Lady Su’s Revenge

Chapter 164 - The Girl Around Him

Chapter 164 The Girl Around Him

Chen Gong showed a worried expression and left the Affiliated School of the National Academy with Su Li.

It was late now. There were few people in the dim street. Chen Gong walked ahead and Su Li followed him. They walked towards the Ministry of Penalty.


Another person’s footsteps appeared behind Su Li. The footsteps were so light. It seemed that they came from ghosts and goblins. Chen Gong walked at the front and didn’t notice. He was still engrossed in meditation.

Pedestrians passing by thought that the three people knew each other and didn’t perceive anything strange.

Su Li, who wore a hat, noticed the person. Her look showed mixed feelings of delight and blame.

She was delighted because the man was Fang Yuan and she noticed that he had already reached to the inborn realm and become a senior like Young Master.

She blamed him for his rashness. He should come to see her in this situation. Maybe he didn’t know how many people were observing her secretly now.

Fortunately, she was with Chen Gong and her identity had not yet been exposed. Fang Yuan’s actions seemed to be risky but actually very safe.

“Why didn’t you inform us that you were in trouble?”

Fang Yuan transmitted the sound in silence. He was a little angry. If Fang Yuan hadn’t heard of what happened to the Baiwei Building by chance when he went to ask craftsmen, he and Qu Qingning wouldn’t have known what happened now.

“It happened suddenly. Did you think that I could hide from spies of the Ministry of Penalty to send messages to you?” Su Li replied calmly. Then she said with a smile, “But you come in time. I really need you to do one thing.”


Fang Yuan glared at her. Did Su Li know how dangerous her situation was? Thankfully, Fang Yuan saw personally that she stood in front of him well. Otherwise, he would be crazy.

However, Su Li was a dominating girl. Fang Yuan didn’t dare to show his true feelings to her because he was afraid that the result would be bad. So, he instantly transmitted the sound in silence helplessly, “What?”

Su Li said strictly and coldly, “Go to the Hongyan House to see Qu Lu…”

Hearing that, Fang Yuan understood suddenly that Su Li created an intact intelligence line when they built the Linli Building. He didn’t know how Su Li did that but he knew that the intelligence line would facilitate the future development of the Linli Building greatly.

But from Su Li’s tone, he could guess that the intelligence line didn’t seem to be so secure.

Fang Yuan nodded slightly and disappeared behind Su Li instantly as if he never came here just now. Although he just stabilized the inborn first hurdle, the acquired warrior couldn’t notice him anymore.

The route Chen Gong chose to the Ministry of Penalty passed right the entrance of the Su House. Su Li didn’t know he chose this route intentionally or casually.

Chen Gong slowed down his steps deliberately and whispered, “Go in and see?”

Su Li shook her head and motioned for him to go. She felt with her psychic awareness that her Eldest Brother wasn’t in the Su House. There were only Zhu Yan and Su Zipei. Even Li Yuelian and Su Qinghao weren’t there. Why should Su Li go in?

But… Where did Li Yuelian go? Qinghao should come back at this time.

Seeing Su Li’s reluctance, Chen Gong said nothing and took her away.

Before they had gone far, a slim girl came up to Su Li at dusk. The girl’s face was covered under a cyan robe. Su Li couldn’t see the girl’s appearance clearly and couldn’t describe the girl’s breath.

Su Li and the girl passed by and they didn’t even look at each other.

After a few steps, Su Li realized something strange. She looked back, but the girl had turned the corner and disappeared.

“What’s wrong?”

Chen Gong turned around and asked. Su Li shook her head calmly and replied, “Nothing. I just took her as another person.”

However, Su Li was not calm in her heart at all. She could feel the breath of him from the girl.

But Su Li was sure that the person she saw just now was a girl.

Su Li seemed to understand something but a moment later, she showed a thoughtful expression. Was she his…

Even in the previous life, he never mentioned the girl, or never mentioned the girl in front of Su Li…

The girl in the cyan robe turned the corner and saw the Su House beside the street. She smiled complacently and sneaked into the Su House without effort. For her, the guards were just puppets.

Su Zipei was carefully feeding medicine to Zhu Yan in the room. After this period of nursing, Zhu Yan recovered a lot. Although she couldn’t walk, it’s better than the period when she cried out frequently.

No one knew how much she hated Su Li.

Su Li, the hybrid she picked up, should overpass her and become a remarkable girl and one of the most influential girls in Yunjing. Zipei took the jade pendant that could prove Su Li’s origin but did nothing!

All Zhu Yan’s fantasies were broken. In addition, she suffered all kinds of humiliations because of Su Li. So, she couldn’t wait to kill Su Li!

Hearing from Zipei that Su Li was involved in the case and was imprisoned in the Ministry of Penalty, Zhu Yan was relieved. Otherwise, she would die of anger before she could walk.

Zhu Yan opened her mouth and was about to take the medicine. Suddenly she stopped and showed a stunned expression.

Su Zipei noticed Zhu Yan’s expression and looked backwards subconsciously. She saw a person in the cyan robe standing there less than one meter from her. Su Zipei was so scared that she fell down from the chair. The scalding medicine was spilled on the quilt and some was sprinkled on Zhu Yan’s face.

“Ah! It’s hot!!”

Zhu Yan wiped her face in a hurry and finally didn’t feel so painful. Then she looked at the person in the cyan robe. She could guess from the figure… that the person was a girl.

“This is the Mansion of Officer of the Supreme Judiciary. Who are you? How dare you to trespass here!”

Zhu Yan’s face became very red because of the spilled hot medicine. She managed to show a bit of majesty, but she couldn’t move on the bed. It was rather funny.

Su Zipei was even more timid. She squatted on the edge of the bed and tried to keep close to her mother as if this could help her drive away the fear.


The girl in the cyan robe smiled and said in a dulcet voice, “Miss Su, Madam Zhu, don’t be afraid. I bear no malice to you. I just want to make a deal with you.”

Zhu Yan was shocked and thought what the girl wanted to do. Instantly many thoughts ran through her head. Then she stared at the girl in the cyan robe and asked.

“I can judge from your voice that you are young, so I will call you Miss. From your dressing, I can guess that you are a noble girl in Yunjing. Zipei and I are just ordinary people. I really don’t know what the deal is about.”

The girl in the cyan robe smiled softly and replied in a low-pitched voice, “You hate Su Li and even want her to die. I also hate her. So, our hatred for Su Li is enough to make a deal.”

Hearing that, Zhu Yan was quite happy as if she saw a good opportunity in front of her.

This was an unexpected good opportunity for her!

Zhu Yan had nothing to worry. As long as the girl in the cyan robe could kill Su Li, Zhu Yan would satisfy her no matter what she wanted. She thought that it was worth a try.

It was overcast. Finally, it rained and the rain seemed to be heavier later.

Qu Lu leaned over beside the window and was in a daze in the Hongyan House. With a curvy body, she looked graceful and enchanting.

Hearing the heavier rain outside, Qu Lu was a little upset and she didn’t notice that her sleeves were sprinkled wet by the rain.

The mysterious man who claimed to be Mr. Li gave her an order last time and then disappeared. Then he neither asked about the results of the intelligence collected by her nor gave her other orders.

Wasn’t she the spy of that person? But why didn’t Mr. Li contact her for a long time?

An abandoned spy had no value. Did Mr. Li still give her the antidote of the Hongchen Powder?


The door behind her was opened gently. Qu Lu didn’t turn around and began to blame Qiu, “I have asked you to wait outside. Qiu, when are you…!”

Then she looked back. Qu Lu, who looked annoyed, was frightened instantly. The person standing in front of her was not Qiu but a slim and tall young man with a mask. She couldn’t tell exactly how old the person was, but she could confirm that he was no more than thirty years old!

Seeing such a beauty, Fang Yuan was quite calm. He held a sword in his right hand and waved his left hand. Then the door closed automatically. Even Qiu, who waited outside, didn’t notice that, and she even didn’t notice when the door was opened.

Qu Lu frowned and thought, “He is also an inborn senior!”

Fang Yuan appeared in a different way compared with Su Li but Qu Lu couldn’t help thinking of Su Li. That’s because they were both young inborn seniors.

“Mr. Li?”

Qu Lu asked in a tentative voice. Fang Yuan replied coldly, “Miss Qu is really clever. But Mr. Li is very busy recently. He doesn’t have time to come here personally. I hope that Miss Qu doesn’t mind.”

Fang Yuan said politely, but his tone was rather cold. Qu Lu could guess that it was hard to deal with the young man with a mask. Fang Yuan looked at Qu Lu coldly like a dead person, which made the latter really frightened.

She thought that the man was a heartless inborn young man who killed numerous people. She wondered how many people like him were mastered by Mr. Li.

At this moment, Qu Lu thought that Mr. Li was even more mysterious and horrible.

“No! Why did Mr. Li send such a person here?” Thinking of this, Qu Lu couldn’t help trembling.

Looking at Qu Lu’s uncertain look, Fang Yuan kept silent. The atmosphere was more intense, which made Qu Lu almost stifled. She plucked up courage to ask, “Have I done something wrong that angers Mr. Li? If so, please tell me. I don’t want to be a muddled ghost.”

Fang Yuan sneered and said, “Miss Qu is extremely intelligent. Don’t you know why Mr. Li gets angry? You look down upon Mr. Li’s spies. Do you think that Mr. Li won’t know anything without you?”

Qu Lu was rather shocked. It was impossible… The people she arranged at the feast in the river were loyal to the First Prince and her. The secret was impossible to be leaked.

After thinking for a moment, Qu Lu plucked up courage to stare at the man and asked restlessly,

“I don’t understand. Please tell me directly!


Suddenly, there were dozens of flashes shining out from the sword and the sword was stabbed at her! Qu Lu turned as pale as death.

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