Lady Su’s Revenge

Chapter 326 - The Body of Evil Ghost

Chapter 326 The Body of Evil Ghost

Kakaka …

Something sounded like the turning sound of mechanism suddenly rang from her ear. Su Li stopped moving and frowned to listen, but she found that the sound came from her body. She had been reincarnated and therefore there should be nothing left in her body, while there was such a weird voice.

Re-cultivation must be careful. To be cautious, Su Li stopped practicing Ao Sword Skills, but sat down beside the bed to quietly find the source of the sound in her body.

After feeling for a moment, Su Li seemed to have known something. She lifted her right hand, and naturally a secret method inside her body that she had never learned before started to work. Then, a black quaint ring finally appeared on the surface of her skin, and the black lotus on it was turning slowly.

The sound was from here.

Su Li’s immature face revealed contemplation that was completely inconsistent with her age.

She couldn’t understand. In the illusion, Black Lotus Ring had no effect other than staying in her body, but it often acted abnormally after her inexplicable reincarnation. Was it because her blood was influenced by Black Lotus Ring to reach a certain standard?

Su Li didn’t make any more unnecessary thoughts, for she couldn’t figure it out. Black Lotus Ring finally stopped rotating after she waited patiently for a few minutes. Meanwhile, Su Li also had a subtle change in her expression because she sensed a tiny imperceptible spirit from Black Lotus Ring.

The spirit of Black Lotus Ring?

Black Lotus Ring also had a spirit, like Reincarnation Mirror?

Su Li looked a little colder, and her experience in Reincarnation Mirror made her have no good feelings for these spirits.

At this moment, the spirit of Black Lotus Ring difficultly transmitted a wave, while it seemed that it was so weak that the wave was intermittent, and after Su Li received all of them, she understood what was it.

Ghost Clan took black lotus as a holy thing. In their view, black lotus symbolized their race walking in the dark. Therefore, any attempt to insult black lotus would be hated by them.

Black Lotus Ring was indeed a holy treasure of Ghost Clan!

Su Li thought it in amusement that what did Qi Xianqing exactly think about for giving a holy treasure of Ghost Clan to her, a human, for safekeeping? And now she actually had some kind of inseparable connection with Black Lotus Ring?

Was there anything more ridiculous in this world? Having experience when she was as the holy girl of Yuxu Sect, she still felt it very incredible.

“Perhaps, I in this lifetime is not a pure human…”

As this thought appeared in Su Li’s mind, she remembered the strange effect of her blood. Wasn’t it like the ghost talents mentioned by Tantai Feng?

The message passed by the spirit of Black Lotus Ring was naturally not simple, but also the so-called tactics.

The reason why she thought so was because she had never seen such a weird practice method at all, completely deviating from common sense. In Su Li’s opinion, if she started to practice it, she would definitely die.

Maybe… this was the way the practice method of Ghost Clan works? Since the practice method that preserved by the treasure of Ghost Clan couldn’t be garbage, maybe it was even more advanced than Ao Sword Skills!

If she really had a body of Ghost Clan, she might succeed in practicing this method.

Su Li hesitated for a while. What she worried was not the difference between human and ghosts, but the danger of practice.

After going through too much, she didn’t care much about the boundary between Human Clan and Ghost Clan. Tantai Feng repeatedly warned her not to have a relationship with Ghost Clan, but… whether her master Qi Xianqing really treated her sincerely, she could see clearly with her own eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Su Li became more cautious.

The practice method of Ghost Clan was always known for its weirdness, so, there must be a lot of danger for practice. She was only seven years old in this life and her body had not undergone any hardening, so, she would not stand the toss. If this practice method of Ghost Clan was really powerful, she would lose her life again.

After thinking carefully, Su Li finally sighed and gave up practicing this unknown method.

At this moment, another idea came from Black Lotus Ring. After that, the spirit seemed to reach the limit of weakness, and soon fell into silence again. Su Li could no longer sense any trace of it.

This idea had more content than last time. Although Su Li’s soul still maintained the sharp characteristics of the six senses, it was only the level of ordinary children in intensity, so, she digested it for a long time.

After half an hour, Su Li suddenly opened her eyes and she was extremely shocked and gloomy.

The message from the spirit did not be complex but extremely simple, while for Su Li, it was a complete bolt from the blue.Updates by vi p novel

The body of evil ghost?

She had a body of evil ghost in this life, which was intolerable for natural law?!

Su Li had never heard of this kind of physique before, but the spirit explained clearly that her physique could adapt to any practice methods of Ghost Clan and Human Clan, and no matter what kind of mental method she would practice, she could show strong talent. As long as she had enough energy to support it, it was possible to return to Jindan Realm in a short time.


Everything had its limit. Since Su Li’s physique that could be improved without limit, it was bound to be intolerable by universe and even took as an enemy by natural law. Once she was found, she would be killed!

How difficult was it to grow up under the eyes of natural law?

For Ghost Clan, the body of evil ghost was always a taboo body. If it was born, it would only be thrown into the endless void to run its own course as an ominous person, while for Human Clan, as long as there was an evil ghost body, it would be chased by the whole clan until it was ruined!

It could be said that the body of evil ghost was hated by everyone, and once it was discovered, there was no way for it to live!


After a gasp, Su Li looked pale, and a little cold sweat was on her forehead.

A plight full of foes to confront!

The plight really full of foes to confront!

It was too much pressure for her who hadn’t begun to re-cultivate yet!

This life would be more difficult than any life she had experienced. Every step she took, she must be cautious and never gave away, otherwise she would be crushed like an ant by natural law!

After a long time, when Huang’s bent shadow appeared at the door, Su Li only spit out a turbid breath, calming all the emotions in her heart, but her face was inevitably pale.

Huang noticed it that he came over with anxiety and touched Su Li’s forehead full of cold sweat. He was concerned, “Girl, is there something uncomfortable? Tell me quickly and I will send you to the clinic to take a look.”

Su Li shook her head and barely smiled, “I’m fine, Grandpa. I just had a nightmare.”

Huang relieved, “Be free nice.”

“Since her father died a few days ago, it was normal for her to have nightmares, but… in the afternoon, I’d better go to the town’s clinic to buy some tranquility medicine to recuperate her.”

Huang thought so and turned to make lunch without talking more with Su Li.

After he left, Su Li’s dark eyes flashed. She was grateful to Huang. If he didn’t talk about the name “Su Li”, she didn’t know how many years she would spend to restore her memory.

Maybe, her death would be not clear after she exposed the body of evil ghost unconsciously. For such a great grace, she must return something. Unfortunately, she couldn’t do it now.

She still worried that whether Huang could wait until the day she would repay.

Huang quickly made the lunch with just some simple vegetarian dishes and still sweet potatoes. Seeing that Su Li had a good appetite, Huang smiled and nodded slightly, but then frowned.

This was high time for the girl to grow up, so, it was not good to eat without any nutrition, but he could afford the fish and meat by growing sweet potatoes.Updates by vi p novel

“I heard that there is still a shortage of people in the pier on the town. Although I am old, I can still move things because of the basic mentality I learned from Yuxu Sect. As for the sweet potato field, I can take it at my spare time…”

As he pondered so, Huang told Su Li to stay at home, and ran away again.

Su Li naturally couldn’t intervene in Huang’s own affairs, and she no longer rushed back to repairing as before, but closed the door and went out. If she rashly practiced and exposed the ghost spirit in her body, she might be immediately noticed and therefore lead to a dead end.

In this way, she could only postpone her cultivation plan. She couldn’t even count as an ant in front of natural law. If she could arrange a simple tactical matrix to isolate the spirit, it would be completely covered, but how to get the materials to make the tactical matrix?

Su Li felt a little headache. The universal currency of the cultivation circle was spiritual stones, but she did not have them at all, not to mention having enough cultivation to rob…

This seemed to be a deadlock.

While wandering on the ridge, Su Li came to the bank of Tieshui River unconsciously. She sat down with her feet in the water and looked at the clear river, where some fishes kept swimming around her little feet.

This river could be said to be the lifeblood of Tiehe Village, for everyone depended on it for water, food, and drinking. Because of this, it had been fabricated with various miracles. The little fatty once told her that this river had a history of nearly a thousand years. Before the millennium, Tieshui River was not just six feet wide at all, but a big river with no end in sight.

Later, all of sudden, the world changed, and Tieshui River also changed with it. The original invisible water became solid like the hard iron. It felt like a mirror, and no more water could be scooped out, which starved many people.

People said that it was because the god of the river was angry, so, many sacrifices were sent every year, but Tieshui River didn’t change at all.

Later, in order to survive, people living near Tieshui River all moved away, and the reputation of it also spread out. As time went by, it gradually became a legend.

Now, this ordinary river, which dried up like a thin willow and was the same small as a ditch, was the legendary Tieshui River.

The people in Tiehe Village naturally did not believe it and took it as legendary. They could also be related to the powerful gods in that way. As long as they were mortals, they would not refuse.


Just thinking about it casually, Su Li suddenly heard a familiar voice. She looked up and saw that it was the little fatty.

It seemed that this kid had already left her mother’s orders behind after two days.

The little fatty’s eyes rolled around and he ran over mysteriously, saying, “Follow me, and I will show you a treasure!”…

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