Lady Su’s Revenge

Chapter 156 - Attending a Feast

Chapter 156 Attending a Feast

Qu Qingning heard the scold from the next door and couldn’t help but dig his ear. If he hadn’t seen this black iron wall, he would not have believed that the vulgar couple would be high-ranking inborn seniors.

“True hermits live in cities, don’t they? I am not as excellent as them!”

Qu Qingning sighed and closed his eyes to continue to control the Poisonous Heart Biting Insect to dig the earth. His devoutness was no less than that of a digger in Lanxiang, a technician training school…

Su Li rested for a few days, and finally studied the records on nostrum of Hehuan Sect. She reached such a high realm in the poison circle. It meant that the so-called nostrum only had a lock which looked suspicious. Now both the key and lock were in her hands, so she could see it through at a glance. It wouldn’t be long before she developed the antidote of Hongchen Powder.

As for the poison in Tang Lei’s body, it couldn’t show its effect in a short time, and there wasn’t the timing for detoxification. It was not urgent to develop the antidote.

On this day, in the Su House, Mammy Li suddenly took two red invitations and stood in front of the door nervously before Su Li went out in the morning.

“Miss, something bad happened!”

Su Li raised her brows and sat again. She decided that she would not go to the Affiliated School. She took the two invitations from Mammy Li and opened them.

The first one was sent by the First Prince’s Mansion.

The second one was sent by the Third Prince’s Mansion.

“I hear that Miss Su Li is both beautiful and talented! I have admired you for a long time. So, I will specially prepare a feast in Hongyan House (Jiuqu Lane). I hope that Miss Su Li can come. On the evening (from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.) of August 1st, we can talk with each other. I will make adequate preparations and wait for you!”

Su Li placed the invitation on the table conveniently and meditated.

These two invitations, except for the location, were the same. If she really wanted to attend the feast, she could only choose one.

The emperor was old, but he had not yet determined the crown prince. The battle for the position of the crown prince was inevitable.

The First Prince and the Third Prince were obviously opposite to each other. Both sides spared no effort to draw forces. The royal preceptor stood behind Su Li. It was natural that she was popular and they wanted to draw her over to their side.

“Miss, they are the First Prince and the Third Prince. If they are not happy…”

Mammy Li was frightened and worried about Su Li. The situation was too difficult. No matter whom she chose, she would offend one of them. But if she chose nobody, both of them would be offended!

“Don’t worry about me, Mammy Li. I have my own sense of propriety.”

Su Li smiled slightly. She was not surprised that she was suddenly involved in the battle. She had heard that the two princes gave tit for tat, but it was quite ridiculous that no one later became an emperor in the previous life.

Putting down the invitation, Su Li went out as usual. She did not give any prince a reply.

Mammy Li was full of doubts and waited for a day uneasily. But she did not wait for any scold from the princes. It seemed that no one would give in and that they firmly believed that Su Li would come on August 1st.

It was more obvious that the two princes gave tit for tat.

In such a strange atmosphere, August 1st finally came.

Su Li was dressed in a blue silk garment of Dahan embroidery. She inserted a jasper hairpin into her black chignon and wore light make-up. When she was ready to go out, Su Qingtan knocked on the door and came in. When he saw the Second Sister, he was amazed but quickly became worried. He said in a low voice,

“You really don’t want me to attend the feast with you tonight, do you?”

He understood that they invited Su Li because of Qi Xianqing. If she refused the princes, their anger would directly swallow Su Li.

He once felt that Su Li was lucky because Qi Xianqing could protect her from the harassment of playboys. He did not expect that she would get involved in the dangerous battle.

Both success and failure relied on Qi Xianqing.

Su Li walked to Su Qingtan with a smile. She lightly tidied up the front of Su Qingtan’s dress and said with a gentle and convincing voice, “Eldest Brother, rest assured. I have my own sense of propriety.” In addition, this matter is not up to me. It’s up to my master. I believe that as long as I say in this way, the princes will not hassle me.”

Su Qingtan felt better. He laughed loudly and said, “I hope so.”

“I am leaving.”

“Be careful on the road!”


Seeing the carriage leave, Su Qingtan became serious. He clenched his fists in his sleeves. He… was still too weak! If he had possessed enough power and strength, the Second Sister would not have faced the oppression of the princes at the age of 16!

“You can’t protect your sister with your current identity. When you get to the bottom of it, you will understand what I mean. I expect that you will come to me instead of passively accepting it.”

Recalling Ling Qinglan’s words, Su Qingtan gnashed his teeth. At this moment, his eyes were extremely firm.

The river behind the Hongyan House in the alley of brothels was glistening. A delicate ship with several stories drifted on the river. On the bridgehead, a long board was set up to the shore side. Under the crescent, a breeze was blowing, which was elegant and unique.

“Lady Qu, thanks for your kindness today.”

The First Prince Dongfang Sheng had already arrived early. He booked the whole Hongyan House tonight, but he thought that it was inappropriate to entertain a girl in the Hongyan House. So, Qu Lu thought of the idea that they could boat on the river. She solved the problem for him.

Qu Lu covered her face with a shy smile, which was enchanting. She said, “You are really polite. It is my duty to help you share and solve difficulties. When you become the emperor later, please don’t forget the help from Hehuan Sect.”

Dongfang Sheng’s mouth parched and tongue scorched. He cleared his throat and scolded secretly that the women in Hehuan Sect were all seductive ones. But he still behaved as a gentleman. He nodded with a smile and said, “Of course. Time is up. Please sit down.”

Then, he pointed to the gauze curtain in the stern. Behind the gauze curtain, there was a guqin. With a gauze curtain to cover her, he would be much better.

Qu Lu was surprised. The First Prince was actually able to withstand the seduction of Hehuan Powder. She looked down on him. With his patience, he might be able to succeed.

The task assigned by the sect was completed. Qu Lu quietly dispersed the Hehuan Powder and stood up to walk into the gauze curtain. Dongfang Sheng really felt better. He felt relieved and waited carefully.

He knew little about the martial arts circle, so he failed to detect any difference.

In the twinkling of an eye, the time was up. However, there was no one on the bank of the river. Dongfang Sheng had some confidence about his bargaining counters. But if Su Li didn’t come today, what would he do?

At this moment, Dongfang Sheng was slightly irritated and couldn’t help but loosen the buckle in front of his chest and take a deep breath.

At this moment, two figures in blue and white suddenly appeared on the shore side which was full of lanterns. The blue one was Su Li. Dongfang Sheng felt relieved. But when he saw the face of the white one beside Su Li, his eyes immediately turned bigger than copper bells!

Why was this guy… here?!

Ling Li pushed his wheelchair to the ship with an upper deck quickly. His speed was even faster than that of Su Li. When he saw Dongfang Sheng’s puzzled face, he suddenly laughed and patted the stiff shoulders of Dongfang Sheng. He tilted his head and said,

“Brother Sheng, I haven’t seen you for a long time. You are still handsome! After I received your invitation, I immediately dressed up and came here! Look! I don’t bring shame to you with the clothes, right?”

Looking at the complaisant face of Ling Li, Dongfang Sheng had a long face. It was blacker than the color of the bottom of a pan. He couldn’t believe that the little boy who dared to put aphrodisiac in his wine a year ago suddenly became sensible today.

He looked down and saw the crumpled clothes of Ling Li. His mouth violently twitched. The clothes of this little bastard… were exactly the same as his!!

Looking at crumpled front of Ling Li’s dress stuck with something yellow and dirty, the First Prince, who was very satisfied with his dress before, suddenly wanted to vomit.

This boy really came to make trouble for me!

But he could only have the bitter pill today. That’s because… he really sent an invitation to the Ling Family.

At this moment, Su Li had already walked to the ship with an upper deck. Looking at Ling Li, who looked complacent and the First Prince, who was angry, Su Li couldn’t help but feel strange. Why did he come?

Seeing Su Li come in with confusion, Dongfang Sheng instantly felt that his face was violently ripped off and rubbed by Ling Li on the ground. But he still had to smile and hold back his anger. He said to Su Li, “It is my honor that Miss Su is willing to come here. Please sit down for a while. I am leaving to manage an emergency situation.”

Su Li showed a thoughtful smile and nodded slightly, “Do as you wish.”

Then, she really sat down and watched the play.

Dongfang Sheng felt relieved. He was really afraid that Su Li would leave angrily because of Ling Li. If that happened, his image in the mind of the emperor would be worse than that of the Third Brother. One false step would make a great difference!

Suddenly, Dongfang Sheng felt cold. It seemed that a chill locked him, which made him tremble. But this feeling came and left quickly. He did not find the source.

Dongfang Sheng glanced at Ling Li, who was smirking. He could not help but smile bitterly. He even thought that the source was Ling Li. Today he was really annoyed and confused.

Even if the sun rose from the west, it wouldn’t be this little bastard, ha-ha…

Sitting behind the wheelchair of Ling Li, Dongfang Sheng held back his anger and said with a smile, “Brother Ling Li, I remembered that the invitation was clearly sent to your cousin, Ling Qinglan. Why do you come?”


The expression of Ling Li showed that he merited the invitation. He replied without hesitation, “Brother Sheng, Third Brother Lang and you should have discussed the date. Both of you sent invitations to my younger cousin at the same time. How can he manage it? He can’t separate himself. So, Qinglan attends the feast of the Third Brother Lang. I am afraid that you are not happy, so I come here!”

“I am afraid that you are not happy…”

“Not happy…”

When Su Li heard the words, she was close to laughing. She probably understood it.

Ling Qinglan obeyed the Third Prince’ order on the surface. The Third Prince sent an invitation to him for discussion of important matters. Dongfang Sheng wanted to make trouble, so he specially sent an invitation to Ling Qinglan at the same time.

The Third Prince was angry, so he dealt with the First Prince as the latter dealt with him. He also sent her an invitation.

Originally, Ling Qinglan attended the feast of the Third Prince. She attended the feast of the First Prince. It seemed that they reached a draw.

But Dongfang Sheng forgot that there was a son who “didn’t know the rules” in the Ling Family.

Ling Li’s expression was showing that there was no need to thank him. Seeing this, Dongfang Sheng looked pale. The scene was very wonderful.

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