Lady Su’s Revenge

Chapter 413 - My grade is really high!

The fire didn’t go out for five days and five nights, and a half of the soul stone pieces Su Li brought back was gone.

Black Lotus’s heart was aching, as he saw this. Just before he lost his control to rob the pieces, Su Li finally stopped and waved her hand to extinguish the soul lamp.

“Little Su Li, shall we…”

Black Lotus was rubbing his hands and thinking about saying something nice. When he encountered Su Li’s dark eyes that she opened suddenly, he was shocked.

The dimly lit adytum suddenly brightened for a moment. Black Lotus stopped thinking and the rotating speed of the lotus pattern on the ring also slowed down.

“Her soul force has increased significantly!”

After the discomfort, Black Lotus looked at Su Li’s brighter and deeper eyes with a dispirited expression.

In addition to restoring soul injuries, soul stones could only enhance the power of understanding temporally. How did it increase Su Li’s soul power permanently?

This was not logical!

Black Lotus once again began to question his life. Su Li did not notice his oddity and a faint joy appeared in her eyes after the vigor faded away.

“The first level of the Soul Tactics is finally achieved. The Secret Method of Soul is too hard to practice.”

Su Li sighed, and Black Lotus couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

Different from the ordinary cultivation secret method, the Secret Method of Soul, generally speaking, could only be practiced by practitioners of Huashen Realm, who had materialized their souls. Below that realm, the soul was invisible to the naked eye, so it would be impossible to cultivate the Secret Method of Soul!

Of course, there were talents below Huashen Realm, who could materialize their souls. That kind of talents could also cultivate the Secret Method of Soul.

Su Li had not yet materialized her soul, and forcibly cultivated the Secret Method of Soul… For that, Black Lotus could only twitch his mouth, cursing, “Luxurious!”

The rare treasures used for soul recovery were wasted by her. Wasn’t it luxurious?

Su Li glanced at Black Lotus Ring, who seemed to be depressed, and didn’t concerned. Then she opened the door of the adytum.

Yan Ziye, who was meditating while waiting outside the adytum, heard the movement, so, he opened his eyes, rushed to the door, and greeted respectfully, “Master!”

Su Li echoed and stared at Yan Ziye with a strange gaze.

Yan Ziye touched his face and asked uncertainly, “Master, anything wrong?”

Su Li shook her head, “Take me to Su Yuanhai.”

Yan Ziye led the way, while he was thinking about Su Li’s odd gaze. Had he done anything wrong to piss the Master off?

Su Li stared at Yan Ziye, who was contemplating, and realized how horrible the brainwashing ability of the Reincarnation Mirror back then was.

“Black Lotus, was your grade really over the Reincarnation Mirror?”

Black Lotus burst into a rage when he heard the question, “Without doubt! I was one of the top three in the ranking, and that dumb ass was incommensurable!”

The Reincarnation Mirror trembled slightly at her waist.

Su Li seemed to be unaware, and continued with interest, “The seducing ability of the Reincarnation Mirror was terrifying. So far, I have met two persons of the group who entered the Realm of Reincarnation, Dongfang Wuxue and Yan Ziye. Even if they have recovered their real memory, the dominant part still is the part from the Reincarnation Mirror. They betrayed their sect and cursed by thousands of people. They may think that they stay true to the original self and never change their intention until their death. But you, Black Lotus…”

Black Lotus insisted gloomily, “No big deal! Little Su Li, how could you compare me with the Reincarnation Mirror in its most glorious days? Besides, the Reincarnation Mirror was already destroyed. If that dumb ass still had consciousness, it would be more useless than me!”

“I see…”

Su Li smiled thoughtfully and changed a topic, “Black Lotus, do you know any other secret method of soul that may have the same seducing power as the Reincarnation Mirror?”

“Of course, I do!”

Black Lotus blurted out, “If the ability of the Reincarnation Mirror were unique, the ranking of that dumb ass would definitely be higher. Unfortunately, there was a soul cultivation genius who created a Secret Method of Soul titled Heaven Mind. Despite of many restrictions on its use, the effect was not much different from the Reincarnation Mirror.”

Su Li was suddenly enlightened. She just smiled and said nothing more, but Black Lotus seemed to realize something, and his expression changed slightly.

“…The Soul Tactics?”

While the two exchanged their mind, Yan Ziye had brought Su Li to the dungeon of Ni Sect, a place for those guilty disciples. Su Yuanhai was held in a cell alone with his cultivation being sealed.

Despite the torture in these days, he, as one of the top talents back then, was mostly recovered in one day. The only trouble was the seal set by Su Li personally.

Su Li did not cover her trail when she came, so Su Yuanhai heard the sound and stopped the attempt to break the seal at once. He opened his eyes cautiously and was about to pretend to be seriously injured lying on the ground, then, he heard a young girl’s soft laughter,

“Is it too late to pretend to be injured?”

Su Yuanhai froze and found Su Li who had come to the cell. His heart sank.

Even if his cultivation was not sealed, he stood no chance with the Grand Elder of Ni Sect.

“Who the hell are you?”

Su Yuanhai kept silent for a while and could not help but ask. It was abnormal to know his past.

Few people even in Su Family knew the things he experienced in his early childhood, let alone an outsider with no connection.

Su Li’s eyes flickered. The memories of Su Yuanhai in her early childhood was very fuzzy. Based on Su Yuanhai’s reaction, something must have happened in their early childhood.

“You have two options now.”

Ignoring Su Yuanhai’s words, Su Li spoke faintly, “Are you willing to choose the first option, which I am not repeating? You should know that this is your last chance and your time is running out.”

The cell was deadly silent after Su Li said that.

Su Yuanhai felt bitter. He didn’t want to die, but if he betrayed Su Family, he would end more miserably.

“What’s the second option?” Su Yuanhai asked feebly after taking a breath.

Su Li raised her eyebrows, “So, you just refused my first offer?”

Su Yuanhai was silent. He could not answer.

“I’ll take it as a tacit approval.” With an indifferent gaze, Su Li raised her hand and strike out casually.

Su Yuanhai didn’t have a chance to dodge and his chest was hit. Like a cannonball, he was blown away, hanging on the cell wall for some time. Then, he slowly slid down to the ground.


Su Yuanhai spit out some blood and felt severe pain all over his body. The bones seemed to be scattered.

It was not the pain he was caring of. Why Su Li just wounded him seriously instead of killing him directly?

Before thinking it over, Su Yuanhai was hit again. He was in a daze and felt that the sky and earth were rolling over.

The continuous screams echoed in the dungeon, Yan Ziye, who was guarding outside the door, immediately deployed a Sound-proof Matrix. He remembered that Su Li instructed him to keep it secret.

Seven or eight minutes later, the cell floor became bumpy and the walls were full of human-shaped pits and covered by blood.

Su Yuanhai’s eyes were dull and he lay on the ground like a mass of rotten meat, dying. There was crimson blood mixed with small pieces of his internal organs around his mouth.

“Kill me…”

A faint voice came to Su Li’s ears. Su Li in white without a trace of blood squatted down and poked the deepest wound on Su Yuanhai’s chest.

No reaction.

“It seems enough. it will be a loss if I go on and kill him…”

With a mutter, Su Li stretched her five fingers and covered Su Yuanhai’s head. As she began to launch the Soul Tactics, five transparent threads shot out from her fingertips and penetrated into Su Yuanhai’s skull without hindrance.

“The Soul Control Method of Five Threads?!”

In the ring space, Black Lotus recognized Su Li’s method with his eyes widely opened. He could not help but curse, “What the hell! Which old cat was playing with us? The Soul Tactics was bullshit, it is definitely Heaven Mind! What kind of devil she is to master the secret method of soul control in just five days?!”

“It turns out to be Heaven Mind…”

In the Reincarnation Mirror, the pupils of the little beast phantom shrank with confusion and helplessness at that moment.

“What shall I do? I offended her too badly in the last life. If she knew that I had regained my consciousness now…”

The small beast phantom could not help but shiver and did not notice that Su Li’s eyes suddenly turned and ranged over her waist inadvertently.

Half a day later, Su Li took back her right hand from Su Yuanhai’s head with a pale face.



Yan Ziye appeared in front of the cell door before Su Li finished her words. He took a glance at Su Yuanhai lying on the ground, not knowing if he was dead or alive. He answered in a respectful tone, “Ziye is at your service.”

Su Li rubbed her glabella and spoke in a tired tone, “Take him to the guest room and cure him.”

“Ah? What?”

Yan Ziye was confused and scratched his head. Wasn’t Su Yuanhai their enemy?

Why the Master suddenly changed mind after kicking his ass?

Although Yan Ziye was confused, he did not ask any questions. He took Su Yuanhai out of the cell, while the elders of Su Family on the other side of the dungeon still didn’t know what happened.

“Master, did you make it?”

Black Lotus asked cautiously, and Su Li glanced at him, “How do I know that?”

Black Lotus was choked by the question, but did not get angry. He flattered, “That’s true, master. This is your first time to test the secret method. But… if Su Yuanhai was beat into an idiot…”

“Then I will kill him. I don’t care to waste a Yuanying practitioner.”

Su Li said unconcernedly and a chill came over Black Lotus. He forced a smile, “Master, this is not what I mean. Su Yuanhai and you seem to…”

“I have no memory of my childhood, so I don’t have to show mercy.”

Black Lotus was slightly stunned, “It doesn’t make sense. When your Life Ring was shattered in the Reincarnation Mirror, you should be able to retrieve all your memories. It did not matter even if someone had erased your memory. How…”

Black Lotus didn’t keep saying, and suddenly he changed his expression and stopped.

Su Li thought about the situation, but did not ask more. But she asked another question, “Where is the swordsmanship?”


The topic seemed to switch too quickly, and Black Lotus did not know what he should say. His face was full of confusion.

“You mentioned that you would give me a swordsmanship of pneuma and blood school. Have you forgotten?”

Su Li’s tone was faint, but the disdain was clear in her eyes. Black Lotus recalled her questioning before and was sad and angered, “My grade was really higher than that of the Reincarnation Mirror!”

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