Lady Su’s Revenge

Chapter 341 - Wang Yu returns to the Mount


The mirror ring radiated a ripple of vitality from the inside, as if it had life at this moment. It kept rotating in nothingness, gradually fading the surface rust out and becoming silver again.

But Reincarnation Mirror stopped before the rust faded to 40%. It seemed to have run out its energy and fell on the ground inside the universe bag, making a fine sound.

Su Li drove her awareness. After a white light flashed, the mirror ring reappeared in her hands. The heart-blood feeling congealed but did not disperse or fade because of the changes.

Her eyes narrowed slightly as she gently stroked the shiny side by her hands.

The mirror ring on this side was a little thicker. Were those powders really part of Reincarnation Mirror…

“Reincarnation Mirror was invulnerable. Let alone practitioners in Jindan Realm, even Grand Elder who was in Yuanying Realm in Yuxu Sect couldn’t hurt it, but now it was broken into powders…”

Su Li suddenly thought of the old beggar whose cultivation was even higher than that as she imagined. He reached at least Huashen Realm, of which one could condense his fundamental spirit.

Qi Xianqing, who was as powerful as him, would not be much worse. In the cultivation circle, they could be called the Mighty. Any one of them was equally great compared to the old ancestors in the sects.

At the neverland at that time, the Supernatural Realm she reached was nothing but just equal to Jindan Realm in secular world.

“The game between the Mighty… was too far for me.”

Su Li signed slightly, and temporarily put her confused thoughts into the bottom of her heart. She drew up a trace of black spiritual power and injected it into the ring of Reincarnation Mirror. Within one breath, the pneuma of the spiritual power was completely suppressed by the mirror ring.

Seeing that, Su Li felt relaxed, “No matter how, the ability of the mirror ring to shield nature’s mystery has been enhanced. At least in Lianqi Realm, I don’t need to worry about how to shield it any more. For me, it’s a good thing. I don’t need to practice urgently but should recover the pneuma and blood I lost for repairing Reincarnation Mirror…”

At this time, a groan with pain awakened Su Li from her meditation. She looked up and saw that Jin Ying frowned and opened her eyes.

After being a loss for a moment, Jin Ying thought of what happened before she fell into a coma. Suddenly, she was fully awake, sat up and tightly grasped Su Li’s hand. Just as she was about to speak, Su Li said first,

“Why do you have so much cold sweat? Do you have a nightmare?”

Jin Ying was slightly dazed and saw clearly the surrounding decorations. Wasn’t… it her own room? She was not in the woodshed. Was it really a dream?

She felt a little confused, touching her forehead which was still in pain and trying to recall the previous things. She clearly remembered that she was in the woodshed. Could it be possible that she was dreaming all day?

Seeing that she was still in doubt, Su Li smiled and said, “When I came back, I found that you fell in the woodshed, and I don’t know the reason. The bed there is too hard. I’m afraid you can’t sleep well, so I carry you back.”

Jin Ying suddenly realized that she had some impressions of this story. Fainting… wouldn’t it that she fainted because of crying?

She blushed a little. Hearing and believing in Su Li’s words, she felt embarrassed. Fortunately, Junior Sister Apprentice Su didn’t ask her about why she fainted.

“This is the mental method of Yunti Realm that I brought from the elder of the book pavilion. I have read it and you also should learn about it. It’s late at night, so I have to go back to have a rest. We could talk something tomorrow.”

Su Li took out the golden rubbing, put it on Jin Ying’s bed and turned away. Although there were still some loopholes under her cover, this was the best she could do now. As for the rest… she would remove Jin Ying’s memory when she reached Zhuji Realm.

Jin Ying stared at the golden rubbing, slowly picked it up and touched the cover. The familiar touch remained in her mind. She had seen it in the dream. She had never seen a dream more real than the one she had today.

Did the conversation in the woodshed and the mysteriously horrible man in black robe really just exist in the dream as Junior Sister Apprentice Su said? Or… they were all true?

Jin Ying became more confused and then had deep curiosity. If it was not a dream, how did Su Li escape with her?

Unfortunately, the man in black robe had turned into dust. As long as Su Li didn’t say it, she was doomed to not get the answer.

Nothing happened during the night.

The next morning, there was a roar of animals in the mountains. Su Li opened her eyes and waved to open the door. The sunlight came in, making her delicate cheeks as tender as pink snow.

Su Li touched the lotus mark on the corner of her eyes, with her eyes lightly flashing. Last night, the starburst in Reincarnation Mirror was absorbed more than 30%. She could sense that her physical body had made a considerable improvement. If her physical body directly broke through to Jindan Realm, and her perception was still there, then only a vast amount of nimbus to reach Jindan Realm would be required!

“I don’t know if Secret Realm of Shattered Spirits in Yuxu Sect was still there. It has been accumulated for thousands of years, so a large of areas of the inborn spirit lake in that secluded site should be restored. If I can go there…”

Thinking about it in her mind, Su Li suddenly noticed something, so she changed her expression quickly and turned to be obedient. Soon after she put on the grey hemp clothes to cover the ring of Reincarnation Mirror, a rainbow light flew from the sky and fell to the wooden house quickly.

Jin Ying was frightened when hearing it. She quickly climbed out of the back window of the wooden house and jumped into Su Li’s room. She immediately found that Su Li was also hiding at the door and was obviously frightened, though she didn’t show many expressions on her face.

Jin Ying was slightly surprised, because Junior Sister Apprentice Su seemed to be a little different today.

After the rainbow disappeared, Wang Yu was shocked when she used her spirit awareness and saw Jin Ying’s reflection. But after seeing that Su Li was also frightened with her hands wrapped in a white cloth and there were faint dry black blood spots, she looked gloomy immediately.

What happened to the Mount after she left?

As she thought this, she stepped forward and cleared her throat, saying in calmness, “Open the door, two girls. I’m back.”

Hearing the familiar voice, Jin Ying was pleasantly surprised, so she immediately went to open the door in despite of Su Li’s reaction. Looking at the slim woman in red, with her tears quickly gathering, she fell into Wang Yu’s arms at once.

“Master, there you are. Wuwuwu…”

Wang Yu frowned, but recovered soon. Instead of pushing Jin Ying away, she patted her back gently with a little gentle voice,

“Tell me what you have done these days. Why didn’t you practice?”

From her cultivation, she could easily find that Jin Ying and Su Li had still mortal bodies, and they had not even reached the first level of Yunti Realm, which was very abnormal.

Looking at Su Li, who still hid far away, she sighed. It seemed that Su Yue gained more hurts and even became wary of her.

“I’ve managed to have those two girls from Yuan Shu, for they can rank the second or third in terms of cultivation talent in this group of disciples. I’d like to see who was troublemaking!”

Seeing that Wang Yu would support them, Jin Ying suddenly brightened, and told her all the things happened to these days off and on, “When Junior Sister Apprentice and I just went up the mountain the next day and wanted to take the mental method to practice according to your words, the guard disciple and the elder gave it very hard for us, so we could not get it.”

“Didn’t the elder guarding the pavilion give you the mental method?”

Wang Yu almost thought that she had heard it wrong, so she was shocked. At the moment, Jin Ying continued, “I tried to get it for ten days, but every time there were four sisters with silver tokens giving me a hard time. They robbed my clothes, asked me to put on gray clothes and go to the dining room, and said that… if I go to the book pavilion again, they would kill me!”

“By the way! Junior Sister Apprentice Su has been recovering from her finger injury, but she went to the book pavilion yesterday… to steal the mental method of Yunti Realm. Master, please don’t blame her. She was in a trance at that time, but she’s not a thief!”

Jin Ying took out the rubbing with both hands when saying this.

Wang Yu took over the booklet. She was as gloomy as dead water and was already furious.

Between the two children she took in person, one was forced to go to the spiritual dining room, the other’s ten fingers were broken and seriously injured?!

Who dared to treat her Danxia Mount in this way? Did he want to die?!

Taking a deep breath, Wang Yu fought down the anger. After she comforted Jin Ying with gentle expression, she cast her eyes on Su Li.

“Su, come here, too.”

Su Li got nervous, making Reincarnation Mirror turn to the extreme and hiding Secret Records of Black Lotus that run by itself in the deepest part of her pubic region. She showed hesitation and stepped over after a while.

Seeing Su Li be closer, Wang Yu looked slightly soft, then gently lifted Su Li’s hands wrapped in a thick white cloth, slowly uncovering.

With layers of white cloth with bloodstains falling, Wang Yu looked gloomier. When she uncovered the last layer, she felt that she didn’t know how to do it.

The last layer of the white cloth had been dyed black brown, and it was bound with the wound on the hand. If it was torn forcibly, it would tear the wound.

“Frenzied! Were they evil practitioners, for they treated little children like this?!”

Looking at Su Li, who was gloomy but still not crying, Wang Yu was slightly sour and was full of compassion, saying in a firmly sonorous voice,

“I must fight back for the grievances and injuries you have suffered!”

Three days later, at Yunxia Hall, the side hall of Danxia Mount.

Su Li sat on the exquisite silk bed, looking at her intact hands and showing her thoughtfulness.

For the past three days, she and Jin Ying had been living in Yunxia Hall. With the help of the medical practitioner, her injury had been completely recovered.

Wang Yu really fulfilled her promise and sent all the disciples in the book pavilion like Li Changgui to Hanfeng Tower, while the four maids who bullied Jin Ying were thrown out of Danxia Mount with broken limbs.

When such a big event happened, Danxia Mount was suddenly jittery. Even the bullying among handyman disciples seldom happened.

Su Li was very satisfied with this result, at least on the surface. As for Jin Ying, she was very happy these days, and quickly came out of the previous shadow.

Fan Zisang, the inherited disciple in charge of teaching the two, looked at them and nodded his head. The task that his master told him was finished, for the two junior sister apprentices had reached the first level of Yunti Realm.

At this time, a red light flashed over the palace, “Master is back.”

After ordering something to the maid who took care of Su Li and Jin Ying, he turned to the hall.

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