Lady Su’s Revenge

Chapter 180 - Eight Seniors in the Inborn Realm

Chapter 180 Eight Seniors in the Inborn Realm


Tigers’ roars came from all directions, which made the horse whinnied uneasily. The young man whose face was pale in sweat stood in the center of the open space. He pulled the rope made of hemp and observed constantly. He seized the arrow tightly and felt fearful.

“Isn’t it said that there aren’t many beasts in the hunting ground? Why do I meet one at the beginning?”



The roars were getting closer and closer. It was almost close to his ears. The young man panicked. He got off the horse and leaned on it. He stared at the other side but did not see that a big tiger with golden strips was moving toward him quietly. The tiger was murderous.


The horse was keen and intimidated, so, it immediately ran!

At this moment the young man turned back and saw the tiger pounced on him. The tiger’s head constantly magnified in his eyes, and even overshadowed the sunshine completely!

“I am doomed!!”

The young man was so scared that he collapsed on the ground. He didn’t have any power to put up resistance. He closed his eyes and waited to die.



The young man heard that the flesh was stabbed with a sword. He also heard a “plop” that sounded like a heavy object drooped on the ground. Then he smelled blood.

“Am I still alive?!”

The young man opened his eyes and saw his hands were good. Then he raised head and saw a tiger without ears. But he didn’t see anyone who help him. After staring blankly for a while, he finally ran wildly to the high platform.

“Ah-ah-ah, there are ghosts… Mom, I want to go home! The hunting ground is terrible!”

Su Li, who was hiding in the forest, shook her head slightly. It was ridiculous that he dared to participate in the autumn hunting without any hunting experience. It was no wonder that many people died in the autumn hunting every year.

“With this pair of tiger ears, it is a total of 37. I will go on…”

After counting the ears in the bag, Su Li left quickly. Her horse was gone and the speed of riding the horse was not as fast as the speed of performing martial arts.

At this moment, the same thing was happening on the other side of the hunting ground.

“Qinglan, count them.”

After wiping the sweat, Ling Ping asked immediately. Ling Ping looked for beasts everywhere without rest in order to satisfy Ling Li’s desire. But the hunting ground was too big and he only reached the inborn first hurdle. So, he could not completely abandon the horse and went hunting with his cultivation. In addition, even if he could do it alone, he couldn’t leave Ling Qinglan alone. After all, Ling Qinglan did not reach the inborn realm.

“There are 25 in total.”

After hearing Ling Qinglan’s words, Ling Ping brightened up. He said, “We’re lucky. Although Wu Jin withdrew from the competition, we can’t take a casual attitude. Let’s press on. Ling Li seldom asks for help. I can’t let him down.”

Ling Qinglan smiled constrainedly and followed them immediately.

The exploratory range of his psychic awareness was larger than that of Ling Ping. Although he couldn’t fight with others, he could deliberately guide Ling Ping.

So, they were not just lucky.

If there was no accident, Ling Ping could win the first prize. It was enough for them to confront half beasts in the hunting ground.

Time was running out. In a blink of an eye, it was the third day.

Ling Qinglan had heavy dark circles. He sat on the horse wearily. Ling Ping couldn’t help but sneer and scold, “I asked you to practice martial arts seriously and don’t deal with cases. But you don’t listen to me! Now you can’t even stay up for three days and three nights. I will ask your aunt to punish you!”

Ling Qinglan felt aggrieved and he could only accept the reprimand from Ling Ping.

He also did not expect that it was hard for him to support his normal life. The speed of the medicine efficacy disappeared quickly than that he expected.

“Is it because that I used the psychic awareness too frequently these days?”

Ling Qinglan was angry secretly and felt that his body… was so useless!

While he was angry, he found that the environment around them was slowly changing. The noise in the jungle immediately disappeared and it was silent.

When Ling Ping noticed the anomaly, it was too late.

“Well? Where is it?”

The light in the jungle quickly dimmed. In the blink of an eye, it became black. Ling Ping was nervous and his body was rigid with fear. He immediately covered the heavy prey hanging on the horse.

“Who is so sneaky?! This is the Northwest Hunting Ground of the royal family! If you want to do something bad here, think about the consequences!”

Ling Ping thought at first that it was Wu Jin who did it. But Wu Jin was cautious. He couldn’t kill him in such an occasion without absolute grasp. Otherwise, if grandmother was angry, the situation of the Dahan Country would be changed!

Grandmother would even blame the Wu Family for the death of his father and grandfather. At that time, the emperor had to suppress the Wu Family!

This tactic would cause destruction to both sides. Wu Jin would not use it!

Ling Qinglan got down from the horse constrainedly. He staggered and looked paler. The psychic awareness explored that there were at least five seniors in the inborn realm. Even if he could fight with them, he couldn’t win!

What’s more, they trapped them with the tactical matrix in advance!

It was a foolproof game!

The royal family had been established for hundreds of years, and it was strong enough. The entire Northwest Hunting Ground was protected by the big tactical matrix. Even if someone who reached the peak of the inborn realm, it is impossible for him to break into the hunting ground!

Or they came in through the formal channel!

But the students of the National Academy came in with jade tokens which were connected with their own lives. Quotas for other big families were limited. If strangers came in, they could be found at a glance.

Who could secretly arrange people to come in the hunting ground and attack them?!

Ling Qinglan slowly walked to Ling Ping and they stood back to back. After he shook his hands, a fan appeared. He was thinking and finding the flaws of the tactical matrix. But he found that the tactical matrix’s level was too high to be unlocked.

“Qinglan!” Ling Ping suddenly whispered, “I will aim at the northwest and break a hole forcibly. You must get out! The Ling Family needs someone to support.”

Maybe this group of people came to kill Ling Ping. So, Ling Qinglan had chance to escape. If there was no official in the Ling Family, the Ling Family would be sliced up by anyone. Then, grandma, mother and younger brothers would not live well. He absolutely did not allow that situation happen!

Ling Qinglan smiled constrainedly. The one who knew nothing feared nothing. If he knew that Ling Qinglan had already explored eight people who reached inborn forth hurdle, he would not say such optimistic words.

However, even if he would be killed, he had to fight them brutally today!

Ling Qinglan’s eyes were stern and he began to brew his inborn third hurdle breath.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

Eight black shadows appeared at the same time. They knew that this action was dangerous. If they did it slowly, it would be changed. They immediately attacked Ling Qinglan and Ling Li without any hesitation. Every movement in martial arts was lethal!

The powerful inborn breaths like waves inundated Ling Ping. He looked pale instantly. At this moment, he finally understood that what a hopeless situation was.

Ling Ping used the sword to cover the important parts on his body and was going to take the attacks from eight directions. He knew that he might fail. But if he stepped aside, Ling Qinglan who was behind him would die absolutely!

“Second brother, step aside!!”

Suddenly, Ling Qinglan’s words came from behind. Ling Ping was shocked for a moment, but he still believed his brother. He dodged all attacks constrainedly like a rolling bottle gourd.

The weapons immediately appeared in front of Ling Qinglan. Ling Qinglan would be split into two parts for the next moment!


Ling Ping shouted worriedly, but Ling Qinglan’s eyes were cold. He was calm in the hour of peril. After he turned his folding fan over, half of it was broken and countless poisonous needles flew out from it. All the needles like flowers surrounded the eight people. The poisonous needles were made of millennial cold iron and they could pierce the inborn shield easily.

“If you want to kill me, you must die with me!”

Obviously, he used a tactic that would hurt both sides!

The situation changed quickly. The eight killers in the inborn realm with masks changed their expressions slightly. Of course they didn’t want to die with Ling Qinglan. Also, the people they wanted to kill was not Ling Qinglan but Ling Ping.

All the killers began to protect themselves almost in a moment. The poisonous needles met their weapons and made “jingle” constantly.

Ling Qinglan relaxed and hid to the back of Ling Ping. He threw the remaining half fan at their feet and operated the Secret Method with a breath constrainedly.

His fan was made by famous equipment master who collected materials for five years in the martial arts circle. At ordinary times, it could fight against weapons. It would become a rare treasure which could attack and defense at a critical moment!

Thanks to his fan, the situation might be changed when they faced the eight killers in the inborn realm.

Ling Ping was in surprise. The fan became bigger and bigger. It could bear two people standing on it. Above the fan, there was a Yin and Yang fish. A transparent barrier extended out and immediately became a protective tactical matrix. When the eight killers realized that, it was too late.

“Damn it! An accident happened!”

The leader of these killers was furious. The protective tactical matrix was spinning and shining. It could be seen from its quality that it was not a lower tactical matrix that could be broken by seniors in inborn realm with one movement of martial arts.

Ling Qinglan actually had such a treasure!

“Qinglan, why you…”

Ling Ping was full of doubts. He found that he did not see through his cousin at all. The poisonous needles and the tactical matrix were beyond his comprehension.

After Ling Qinglan heard Ling Ping’s words, he smiled constrainedly. When he was about to tell him at random, he spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

Ling Ping was nervous and quickly grasped Ling Qinglan. He said, “Qinglan! Qinglan! Are you OK?!”

When he touched Ling Qinglan’s hands, he was shocked but felt fearful. Why was Ling Qinglan’s body so cold?!

He was like… a dead person!

He looked down at the blood on his chest. There was a layer of frost on the blood. It took a long time to fade away. It was not due to the new injuries!

Even if Ling Ping was stupid, he understood that Ling Qinglan was sick. He remembered that his cousin was extremely weak in the past few years. No matter how many clothes he wore, he always curled his body. Later, he recovered from his illness inexplicably. Ling Ping thought that Ling Qinglan was cured by the doctor, so, he didn’t care.

Now Ling Ping thought of it, he realized that his illness had never been cured.

In the carriage, he refused Su Li to treat his illness. He might know it. He and Ling Qinglan went to many places these days, and he even laughed at his cultivation because of his laziness. But he did not notice any abnormality. Damn it!

“Qinglan, you must bite the bullet! I will immediately ask Su Li to treat you. She is the disciple of the miracle-working doctor. She could save you!”

At this moment, the killers outside the tactical matrix began to bombard the tactical matrix. Ling Ping ignored them. He called Ling Qinglan again and again. He was afraid that Ling Qinglan would die in his arms like his Eldest Brother.

It seemed that Ling Ping’s words came from a remotest place. They were so far that Ling Qinglan couldn’t hear.

Ling Qinglan’s pupils were dilated. It seemed that he was in a state of nothingness and he could see those joyous days many years ago in his childhood.

Mother and father, I was too tired. I wanted to find you. But… I had not avenged your death. I’m not willing to die…

With a sigh, Ling Qinglan snorted. He focused his eyes and looked up at Ling Ping who was crying sadly. Ling Ping was a strong general who feared no hurt and never shed tears. But now he was totally in panic.

“Second Brother, don’t cry. It is unattractive…”

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