Lady Su’s Revenge

Chapter 231 - Qu Lu’s Plan

Chapter 231 Qu Lu’s Plan

After brief screams, there was no survivor except Qu Lu in the barren mountain like a slaughterhouse.


Qu Lu’s eyes flashed with dullness after terror. She felt raindrops on her face. She touched her face blankly, but her hands were blood red. She couldn’t help but look up. It turned out that the blood was splashing on the stones and gathered into a stream. It fell down following the tips of stones like blood rain.

“Who are you…”

Qu Lu murmured to herself and was trembling. She looked at the direction from which the stones were shot. She had guessed who did this but still could not help but ask.

Fang Yuan’s lonely figure emerged from the forest. A ray of sunlight just appeared on his face, concealing the paleness.

It was not easy for him to use Ao Sword Skills on a large scale.

Strength was not strong enough!

Fang Yuan glanced at the direction from which the stone needles were shot. A sense of gentleness flashed through his eyes. Then, he came to Qu Lu, who was distracted. He said indifferently, “Thank you for this time. The Linli Building also meets half of the commitment. Go back to the Linli Building with me. After Mr. Li detoxifies you, you will be free.”

Hearing it, Qu Lu trembled uncontrollably. She was afraid but excited.

She seemed to have a nervous breakdown. She squatted down and burst into tears.

She was afraid of the brutal means of the Linli Building. Such young warriors like Fang Yuan were indifferent when killing people, as if they just cut melons and cabbages rather than killing people. She seemed to see a field littered with corpses behind the Linli Building from Fang Yuan’s face, which was as frightening as the Hehuan Sect.

She was excited because although the Linli Building was an evil force like the Hehuan Sect, it was more trustworthy than the Hehuan Sect. It really helped her slaughter the force of the Hehuan Sect in Yunjing and invited her to be detoxified in the Linli Building.

Such a kind invitation made her realize that she was still a person who could be respected.

When Qu Lu was crying, Qu Qingning and Fang Mu came together. They held the heads of other four elders of the Lianshi Cult. But at the moment they were a little upset. They had a sneak attack just now, but the enemies almost escaped. If Su Li hadn’t helped them in secret, the plan would have failed.

“How’s it going?” Fang Yuan asked and took over the heads from them. He put all corpses together and then destroyed them.

Qu Qingning grinned and said, “Hua Rui ran funnily. He thought that he escaped from those four persons successfully. Now he was already on his way back.”

“Brother, let me help you.”

Fang Mu affably went to carry corpses and poured powder to clear the bloodstain. Fang Yuan nodded and did not speak again.

Seeing the four heads and the actions of the three persons, Qu Lu was shocked in her heart and gradually stopped crying. She was smart. At the moment, she understood the intentions of Fang Yuan and others.


Qu Lu suddenly sympathized with the Hehuan Sect and the Lianshi Cult. They were originally ninth-grade sects and didn’t interfere with each other. But Mr. Li created difficulties for them. Nowadays, they became archenemies.

She could image that after Hua Rui returned to the sect, he would tell Ye Tian the message that they were completely annihilated. Then, the contradictions between the Hehuan Sect and the Lianshi Cult must be irreconcilable. They would continue fighting until one of them was destroyed.

Two hours later, Qu Lu had become an ordinary woman. She returned to the Linli Building following Fang Yuan, Qu Qingning, and Fang Mu. Yin Xuetong made arrangements for Qu Lu early. She took Qu Lu to a room on the fourth floor.

Sitting on the bedside, Qu Lu looked at the layout of the room. It was different from the Hongyan House. The Hongyan House had brilliant purples and reds. However, this place was cyan and quietly elegant as if there was a breeze blowing on the face, which made people relaxed.

It was not the first time that she had come to the Linli Building. But this time, she felt at ease. That’s because she no longer had to be the puppet of the Hehuan Sect. After the Hongchen Powder in her body was detoxified, she could inquire about the whereabouts of her younger brother.

“Miss Qu, Mr. Li asks you to go to the attic of the top floor.”

Fang Mu’s voice sounded outside the door. Qu Lu had seen him. He was a teenager. He was easy to be shy. But after her experience today, she didn’t dare to underestimate anyone in the Linli Building.

“OK. I will come soon!”

There was no change of clothes for Qu Lu at the moment. She could only take off the coat which was stained with a lot of blood. Then she adjusted her hair and opened the door. To her surprise, Fang Ling was there.

“Sister Qu, where are you going? I bring clean clothes for you. There is no person in the bathhouse on the first floor. You can take a shower.”

Looking at Fang Ling’s clear eyes, Qu Lu smiled uncomfortably and said, “Mr. Li… asks me to visit him.”


Fang Ling answered and walked into the room holding the clothes. She said, “I put the clothes in your room. You can change them after coming back!”

Putting down the clothes, Fang Ling left happily. Qu Lu couldn’t help but wonder. Why didn’t these servants revere Mr. Li?

“Well, it is irrelevant to me in the future.” She thought.

Qu Lu shook her head and abandoned distracting thoughts. She went upstairs. When she pushed the door, she saw a young man in indigo clothes sitting by the window reading a book. She felt uncomfortable subconsciously. She walked quickly to Su Li and said respectfully,

“Mr. Li, did you call me?”

When Su Li saw such a posture of Qu Lu, her eyes shined. She smiled and said, “Miss Qu, we only cooperate with each other. Now the cooperation is over. There is no need for you to be restrained.”

“Yes, sir.”

Qu Lu answered and nodded. She had a forced smile secretly. Nowadays, the name “Mr. Li” was not little known as before. He was a famous and unfathomable big shot. She had seen the cruel means of the Linli Building. It was impossible for her to be comfortable at the moment.

Su Li smiled slightly and gave Qu Lu a cup of wine. After they drank three cups of wine together, Qu Lu gradually relaxed. She found that “Mr. Li” was very kind at ordinary times and easy to get along well.

“What is your plan after detoxification, Miss Qu?” Su Li asked simply while putting down the wine cup.

Qu Lu recalled what happened in these years. She felt bitter in her heart. She had an intention to get it off her chest unexpectedly. Mr. Li was a right and good listener. Besides, based on his sight, he might help her.

However, it might be a trap made by Mr. Li, which could make her get into trouble again.

Qu Lu was silent. She did not give an answer for a long time. Su Li was not worried. She slowly drank and waited. She clearly knew about Qu Lu’s wisdom. Otherwise, Qu Lu would not survive in the harsh conditions of the Hehuan Sect today.

After half a quarter, Qu Lu’s sad eyes became clear and bright again. She lightly smiled at Su Li and said with a pleading voice,

“What can I do? Ten years later, the things are still there, but men are no more the same ones. Now I just want to find my only relative. I’m ashamed to see him. If I can see him from a distance, I will die without regrets. Sir… Would you help me?”

The smile on Su Li’s face was very light. She said, “You know, I’m a businessman. I stress rewards for everything. Qu Lu, what benefit can you offer to me?”

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