Lady Su’s Revenge

Chapter 424 - Names

A few days later, Su Li came out from her room, releasing a hint of the vigorous pneuma from refined Jindan.

After two-year practicing, she had mastered the third level of All Spirits Tactics. Although she was just at the peak stage of Zhuji Realm, it was easy for her to simulate a trace of the same pneuma with All Spirits Tactics, for she had taken Cunzhen Elixir in her previous life.

Holding the pneuma, Su Li took a look at Su Dieyin’s room on the third floor, which was quiet, and walked downstairs.

She had always been a little curious about the origin of All Spirits Tactics. When Lv You offered her the fragments, she only found that they could be used for specific purposes. Later, as it was complemented by Black Lotus, more applications were explored with Su Li’s higher cultivation level.

The first level was just a simple method of concealing the pneuma while the face and pneuma could be altered at the second level. When Su Li mastered the third level, she found that she could simulate any pneuma, no matter it was from human or not…

Such a magical secret method should not have been unknown. She asked Black Lotus, but even the old monster who had lived over tens of thousands of years knew little about it.

While thinking, she came to the hall on the first floor of the spirit boat. Only a few were enjoying the service there since almost all the disciples were getting in trim for the upcoming tea party for immortals.

Su Li casually found a seat and sat down. A servant waiting at the side of the hall came up at once and poured wine for her. Su Li did not refuse. She picked up the wine cup and drank the wine down.

This might have attracted the attention of some disciples in the hall, but they quickly turned their heads away and continued their chatting.

“Is that Su Jiuzhou?”

“Tsk… she looks gorgeous. But she has been picked by head of the Second Branch. We’d better stay away from her…”

“I assume that she is not that simple. The head of the Second Branch was also a top talent back then, so she must be very demanding. There should be something special about Su Jiuzhou!”

“She is just fishing for fame and credit. I don’t believe she is as powerful as my eldest senior fellow apprentice.”

“That’s true. No need to look too high on those low-born.”


Su Li drank one cup after another, distracted. She could hear those conversations and even the voice transmissions, but she still looked as if she heard nothing.

The servant, who had filled the cup at the side, was frightened to see Su Li’s way of drinking. This was not common spirit wine! Would she be alright to drink so much?

“Leave me alone.”

Su Li flicked a top-grade spiritual stone into the servant’s hand.

The servant was overjoyed. Excited, he bowed and was about to leave. Then came Su Li’s voice, “Leave the wine.”

“More? She must be a drunkard in her previous life.”

The servant opened his eyes slightly wider, holding the spiritual stone. He found out that Su Li was still sober from her eyes, knowing that she was not a nobody. He put down the flagon and left respectfully.

Su Li poured herself a cup of wine, picking up the cup and having a closer look at the transparent spiritual wine.

“Not even close to the wine I made…”

She murmured while paying attention to the conversations. Finally, she heard the topic she was waiting for.

“Have you heard that something happened to the tea party? It will be different this time!”

“Really? I have no idea. Tell me more.”

“Actually, it’s not a big deal. That Maniac Mei has eaten about half of leaves of the Immortal Tea Plant raw.”

“What? That’s not a small thing!”

“Eat the leaves raw?”

One cursed with a dry voice, “Why is that crazy bitch still alive? She had done enough ridiculous things over the years. The leaves of the Immortal Tea Plant are poisonous if not refined with a special method. Does she have no fear of being poisoned?”

“Did that mean fewer people could drink the Enlightenment Tea this year? The rest of the twenty-five sects didn’t say a word?”

“Of course they did. They were so furious and went to Yuxu Sect for an explanation. There was no fight eventually. Yuxu Sect must have paid a lot to pacify them.”

“Immortal Tea Leaves could be the only chance for us to enhance our talents but that Maniac Mei just ruined them like that? Damn it!”

“The places are scanty this year. It looks like lots of people will die.”

“The places for those top talents of Yuanying Realm are secured. The dead are most likely to be those at the peak stage of Jindan Realm. As long as we don’t break through to Yuanying Realm, we will always be their steppingstones!”


They vented out their resentment and unwillingness, which Su Li pretended to be unaware of. She just kept drinking.

In the far corner from Su Li sat two youths opposite to each other silently in the disciple uniform of the main branch. One was swaying slightly his wine cup with a sunny smile, while the other wore an ice-cold expression which kept strangers away.

The sunny youth glanced at Su Li who was constantly drinking, grinned, “Tian’nan Chaos Zone will open in a few years. Blockhead, how many people in the hall will die there in your opinion?”

A hint of blue light flickered through the eyes of the ice-cold youth, and he just spoke a name, “Su Jiuzhou.”

The sunny young man smiled joyfully and asked curiously, “Only Su Jiuzhou will die?”

The other became silent. After a long while, he said a few more words slowly, “They will all die, except for Su Jiuzhou.”

The sunny youth narrowed his beautiful slanted eyes, smiled and revealed two shining canine teeth, saying gently, “Since you are so optimistic about Su Jiuzhou, I shall never let her leave the tea party for immortals alive. You are only mine… blockhead.”

At the end of his words, he almost touched the lips of the other and blew his breath onto the latter’s face.

Eyelids twitching slightly, the latter turned his head to another direction and said in a deep voice, “You will be the first one I kill when I reach the middle stage of Yuanying Realm.”

“I’m looking forward to it!”

The sunny youth smiled brightly and wagged his head, “It’s not easy to get a few more words from you.”

The cold young man closed his eyes and ignored him.

In the distance, Su Li stopped drinking and became interested in these two.

These two geniuses from the Head Branch were at the early stage of Yuanying Realm. Since they could sit together drinking, they should have got along well with each other. But that cold youth was not making a joke. She could sense it…

Were they fellow apprentices of the same master and rivals as well?

Su Li suddenly recalled Mei Ruohan, who addressed her as Senior Sister Apprentice respectfully and wished that she could disappear at the same time.

That was exactly the same. It was just that the two here had an opener relationship.

“It turns out that Yuxu Sect I once defended was not better than the Su Family.”

Su Li smiled for her self-mockery and suddenly lost her interest in wine. She shook her head and left.

When the sunny youth saw this, he laughed, “She’s gone. What do you think if I follow her?”

The cold young man frowned. He was intended to discourage him but only said a few words after a long while.

“Don’t get killed by Su Dieyin.”

“I know, I know. I will only die in your hands, okay?”

He then stood up impatiently and scratched his messy hair, “It’s no fun drinking with you. Your sister is funnier to be with.”


The cold youth crushed his wine cup into pieces, and the temperature around them immediately dropped by more than ten degrees. The eye expression of the sunny youth changed slightly but restored in the twinkling of an eye. He smacked his lips and said,

“You have no sense of humor. But don’t forget our agreement. If you make a move now, you lose.”

“I know.”

The cold young man calmed down and collected the freezing pneuma around back into his body. The wine cup in his hand was restored with a light blue luster.

“I am leaving now.”

The sunny young man made a sad face and turned away.

The cold youth sat idly for a moment and left soon after.

At this point, the others in the hall shrugged, “Strange. Why it is so cold suddenly…”

After Su Li left the hall, she did not return to her room immediately, but came to the edge of the spirit boat and overlooked the cloud sea, holding the railing.

The huge mountains, where Yuxu Sect was located, could be seen faintly by now. They stretched out continuously and were covered by clouds, resembling a dragon.

In the nine hundred years of her previous life, she always got a feeling of comfort whenever she saw the mountains from a distance after coming back from outside, as if she saw her… home.

But where was her home in this life?

Su Li was confused.

“Every time I see Jiuzhou Mountains, I cannot help but think that they look gorgeous and they should be mine!”

A peal of laughter suddenly came from behind, and the sunny youth appeared by Su Li’s side. He leaned over the railing, looking at her with his eyes open wide. But Su Li didn’t respond. After a moment of waiting with expectation, he said sadly,

“Why didn’t you continue the dialogue? You’re even boring than the blockhead.”

Su Li glanced at him, ignoring his question, “What happened between you two?”

He was stunned at these words, then his pupils shrunk. She had heard their previous conversation!

But they did set up a tactical matrix to isolate the sound!

“The matrix didn’t go wrong.”

Su Li said directly. The youth could not help but cover his chest and make a strange voice, “Wow, can you read minds?”

Before he could finish his words, Su Li had turned around and walked away without hesitation, as if she had no intention to hear his answer at all.


Su Li closed the door. The youth stared at her room on the second floor. He took several deep breaths, scratched his head, and muttered, “What’s going on? She has known everything about me before I could test her?”

“She is certainly not a person to be trifled with. I must inform the blockhead. We might get much treasure in Tian’nan Chaos Zone with her!”

He became excited and rushed to the room of the cold youth.

The next few days, Su Li would drink a few cups of wine in the hall on the first floor before returning to her room. Some from the Su Family came over to accost her occasionally, but she never responded. Then no one came again.

The hall became more lively as they gradually approached the Yuxu Sect. As a result, Su Li could hear more information, including… many familiar names.

“The hostess of this year’s tea party for immortals is Fang Ling, the champion of the last tea party!”

“The tea party is held every five hundred years and Yuxu Sect now has partly recovered from that catastrophe a thousand years ago. Fang Ling, the holy girl, has a gentle heart and doesn’t wish to see much killing, so fewer people may die on this tea party.”

“Mei Ruohan became the hostess after the death of Holy Girl Su. On the tea party before the last one, that maniac wished all people to die. That was a terrible bloodbath!!”

“I was lucky not to be born in that generation…”

Su Li stood by the railing on the deck, looking at the big spherical tactical matrix protecting the Sect, which appeared in the distance.

When she heard Fang Ling’s name, a hint of fluctuation appeared in her eyes, and the figures of a brother and a sister flashed through her mind before they faded again.

She had heard enough familiar names and didn’t want to think about them anymore. Everything will be clear when she met them.

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