Lady Su’s Revenge

Chapter 214 - The Secret of the Wanjian Sect

Chapter 214 The Secret of the Wanjian Sect

The next thing was so much easier than that.

Based on the coercion of Su Li, Wen Tingshan lay back obediently. It was apparent that there were many things Su Yue wanted to talk with him. After sending Xuan Jingzhou to drink alone, she ran into Wen Tingshan’s room.

Su Li didn’t want to eavesdrop the secret of the Wanjian Sect. Besides, she couldn’t spend so much time here. She was worried about that there would be something wrong in the Affiliated School if she left too long. Since she and Wen Tingshan decided to work together to deal with the Wanjian Sect, he would tell her frankly when she came here one day.

After Su Li left, Xuan Jingzhou excitedly drank several jars of raw wine of the Liehuo Spirits. Then he was so drunk that he snored loudly in his sleep. The entire Linli Building was quiet, but the room of Wen Tingshan was still bright.

“Senior Fellow Apprentice, why did you leave the sect? Does the rules of the sect have changed these years?”

Su Yue carefully asked. She was also typical of leaving the sect privately. Besides, she left the sect over ten years earlier than Wen Tingshan. Wen Tingshan’s appearance had not changed long ago. If he weren’t her closest eldest senior fellow apprentice in her heart, she would not rashly connect with him, which made the Wanjian Sect continue to hunt down her.

Wen Tingshan shook his head and said, “Are you still worried about the lawmen of the Wanjian Sect? Don’t worry. Because…”

Su Yue was slightly happy. But then he said with a wry smile, “The person they are hunting down is me.”


Su Yue was stunned and stood up. She quickly asked, “Senior Fellow Apprentice, you are the eldest senior fellow apprentice of the Wanjian Sect and also the head of the Wanjian Sect in the future. How could you be… Besides, you are severely injured. What happened?”

Wen Tingshan’s eyes were gloomy. He said, “Since the authenticating object of the head was lost, the Wanjian Sect has not existed for decades. When you left, the sect has been in chaos.”

Su Yue heard it and fell silent. She thought of everything that happened in the Wanjian Sect that year.

The former head of the sect was dead outside. Although Wen Tingshan was the eldest apprentice of the head and also reached the longevity realm. It was certain that he would succeed the old head as the new head. However, because he didn’t have the authenticating object of the head, the First Elder intercepted him again and again. She saw the scene in those years when she hadn’t left.

Later, it was the home leave of the Wanjian Sect once a year. She came to Yunjing City and experienced that disaster. She was seriously injured and missed the opportunity to go back. Then she was regarded as a traitor of the sect and could never return.

“First Elder’s time is running out. He is very anxious to help his son become the orthodox heir of the Wanjian Sect.” Wen Tingshan said with cold eyes, “I thought that he would repent and regret. However, he sent Second Elder and Third Elder away with an excuse and combined with other elders who supported him to fight against me.”

Then, Wen Tingshan stroked Su Yue’s forehead and smiled as gently as he used to be. He said, “Rest assured. It won’t be in chaos for too long after this incident. When Second Elder and others return, the incident will calm down. Before that, as long as I can finish the pursuers off, everything will be smoothly solved. Mr. Li was excellent in the medical circle. I can recover from my injury within half a month.”

“That’s good.”

Su Yue was relieved and then she seemed to think of something. She suddenly took out a thing and said with a smile, “Look, Senior Fellow Apprentice, what is it?”

Su Yue held a small indigo sword in her hand. Its material was neither jade nor bronze. Seeing it, Wen Tingshan’s pupils shrank. He picked up the small sword in Su Yue’s palm and looked at it carefully.

The thumb size of the small sword was even heavier than a normal long sword. Wen Tingshan held his breath and put forth his strength to scratch it severely. In an instant, a light which was darker than the dark night flashed through the sword. Starburst shone like the endless sky.

Wen Tingshan said excitedly, “That’s right. It is cast in azure stone. It’s the authenticating object of the head, Wanjian Sword! Why do you have it?”

Su Yue coyly smiled embarrassedly. Her cheeks were reddish. She said, “I was rescued by my husband after being seriously injured that year. Then I found out what he had learned was also the swordsmanship of the Wanjian Sect. Later he took out the authenticating object, so, I knew that he was the descendant of the head, who was left outside. He had never thought of being the head, so, he gave it to me. I also thought of going back to the Wanjian Sect and handing it over to you. However, it was dangerous, and there was still something I should do. Therefore, it was delayed after all.”

“In this case, Xuan Jingzhou is my junior fellow apprentice.” Wen Tingshan said and smiled. The former head’s surname was Xuan. It’s been too long. He almost forgot that.

“Senior Fellow Apprentice, Xuan Jingzhou is a bit reckless, but he is a kindhearted and reliable person. He deserves me to trust him.”

Su Yue was forty years old. Based on the inborn cultivation, she looked like only twenty years old. Her face was reddish and beautiful. She said, “Senior Fellow Apprentice, so many years have passed. Would you like to find someone to love…”

Admittedly, she had a bit of affection for Wen Tingshan in those years. But after she encountered so many changes in her life, the memories of the Wanjian Sect in her early years had become a good experience. Her affection for him was completely unrealistic. Although he looked like only thirty years old because of reaching the longevity realm, his actual age was already fifty years old. If he would still be alone in the future, it was too pathetic.

Wen Tingshan put away the authenticating object. He narrowed his eyes and smiled gently. He said softly, “You have a sister-in-law. When my injuries heals, I will take her to see you.”

“That’s great… You also found someone you love…”

It’s beginning to get light. These two persons who hadn’t seen each other for more than a decade had talked for a night. They made many misunderstandings clear in hearts and were relieved.

In the morning, Su Li woke up from meditation. She practiced all night again. With the herb support of the Lord Rui’s Mansion, she refined many adjuvant medicine. But now her cultivation was close to her peak in the previous life. There were few effective adjuvant medicine for her. Most of the prescriptions used living people as guiding drugs, which violated common sense. She would never do it again in this life.

“The longevity realm…”

The genuine energy flowed through her body for a large circle. Su Li’s curly eyelashes slightly quivered. Then she opened eyes. There were starbursts shone in her eyes.

That was a realm that she had never reached in her previous life. According to legend, people could only reach the longevity realm in the spiritual circle. There was no necessary factor in the martial arts circle and the secular world. Therefore, even people who had outstanding talent couldn’t break the barrier.

When she reached the limit of the inborn hurdle, if she could go to the Wanjian Sect with the help of Wen Tingshan to break through the longevity realm…

Su Li converged her energy. She opened the door of the adytum and walked out. But this thought lingered in her mind for a long time.

After all, the strength was supreme in the world. According to legend, there was a higher realm above the longevity realm. That group of beings were called immortals. Someone was so powerful that he could even destroy a country by himself. These people were so omnipotent that they could conveniently reclaim the sea and build mountains. They could do everything.

In such a malformed world, if she was powerful enough, there was no need for her to build a force. She could help Ling Li destroy enemies and even the enemy state by herself!

All schemes and intrigues were vain in the face of absolute strength.

Unfortunately, she didn’t have absolute strength and was even on the side that was relatively weak. Therefore, she could only rely on her little tricks to find other ways and win with difficulty.

“Miss, Butler Wu is here.”

After washing for a while, Mammy Li came in and whispered. Su Li put down the towel. They sent people of the Yunge Sect a few days ago. Why did Wu Bin come today?

Su Li was puzzled. She changed into the gauzy dress that she usually wore and came to the front room. When Wu Bin saw Su Li, he immediately bowed and saluted to her. He said, “Best wishes to Miss. I’m here to salute you.”

Su Li took a step invisibly and asked, “Butler Wu, get up quickly. Why do you come here today?”

Wu Bin didn’t notice Su Li’s small movement. He raised his head with mixed feelings and said slowly, “Miss, Zhu Yan is exiled today. Master let me ask you if you want to see her.”

Su Li raised her eyebrows. Time passed so fast.

Zhu Yan and Su Zipei worked together to deceive Lord, which was absolutely a felony!

The Supreme Judiciary convicted them following the laws and regulations of Dahan Country. Zhu Yan headed the conspiracy and was banished to the frontier to build the gate tower. She would be either exhausted or ruthlessly killed in the war in the end!

As for Su Zipei, she listened to the calumny of Zhu Yan and had covetous thoughts. She even wanted to have a finger in the pie of the royal. Her punishment should be the same with Zhu Yan’s. But because she was young, her punishment was reduced. She was degraded as a slave forever.

Su Li could still remember that Su Zipei’s dream was to become a superior and aristocratic Miss. Nowadays, her years of efforts ran in the opposite direction. It was exceedingly ironic.

“Let’s go.” Su Li’s expression was indifferent, but Wu Bin could feel the deep chill. She said, “It’s time to say goodbye to my dear adoptive mother.”

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