Lady Su’s Revenge

Chapter 193 - The Secret of Those Days

Chapter 193 The Secret of Those Days

“Little Miss, you…”

Mammy Li’s voice trembled. She did not expect that Su Li was so indifferent that she was bitterly disappointed. Zhu Yan kept the secret well. She even didn’t tell other members of the Su Family. Little Miss could not have known it.


After a while, Su Li finally broke the silence and seemed to smile indifferently. She asked, “Can you tell me what my mother is like? What happened in those days? According to your words, I should be born in Yunjing. How can I grow up in the Dasu Town?”

While speaking, Su Li couldn’t help but choke with sobs.

She complained! Hated! Repented!

Was it useful?

She fought against the fate in the previous life. In the end, she poisoned Lord Rui and was put to death by dismembering the body. What caused her ending? Who could she blame? Could she blame her dead mother?

She often thought at the time that if she hadn’t appeared in the Dasu Town at the beginning, maybe nothing would have happened…

Hearing Su Li’s trembling voice, Mammy Li burst into tears. It turned out that little Miss pretended to be strong rather than being cold-blooded.

Mammy Li walked over and took off her dirty clothes. She tightly hugged Su Li’s thin shoulders and said, “Little Miss! Your mother didn’t deliberately abandon you. She was forced to entrust you to me. It’s my fault. I lost you! I didn’t expect that you are with me all the time!”

After her mood stabilized, she told about what happened in those years.

At that time, Su Yun was the first talented woman in the Qinghe Town. She was admitted to the National Academy in Yunjing by virtue of getting the first place in the examination. She was acquainted with Dongfang Rui, who also studied at the National Academy. They finally fell in love and pledged to marry without the permission of parents.

Su Yun was a rare genius in the academic circle of the Dahan Country. This kind of talent was enough to cover her unremarkable origin. Her marriage with Dongfang Rui was undeterred. On the contrary, it was a great event in Yunjing City. However, on the night before the wedding, Su Yun disappeared.

“I was originally the maid of Lord Rui’s Mansion. Later, I was assigned to Miss as her personal maid by Lord. Miss treated me so good. I was thankful in my heart. On that evening, Miss said that someone wanted to tell her some private affairs. She left the mansion. I felt worried about her, so I secretly followed her. Sure enough, I found that Miss was caught in the trap!”

A sense of fear flashed through Mammy Li’s eyes. She said, “I only practiced some common practice methods to improve my physical strength in the mansion. I couldn’t clearly see what happened at the time. I just remembered that there were many black shadows around Miss at that night. It seemed that some people were grappling! I exhausted my strength to carry unconscious Miss on the back and escaped. Those people were highly skilled in martial arts. However, they didn’t pursue me.”

“I wanted to go back to the mansion while carrying Miss. However, I found that all the roads were watched. I could only leave Yunjing. Pursuers found our traces soon. Fortunately, a kindhearted farmer helped us escape. He helped us find a boatman. Then I took Miss back to her hometown, the Qinghe Province.”

“At that time, Miss and I hided ourselves from place to place. We slept in a deserted temple at night. We did some odd jobs during the day. Thanks to Miss’s cleverness, we hid safely for nine months. Later, Miss gave birth to you on a stormy night. She was very weak. However, pursuers found us at this time…”

Mammy Li said with a painful face. She said hoarsely, “At that time, there was no way for Miss and me. Finally, near the Dasu Town, Miss entrusted you to me. She decided to face those pursuers alone, leaving you a chance to live.”

Su Li squinted and smiled while listening to Mammy Li. It turned out that her mother’s name was Su Yun. It was coincidental that her surname was also Su.

Everything in the world had been disappointing to her, but her biological mother did not. Even though what Mammy Li said had passed for sixteen years, she could still feel Su Yun’s love for her.

It turned out that she had also owned family affection, which was selfish and great.

“Later, I have never heard the news of Miss again. I was so tired and hungry while holding you. Then, I fell to the roadside. When I woke up, you disappeared… Later, I sold myself to the Su Family, in order to fill the belly. Now I think back all kinds of coincidences. Alas…”

Mammy Li couldn’t help but shed tears. Little Miss had suffered too much since she was a child. She almost died outside. Fortunately, First Master saved her in time. Every time when she thought back it, she would be in a cold sweat and get frightened.

“Did you know whom my mother met with at that time?”

Su Li suddenly asked. Mammy Li frowned and shook her head. She said, “At that time, I just became Miss’s maid. Our relationship was not intimate. How could Miss mention such a secret thing to me?”

Su Li was absorbed in meditation. Mammy Li said that her mother was a rare genius. She must know the sheer cunning and falsehood in Yunjing. She rashly went out alone to meet some people on the night before the wedding. She shouldn’t do this kind of thing…

Therefore, the person that she wanted to meet with must be the one she absolutely trusted.

If this was the case, the problem remained. According to Mammy Li’s words, she went to Yunjing alone and didn’t have any trusted people. Unless, the person who met with her was Dongfang Rui!

However, that was very abnormal. At that time, she had lived in the mansion. If she wanted to meet with Dongfang Rui, she could do it at any time.

“So, if I can know whom my mother met with, I will know who the murderer was…”

Su Li rapped on the table. It was not suitable to ask Qu Lu to investigate. Someone from the Hehuan Sect was an outlander. It was too difficult for the sect to investigate the event more than a decade ago. It seemed that she needed to ask Ling Li to do her a favor in advance.

“Little Miss, the urgent matter for you now is to explain the truth to Lord. I was selected as Miss’s maid by Lord personally in that year. Lord loves Miss so much. He must remember me! I saw that Lord and Su Zipei went in the National Academy just now. As long as you go with me, we will expose Su Zipei!”

When Mammy Li said what happened just now, Su Li slightly raised her eyebrows and smiled. She said, “You looked embarrassed because you were in conflict with guards of the National Academy, didn’t you?”

“Oh! Little Miss, why are you not in a hurry?!”

Mammy Li felt so anxious and said, “Think about how you suffered these years. Even the business of the Su Family is supported by you! Zhu Yan and Su Zipei took your jade pendant to be acquainted with Lord. Do you still take into account the relationship between Zhu Yan and you?”

Su Li was still clam. She stroked the black shells and said, “Zhu Yan and Mam. Su-Cui repeatedly forced me into a desperate situation, but I forgave them again and again. Do you know the reason?”

Mammy Li answered in a daze, “Isn’t it because you still take into account the kinship?”


Su Li laughed. She looked out of the window. Her voice gradually became cold. She said, “What do I take into account? Do I take into account that Zhu Yan beat me up and tortured me? Or she forced me to eat pig feed and drink muddy water? Or she… repeatedly sent killers to assassinate me?”

Mammy Li got cold hands and feet while hearing it. It turned out that Zhu Yan didn’t merely dislike Su Li. She even wanted to kill her!

It’s too terrifying!

Under Zhu Yan’s various deadly traps, little Miss not only didn’t meet with a mishap but also became better and better. She was finally beyond Zhu Yan’s control!

Little Miss… was so powerful.

Mammy Li’s look gradually became calm. She lowered her head and asked, “Miss, what are you going to do?”

“I have a plan. Don’t worry. It is not late to visit the Lord Rui’s Mansion three days later.”

Su Li whispered and pointed to the vermilion invitation on the table.

Mammy Li’s look changed slightly. She seemed to think of what Miss would do.

“The tower collapses while they are building it and giving a banquet.” Su Li smiled and said slowly, “I’m looking forward to seeing how Zhu Yan and my dear Third Sister would make a fool of themselves in Yunjing long before. Now I finally can see it.”

While saying, Su Li seemed to be a demon. Mammy Li got frightened and stunned.

Would Miss like to see such little Miss?

Su Li came to the Moyin Street. She looked at the bustling crowd and couldn’t help but smile. Then she went in.

As soon as she went in the street, a person of the Tianya House immediately passed the message to Ling Li and others who were in the Ling Mansion.

“Does Su Li come to see me?”

Ling Li was slightly surprised. Based on her haughty character, it was impossible for her to seek help for the princess position. He thought that she should have another request this time.

Ling Qinglan raised his head and frowned. He really thanked her for saving his life. Although Ling Li paid the price, but it wasn’t the same. If it was possible, he would like to help Su Li restore her identity in order to repay the salvation.

In these days, he looked up information overnight and found a lot of information in those days. However, there was no information that could help Su Li.

“Go to the headquarters first! Ling Xian, stay here, just in case.”

“I see, master.”

Ling Xian stood up and looked at them leaving. Her smile gradually disappeared. When did Su Li even know the headquarters of the Yinmo Cult? Master must take her there, otherwise she would not have known…

“Master, you are fascinated by that witch. Everything I say is useless. I can only save the Yinmo Cult from danger in my way. Please do not blame me…”

Ling Xian muttered to herself. The tears silently fell. Then, she turned around and left.

“Ling Mo, have you discovered that Ling Xian is a bit strange recently?”

Ling Li suddenly asked in the carriage on the way.

Ling Mo was in a daze first and then shook his head. He was good at being on the watch for the enemy’s moves, but as for being on the watch for a woman…

“Well, I asked the wrong person. Qinglan!”

Ling Li turned his head. Ling Qinglan threw up his hands and said helplessly, “Ling Mo does not understand women. Should I understand? However, Ling Xian is a bit strange recently. She went out too many times, but it was because of affairs of the cult. She used to like staying with you, right? Maybe she falls in love with another man.”

Ling Li looked annoyed. He knew that Ling Qinglan couldn’t say some useful words. After all, Ling Xian had followed him for so many years. He was worried about her.

“Ling Mo, ask your subordinates to secretly investigate her. I want to know what she is doing recently.”

Ling Mo’s look changed slightly. He subconsciously sat up and asked, “Ask them?!”

“Otherwise, whom do you want me to send? If I use the force of the cult and the Tianya House, Ling Xian will perceive it.” Ling Li pointed at Ling Qinglan and cursed with anger, “If Ling Xian makes an ass of herself like you, I will be extremely mad.”

Ling Qinglan touched his nose and didn’t refute him. Ling Mo sighed with relief and turned the problem over in his mind. “They” were all the top killers of the Shalou Cult. They also grew up with Ling Li. He didn’t know their reactions when they were asked to investigate the private tracks of the cult’s saint.

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