zheng asked with dismay, “Did we escape… just like this?”

Su Xianyun was awakened by his voice, and said loudly, “Come on, guys! Hurry up to find Su Jiuzhou. She was not far from us, so she must be nearby.”

Su Wenbing sighed and asked Su Zheng and others to search in different directions.

Soon after, they found Su Li, who was in rags and “unconscious” in a bush.

Since Su Li came out from the Star Path, she had not changed her clothes, which came in handy at that moment.

The memories of Su Xianyun and the other two were surely manipulated by her. They were completely different before they met Su Yang.

In their memories, it was Su Li who showed great power and took them to escape from the chase of the hundred-man group. She forcibly broke through to Yuanying Realm at great cost and fought with the enemy. After breaking the space, they got an opportunity to negotiate, and finally, four of them went through the vortex and left the Chaos Zone.

All the memories were Su Li’s personal experience, and eighty percent of them were true. So, Su Xianyun and the other two believed the memories after they got that.

That’s why they hastened to find Su Li after they were awake.

It was a great favor to bring them out of the Chaos Zone!

After they were busy helping her for a while, Su Li woke up slowly at last. With a smile on her pale face, she supported her body and sat up.

Su Xianyun and others looked terrible. Because when they healed Su Li, they found that nothing was left in Su Li’s pubic region and all her veins were broken, and her pneuma and blood were extremely weak, even weaker than an ordinary mortal.

The price of forcing to breakthrough Yuanying Realm was the total loss of her cultivation!

Su Xianyun took a deep breath and felt guilty. He had originally thought that the so-called price was just a severe injury. He did not expect that Su Jiuzhou…

“What are the dead faces for? I’m still alive.”

Su Li pretended to be annoyed and said, “I just lost my cultivation. I can practice from the beginning!”

Su Xianyun and the other two nodded firmly, “Let’s go back now and we’ll beg the master to give you the best environment for re-practicing!”

Su Li smiled indifferently, but a touch of worry flickered through her eyes. She hesitated for a moment and said, “I… would better not go back.”

Su Xianyun was stunned, then said solemnly, “Su Jiuzhou, what are you thinking? Our master is not an ungrateful person, and you are a member of the second branch now. Master will definitely help you!”

“That’s true, Su Jiuzhou. Don’t worry.”

Su Zheng patted his chest, “It’s no big deal that we beg our master to give all our practice resources for the next hundred years to you for re-practicing. If that’s not enough, then a thousand years!”

Tears emerged in Su Li’s eyes, but she forced a smile. She said with a hoarse voice, “Well… I’ll go back and see.”

“Great! Let’s go now!”

Su Xianyun and Su Zheng sighed in relief, while Su Wenbing was silent on the side. He was saved by Su Jiuzhou, so the practice resource was certainly not his concern.

However, he was much more sensitive than Su Xianyun and Su Zheng and he had watched many things in the Su Family.

Even if the master were willing to help Su Li, would those elders in the second branch agree with the master to invest such a large number of resources to save a loser like Su Jiuzhou?

With a deep concern for Su Jiuzhou, Su Xianyun carried Su Li on his back and set off.

Maybe because they felt Su Li must not feel very well, none of them ever mentioned the proper business on the road. Su Zheng, who disliked Su Li before, kept telling the funny stories in the second branch to cheer Su Li up.

Su Li listened to him and watched them silently. Her mind was in peace as still water.

She didn’t feel guilty to deceive Su Xianyun and the other two.

This might lie in her selfishness, but it was not a good thing to know too much about something.

If they were at Yuanying Realm and could resist a soul searching, it wouldn’t matter that they knew some secrets of the Chaos Zone.

But they did not.

The location Su Li chose to release them was close to the mountain where the second branch of the Su Family was situated. So, they arrived at the gate of the second branch after only a half-day.

Su Li had never been in the second branch, even in her previous life. Seeing pavilions and attics elegantly dotted in the green mountains, she could not help but praise, “I never expected a place of graceful landscape in the Su Family.”

Seeing that she spoke finally, Su Xianyun laughed and said, “Our second branch is famous for its great scenery. We are not like the main branch. It is full of the tast of nouveau riche.”

Su Li hummed with a light flashing in her eyes. She glanced into the gate with no trace.

A few moments later, two young disciples of the Su Family ran out. One of them froze when he saw Su Xianyun and the other two. Then he turned around and shouted overjoyed, “It’s the eldest senior fellow apprentice! The eldest senior fellow apprentice is not dead! They all came back!”

This shout immediately brought a bustle in the entire second branch.

Meanwhile, in the adytum of the second branch, the elders were sitting together. Su Dieyin was sitting at the head of the table silently with a cold face.

“Head, why are you still annoying the old ancestor? It was about the survival of the Qingshui Circle. I feel pity for Xianyun and others, but they didn’t die worthless.”

Su Dieyin sneered and remained silent.

Seeing the persuasion was in vain, an elder with a white beard sitting at the right table head spoke in a warm voice, “Head of the Second Branch, please don’t be nervous. I came all the way from the main branch to share the good news with you all. Not all the disciples died in that place. Two talents of the main branch, Su Yang and Su Mu, who were deeply hidden by us before, returned alive from the Chaos Zone!”

Everyone changed their expressions as they heard the news. Even Su Dieyin lost her cool and asked out loud, “Did the old ancestor take an action?”

The white-bearded elder shook his head with a smile, “Of course not. The two juniors were not the direct descendants of the old ancestors. How could the old ancestor take an action? One of the two juniors had broken through to Yuanying Realm and made constant troubles in that place. The two parties didn’t want to see that space be damaged, because the loss outweighs the gain. So, they released them both.”

After hearing that, Su Dieyin was silent. She felt bitter in her heart. Because she knew very clearly that her three disciples had no sign of breaking the elixir and didn’t reach the intersection to Yuanying Realm. Unless there was a miracle, it was impossible for them to break through to Yuanying Realm.

She kept silent, but the other elders were relieved and echoed one after another.

“That’s great! I watched the three of them grow up, and they are not like short-lived people.”

“Maybe they could take advantage of this opportunity to directly break through to Yuanying Realm and become the youngest elder of the second branch!”

“You’re right!”


Looking at the elders’ faces, Su Dieyin felt disgusting in her heart. She was about to speak.

Suddenly, the door of the adytum was opened. A young elder who did not attend the meeting came in with full of joy and said quickly, “Head, great news! Su Xianyun and the other two just came back!”

Su Dieyin was stunned for a moment. And then she stood up with a rush, and the light in her eyes shone brightly, “They did?!”

“Of course. They have returned home and are resting in the back hall.”

Su Dieyin couldn’t stay anymore. She saluted to the white-bearded elder who was dumbfounded. She narrowed her eyes and smiled, “Thanks for your good words. I have to see my disciples now. Please excuse me.”

The white-bearded elder responded quickly. He returned the salute with a smile, “You are concerned about your disciples. I can understand. Go now.”


Su Dieyin hurried away without looking back. While the face of the white-beard elder darkened when he saw the other elders of the second branch who were also full of joy.

Even Su Dieyin’s disciples broke through to Yuanying Realm. The second branch was becoming an increasing threat to the main branch.

“I have to report this to the old ancestor…”

Leaving aside the thoughts of the white-bearded elder, Su Dieyin hurried to the back hall and pushed open the wing-room door. Before she had time to make an action, she found Su Xianyun and the other two were standing side by side, and they knelt in front of her once they saw her.

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