Lady Su’s Revenge

Chapter 147 - Invitation of the Emperor

Chapter 147 Invitation of the Emperor

“The miracle-working doctor?”

Ling Mo looked puzzled and said in a low voice, “Does Qi Xianqing come back? But he is the royal preceptor, and it is not certain that he is a friend or foe. How can he treat Qinglan?”

Ling Li shook his head and said nothing. Then he picked up a file and threw it to Ling Mo.

Ling Mo took it over and opened it. Then his expression instantly changed. The quirky girl actually came to Yunjing!

Ling Xian was listening. She surely knew that they were talking about Su Li and it seemed that the master and Ling Mo had contact with Su Li.

Thinking of this, Ling Xian immediately said, “She is the apprentice of Qi Xianqing and we don’t know whether she is a friend or foe either. The master should be careful.”

Ling Mo looked back to look at Ling Xian, who looked worried. He couldn’t help but smile bitterly. Now it seemed that it was too late to say that. The girl not only spoke out the origins of him and Ling Li, but also behaved very… strangely.

It seemed that she had a profound relationship with the master, but he served as the sword in the hands of the master. He didn’t listen to the things he shouldn’t have known. He was not very clear about the relationship between Su Li and the master, but he could be sure that Su Li certainly could not be the enemy of the master.

The girl went through untold hardships and let the master have physique impervious to hundreds of poisons. If she was an enemy… it could be ridiculous.

“I am sure that she won’t be my enemy!”

Ling Li said firmly. Ling Xian felt depressed when hearing Ling Li’s words, but she did not dare to rebut it. She had a hunch. If she doubted Su Li’s identity again, the master could be angry.

“Her followers haven’t come yet. Although the identity of the lecturer in the Affiliated School has given her a shield these days, it is difficult to guarantee that she will not be attacked secretly. Ling Mo, send someone to protect her secretly.”

Ling Li walked around and gave an order. Instantly Ling Mo felt puzzled.

Was it necessary to protect the girl who had numerous poisons?

“In addition, have you forgotten that you annoyed her and was driven out of the valley by her?”

Ling Mo thought in this way for a while in his heart and finally didn’t say anything. He could only carry out the order obediently. In order not to let Su Li detect the people who were secretly protecting her, he needed to send seniors with much higher cultivation. Ling Mo was thinking about it.

Ling Xian saw Ling Mo leave obediently. She closed her lips lightly. Her eyes looked gloomy and no one knew what she was thinking.

In the Su House.

“Eldest Brother, do I have to attend the evening feast?”

Su Li heard that Su Qingtan asked her to change. She couldn’t help but feel a little shocked. During the day, she heard that Ling Ping of the Ling Family won a landslide victory and came back, and there was a small feast in the evening. Only the sons and daughters from the eminent aristocratic family or the officials appointed by the imperial court were qualified to be invited.

Su Qingtan smiled gently when hearing what Su Li said. Then he touched Su Li’s nose and said, “Stupid girl, you are now the lecturer of the Affiliated School and the junior sister apprentice of the emperor. In terms of dignity, who can compete with you? I am just qualified. Thanks to you, I can be invited this time.”

“Eldest Brother, don’t say that.”

Su Li looked embarrassed and said, “It’s said that it is a matchmaking event for General Ling Ping. I… I don’t want to get married.”

Su Qingtan was in a daze when hearing what Su Li said, and then he laughed and said, “You haven’t known your identity. You are the last apprentice of Qi Xianqing. If you don’t want to get married, no one can force you. Go there tonight and just look at the scenery of the waterside pavilion. In fact, if I didn’t hear that Lord Chen Gong would go, I wouldn’t go too, ha-ha…”

Chen Gong!

Su Li blinked. She stayed in Yunjing just for a few days, but she had heard the name more than once. She would definitely check the exact details of the person. Her Eldest Brother worshiped Chen Gong, but others turned pale at the mention of Chen Gong…

Su Qingtan asked Su Li to dress up quickly, and then he returned to his room to change clothes.


The wooden door was softly creaking. Su Li heard the sound and looked back, but she saw that Su Zipei appeared at the door as soon as Su Qingtan left. Su Zipei held her dress and looked embarrassed.

“Third Sister, if you want to tell me something, please come in.” Su Li smiled and said slowly.

Su Zipei felt relieved. She walked in the room and closed the door gently, but she envied and hated her sister crazily.

Until now, she discovered that she had been reduced to the situation where her words and behaviors needed to be approved by Su Li.

They only spent three days in Yunjing City. But Su Li’s good reputation had spread throughout Yunjing!

She was the last apprentice of Qi Xianqing, the royal preceptor!

She was more beautiful than Wu Xiuxiu, the former most beautiful girl in Yunjing. Now she had been the most beautiful girl in Yunjing!

Besides, she became the lecturer of the Affiliated School and also the first genius of the National Academy!


Why did all the good things happen to Su Li in only three days? How about her?

Except that half of the jade pendant, she had nothing!

Why did Su Li still have such a wonderful life without the jade pendant?

Compared with Su Li, she was like a little mouse that stole something. She tried carefully on the edge, but had never gotten any result.


With a breath, Su Zipei managed to hide her hatred and envy and prayed, “Second Sister, I also want to attend the feast to see the world. Can you… take me?”

Su Li looked at Su Zipei, who had been dressed up very delicately. A jade pendant on Su Zipei’s waist appeared gleamingly and looked extraordinary.

It seemed that Su Zipei did not stop inquiring about the news when she took care of Zhu Yan. The news of today’s feast just spread and she couldn’t wait to marry a good husband.

In the previous life, Su Qingtan did not come to Yunjing so early. Su Li did not know how Su Zipei hooked up Wu Jin in Yunjing and even let her biological father accept her daughter. But it did not matter. She had enough time to observe in this life. As long as Su Zipei wanted to contact the rich and powerful family in Yunjing, she would show her slip sooner or later.

But today…

Su Li said bitterly with an expression of regret, “Third Sister, it’s not easy for the Eldest Brother and me to go to the waterside pavilion. If we take you, people will think that the Su Family doesn’t know etiquette. I have already promised the Eldest Brother and cannot go back on my words. Next time, I will give you the opportunity. This time only…”

Su Li looked sincere and guilty. Then Su Zipei’s expression was extremely distorted. She didn’t see that Su Li was acting. It was the sincerity that made her feel sick!

Then Su Zipei became more furious and subconsciously tried to slap Su Li in her beautiful cheek.


The clear sound echoed through the room. Su Zipei touched her right face blankly and looked at Su Qingtan, who suddenly appeared in front of her. She did not know when Su Qingtan came here.

Su Qingtan pulled Su Li who felt wronged behind him. He looked furious, like a lion to devour people. He felt that Su Li pulled his sleeve behind him and managed to suppress his anger. But he couldn’t help but swear,

“Why did you do this? Why are you as vicious as your mother? Get out!”

Su Zipei’s face was pale. She was so scared that she fell to the ground and broke her hand, but she could not care about the pain in her palm. She climbed up and fled from the room embarrassedly.

Then Su Qingtan had time to care about Su Li.

Su Li smiled reluctantly and said, “Eldest Brother, don’t be angry. Zipei is not sensible…”

“Silly girl, she almost slapped you while you said something nice about her!”

Su Qingtan looked disappointed and said, “She is only one year younger than you. Don’t defend her in the future. I knew exactly what she had done. I didn’t take any action for what they did before for your sake. But it didn’t mean I didn’t care!”

Then Su Qingtan couldn’t go on because he found that Su Li was not listening at all. She kept lowering her head and touching the dress.

Su Qingtan sighed helplessly, “Let’s go. The waterside pavilion is out of town, and now it’s time to go.”


Su Li immediately raised her head to reply, and smiled brighter than the sun.

As the night approached, the waterside pavilion in the south of the town was brightly lit, and the luxury carriages completely blocked the spacious stone road. In order to see the outstanding young general of the Ling Family, more than half of the rich young misses in Yunjing City came here! There was full of strong smell of cosmetics.

At the same time, many young talents came here when they heard the news. Even if Ling Ping wanted to select a wife, he could only select one. If they performed well, they had the chance to marry a pretty girl.

Because it was a feast arranged by the imperial palace, both the servants at the door and the waiters were maids of honor and eunuchs. Su Qingtan supported Su Li out of the carriage and they were shocked by the scene of the door instantly.

He finally knew there were a lot of visitors. If people who came and went had not worn gorgeous clothes, he could have thought he came to the most prosperous street in Yunjing City.

As they approached the door, an imposing old eunuch greeted them, “I have heard from the emperor that a young genius came to Yunjing City. Are you Miss Su Li?”

Seeing the old eunuch, Su Qingtan was shocked. Then he quickly gave a salute and said, “It turns out to be the Manager of the Imperial Palace, Eunuch Feng!”

Su Li immediately followed and gave a salute while the old eunuch waved his hand and smiled very graciously. Then he said loudly, “Lord Su is courteous. I come here not only to arrange a feast for General Ling, but also to deliver the emperor’s oral instruction to Miss Su Li.”

Su Li felt extremely flattered and said, “Since it is the emperor’s oral instruction, I will definitely obey. Please tell me it.”

Eunuch Feng saw the scene and felt extremely happy. He thought the girl was much more sensible than the naughty boy before. When he passed on a message previously to the boy, the boy just turned away coldly. Then the eunuch was punished by the emperor. He felt unhappy at the thought of it.

Thinking of this, Eunuch Feng looked at Su Li more cordially and said, “Miss Su Li does not have to be nervous. The emperor told me that if you have time, you might as well go into the palace to visit him, and chat with him. The emperor also said that he has not seen his preceptor for more than ten years and misses him very much.”

Su Li nodded gently, but then she shook her head and said, “My master told me that I needed to complete the homework of the National Book Tower as soon as possible after arriving in Yunjing. Therefore, I can’t enter the imperial palace and get distracted. Although I want to go, I can’t disobey my master’s order. I can only offend you.”

Eunuch Feng felt shocked and immediately unhappier. What he said was in vain. Su Li still didn’t go, just like the naughty boy.

On the surface, Eunuch Feng still smiled and said, “I see. Since it was the order of the royal preceptor, I will tell the emperor truthfully.”

“Sorry to bother you.”

Su Li felt sorry and watched Eunuch Feng leave.

Su Qingtan looked at them and felt scared. After he saw Eunuch Feng leave, he couldn’t help but say in a low voice, “Did Dr. Qi really give such an order?”

Although he knew the identity of Qi Xianqing, Su Qingtan was used to calling him Dr. Qi.

Su Li stuck her tongue out and replied, “Of course! Otherwise, did you think I lied for this?”


Su Qingtan shook his head, but he felt puzzled about the reason why Qi Xianqing didn’t let Su Li go to the palace to see the emperor. What’s his concern?

After Su Li fooled Su Qingtan, she felt helpless. The emperor of the Dahan Country was absolutely dangerous. She was frightened of seniors in the imperial palace. In order not to expose herself too much, she could only let Qi Xianqing take the blame.

Su Qingtan looked around and did not see Chen Gong and Ling Qinglan. He could not help but doubt if he was deceived by Ling Qinglan. However, he came here after all. The feast hadn’t started. It was good for him and Su Li to go to the waterside pavilion.

With this in mind, a burst of exclamation came from the door behind him.

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