Lady Su’s Revenge

Chapter 152 - The Unsettled Law Case of The Yi Family

Chapter 152 The Unsettled Law Case of The Yi Family

“I see. I see.” Ling Li impatiently pushed away Ling Ping in an extremely bad temper.

Ling Ping left the room and turned to look back repeatedly at every step. He sighed that the guy was so rude and he had left a bad impression to Su Li. How could he marry her?

“Don’t peep and don’t eavesdrop.”

Ling Ping suddenly heard Ling Li’s voice. He staggered and almost fell over. He instantly got angry.

Originally, he wanted to hear what they could say. Now his thought was revealed by Ling Li. He was uninterested in them. They were totally different people, so, they wouldn’t talk too much. He estimated that Brother Li would be drove out soon.

After Ling Ping went out, Ling Li pushed the wheelchair to Su Li. His tuinga titled. His original expression was vulgar and lewd, but now his expression was slightly gentle. He originally looked Su Li up and down. Now he restored calm. He had instantly become a quite different person from the original playboy.

Su Li raised her eyebrows and ridiculed, “Childe Ling, you are really good at acting.”

Ling Li used his psychic awareness and saw that Ling Ping had gone to drink beside the window on the second floor. A light flashed in his eyes. He kept his voice down and said, “It is not difficult for you to make out the situation of the Ling Family. I was poisoned when I was young. It happened indeed. Therefore…”

Su Li looked indifferent and said, “Stop. I’m not interested in your past. What do you want me to do? I told you that we would never ever meet again in the Dasu Town. It seems that you are forgetful.”

Ling Li slightly frowned. He felt Su Li’s alienation. It seemed that she didn’t want to have any connection with him.

However, his situation… It would be better if she were not involved.

Ling Li indifferently smiled. He finally repressed the special feeling in his heart. He showed the hierarch gesture of the big sect and said, “How about making a fair deal? How much should I pay for curing Ling Qinglan?”

Su Li smiled and said, “Qinghu? He is your right-hand man. If you want to be fair, I am afraid that you can’t afford the price.”

Ling Li was calm. He looked determined, “Go ahead.”

No matter how much he should pay, he would save Ling Qinglan definitely. No one else could be suitable for the position of Qinghu except him.

Su Li sat down beside Ling Li. She raised a finger and said, “I want… the Full Moon Elixir!”


Ling Li looked serious and was surprised in his heart. Even if he knew that Su Li would make things difficult for him, he did not expect that she would want that.

“You are inconsiderate!”

Ling Li growled from his throat. Su Li smiled brightly and said, “Is there anything that you cannot get in the world? Yunjing is your territory. Wouldn’t it be a joke if the auctioned treasure attained by other people in your territory?”

The Full Moon Elixir was a legendary treasure that would be auctioned at the Yunjing Auction House after one month. It’s said that it could open up the pubic region when it was full moon and help people break shackles of heaven and earth. With it, people could reach the higher realm without leaving the secular world. Also, it could improve one’s power of understanding. It was really a rare treasure!

The only flaw of the Full Moon Elixir was that it was a feminine psychic elixir. Only women could take it. If a man took it, he would be frozen instantly.

Even so, there were many white-headed women in sects of the martial arts circle. A “Full Moon Elixir” was enough to start a war in Yunjing City. Even if the Yinmo Cult interfered in, it was difficult to have an unscathed escape. Ling Li originally thought that he would watch in safety while others fight and then he would look for the opportunity to get the treasure. Whether he could get the elixir or not, it depended on a lucky chance.

However, Su Li made it necessary to get the “Full Moon Elixir” with just several words!

“If Ling Qinglan’s life is no match for a Full Moon Elixir, would it be a fair deal?” Su Li said with a leisurely smile, “In addition to the Full Moon Elixir, you still need to prepare a branch of the Kurong tree.”

“Kurong tree?”

Ling Li was confused. He said, “I have never heard of it. Besides, you are asking too much, aren’t you?”

Su Li moved closer to Ling Li’s ear and whispered, “In your native dialect, it’s the branch of Firmiana simplex which the phoenix lives on. In short, it’s almost the same thing. Only when you find it could I save Ling Qinglan’s life. Otherwise, how could I detoxicate him without medicine in hands?”

Ling Li’s eyelids trembled slightly. His eyes were full of motions. He asked, “Why did you say that my hometown is not here?”

Su Li got closer to Ling Li. She was almost taken him in her arms, which made the latter could not help but pause to breathe. Su Li perceived it and smiled softly. Her fingertips suddenly touched his cold lips. She said, “Because you personally told me a long time ago.”

Ling Li’s heartbeat was rapid. He didn’t expect that he waited for so long, and finally he only got a joke. He couldn’t help but move Su Li’s fingertips and said with some anger, “Just drop the matter if you don’t want to say. There is no need to be perfunctory.”

What she said was real.

Su Li sighed in her heart and stood up straight. She became unapproachable and said with an indifferent voice, “Only when you find those two things could I save Ling Qinglan’s life. Childe Ling, please go back.”

Ling Li turned away the wheelchair expressionlessly. He suddenly felt that the person behind him grabbed the handle of the wheelchair and gently pushed it.

A sense of déjà vu occurred to him.

He seemed to have experience this scene before…

Was it a dream?

Suddenly, Su Li’s cold voice was transmitted in silence to him and interrupted his thoughts. “The Lianshi Cult and the Hehuan Sect are not easy to deal with. If it is beyond your capability, don’t force yourself to confront them. I don’t want this physique avoiding all poisons made by me die in vain.”

Hearing the former’s cold voice transmitted in silence, Ling Li smiled and could not help but reply by transmitting the sound in silence, “I cherish my life more than anyone else. Since you have time to care about others, you’d better think about your situation.”

Before he finished speaking, Ling Li suddenly felt a thrust behind him, and the wheelchair was pushed far away. He almost beaten his head against the door.

Ling Li was instantly furious. When he was about to speak, Su Li said loudly on purpose, “We are not the same kind of people. Dissidence of opinions makes it useless to talk. Childe Ling, please go back!”


Ling Li slightly glared at her. In the next moment, Ling Ping opened the door as expected. He felt the unpleasant atmosphere in the room and couldn’t help but force a smile. He apologized and then pushed Ling Li to go downstairs.

“You ruthless girl!”

Hearing the last sentence said by the playboy sitting in the wheelchair, Su Li instantly giggled. She laughed so much that she even stooped. Tears dropped on the ground.

Finally, it’s hard to say that she was crying or laughing.

Su Huanli and Su Li didn’t go back to the Su House until they finished the business of the Baiwei Building from 21 to 23 o’clock. The former was beaming, and the latter was calm as usual. Su Qingtan had been waiting long at the door. When he saw that the carriage came back, he breathed a sigh of relief and went to welcome them.

“Qingtan! You didn’t see it. Today, the restaurant just opened, and the guests were full! If the dishes were not sold at half price on the first say, the profit could be at least two thousand taels! It won’t be long before we buy the shop and stand firm in Yunjing!”

Su Qingtan was also happy for the family. He pulled Su Li and said, “Dad, Second Sister, you both must be tired. Go in and have a rest. Since the business of the Baiwei Building is stable, Second Sister, you should go to the National Academy. Your study cannot be delayed.”

Su Huanli was not satisfied with that. The business was so good because Su Li appeared in the restaurant from time to time today. If Su Li was not there, he would not earn so much money.

However, Su Qingtan was the Officer of the Supreme Judiciary and his words were also reasonable. He couldn’t stop Su Li from going to the National Academy for money. It was untenable. His idea would be vetoed by Su Qingtan.

That being the case… It would be better to leave a good impression to Su Li.

Thinking of this, Su Huanli nodded and said with a smile, “That’s true. The study is more important. Li, you don’t need to go to the Baiwei Building tomorrow.”

Su Li nodded lovely and answered with a sweet smile, “Ok, thanks, dad.”

Su Qingtan was gratified. His father finally was considerate towards his Second Sister. If Su Huanli was still like his First Mother and Grandma, he would not be helpless and stand by just like before in the Dasu Town.

Then, they returned to their yards separately. Su Li returned to her yard. Mammy Li had already prepared the bath water and the midnight snack. After taking a bath and putting on clean clothes, Su Li had the midnight snack after 1 o’clock. However, she found that the lights in Su Qingtan’s room were still on.

She meditated for a moment, then she took the lamp and went to Su Qingtan’a room. She knocked at the door, then she pushed it and went in.

Su Qingtan was reading the case files. He suddenly heard the sound and raised his head. When he saw Su Li, he could not help but smile. He said, “Second Sister, why are you here?”

“I have had the midnight snack and saw that the lights in your room are still on. I am worried about you, so, I come to have a look.” Su Li said and walked to Su Qingtan. “What are you doing, Eldest Brother? It’s late. You’d better sleep early.”

Su Qingtan felt warm in his heart. He lowered his head and said with a smile, “I see. I will go to sleep after reading this file.”

“I’ll accompany you. I haven’t read with you for a long time. What are these?”

Su Li took up the file and glanced at the six words “The Massacre of the Yi Family”. She looked serious all of a sudden.

“These are files of unsettled law cases in the Supreme Judiciary.”

Su Qingtan smiled and took the scrolls in Su Li’s hands. He untied them and put them in Su Li’s hands again. He said, “These are secrets, and only the Officers of the Supreme Judiciary can read them. But since you rarely read with me, so, just read them.”

“Thank you, Eldest Brother.”

Su Li thanked him and stood behind Su Qingtan and read. She took the first volume of the files, which briefly introduced the Yi Family.

Thirteen years ago, the Yi Family was an aristocratic family in the Yunjing City. The head of the family, General Yi, was the lieutenant of General Ling Feicheng at that time. Their family was thriving. However, no one knew which enemies they had provoked. The entire family was exterminated overnight on August 15th. 105 people of the Yi Family were all killed. Even the babies in swaddling clothes were pinched to die!

“August 15th is coming soon. The thirteen-year unsettled law case of the Yi Family will be an unsettled law case of fourteen years, but there is still no clue. I really don’t know why Ling Qinglan is so persistent.”

Su Qingtan sighed with emotions. There were so many backlogs of the Supreme Judiciary. If it’s not one thousand, it might be eight hundred. However, Brother Ling didn’t investigate others. He had to investigate this old case. He really asked for a snub.

Su Li heard it and said with a smile, “Maybe Lord Ling is related to this family. People will be so persistent only because they are related to the case.”

Su Qingtan couldn’t help but shake his head. He smiled and said, “All people of the Yi Family died. Ling Qinglan is the posthumous child of General Ling Feihe. How could he be related to the Yi Family? I heard from people of the Supreme Judiciary that Ling Qinglan was humiliated because of this case. They said that he was unworthy of the honor as the most powerful person in the Supreme Judiciary. Therefore, he works very hard on it. However, in my opinion, he should not be so naive.”

“So, that explains it.” Su Li responded. Her eyes shined and seemed to think of something.

At the moment, in the Ling House.

Ling Qinglan rarely came here. Ms. Gu and Qiu Meng were very happy. They quickly ordered servants to prepare food and drinks.

“Qinglan, you haven’t come here for a long time!”

While Ms. Gu served a whole bowl of dishes to Ling Qinglan, she blamed, “There is no need for you to live outside. Your parents died early. It would be better to live with me. Your Brother Ping hardly lives at home throughout the year. The little bastard Ling Li is naive. I really need you you to live with me!”

Ling Qinglan looked warm and sweet. He smiled and said, “Grandma, I am used to living in the Supreme Judiciary. I miss you, so, I come to see you.”

“You naughty boy. Sometimes you are more slippery than your Brother Li. You are disobedient…”

Ms. Gu chattered. Ling Qinglan smiled more happily. He was not a member of the Ling Family but he was more than a member of the Ling Family. Since he was young, people of the Ling Family had never given him a long face. They really treated him as a grandson of the family.

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