Lady Su’s Revenge

Chapter 127 - New Baiwei Building

Chapter 127 New Baiwei Building

Su Huanli bought a satisfactory land which was on the diagonally opposite side of the Linli Building. It took his own 50 thousand taels and Su Li’s four thousand.

It was worth mentioning that there were few people in this street before. But now, it had the potential to be the most crowed place because of the Linli Building. So, the rent here increased. That meant that if Su Huanli bought the land four months ago, he only needed to spend 20 thousand taels of silver.

“Fortunately, this building was a restaurant originally. Although it is a little old, I can renovate it after I get profit from it.” Su Huanli thought.

Looking at the newly-bought land, Su Huanli complained, “If I knew that the price of land here would increase, I would buy it earlier. Why didn’t Su Li tell me earlier?”

Su Huanli went to the second floor. He opened the wooden window and then closed it with detestation. Seeing the long queue outside the Linli Building, Su Huanli suddenly had mixed feelings.

It was said that the Linli Building was the most profitable place in the Qinghe Town, but the place was empty and belonged to the Su Family four months ago.

“Just in half a year, tut-tut… Mr. Li is really different and intelligent. I feel quite ashamed…”

Su Huanli sighed. He was so common that he had no opportunities to meet with the boss of the Linli Building, Mr. Li. Although people heard of Mr. Li before, they thought that Mr. Li should be a man and never thought that Mr. Li would be Su Li.

When Yan Shixun first heard of Mr. Li and Mr. Li’s deep cultivation, he first thought that Mr. Li must be the Hierarch of the Yinmo Cult, Childe Li.

Yan Shixun didn’t change his mind until he saw Mr. Li was a girl personally. Although nobody in Jianghu saw the appearance of Childe Li, everyone knew that Childe Li was a man who acted strangely between good and evil. On the contrary, Ms. Li was really kind and easy-going.

“Zipei, your mom will have a baby, so, you should spend more time with her rather than be busy with trivial matters in the new Baiwei Building. I and your father will be here. Don’t worry!”

Seeing that Su Zipei was busy all the time in the new Baiwei Building, Mam. Su-Cui stopped her with a loved expression. She said, “I will have Erya clean here. I heard that the school designated two manservants to help her, so I will have them to clean here. Will that violate rules of the school?”

“You are right. Second Sister didn’t come back even on the New Year’s Day. Obviously, she doesn’t take us in her heart. It’s time to teach her a lesson!”

Hearing Su Zipei’s ingratiating words, Mam. Su-Cui felt great and laughed gaily.

Su Huanli and others were busy with the new Baiwei Building, but they didn’t know that their acts and moves were closely observed by Wu Yun and people of the Linli Building. The Yan Family were watching them, too.

“The Su Family come here suddenly and niggle Su Li all the time. Someone must create difficulties on purpose. They must be vicious.” Yan Shixun thought silently.

Yan Shixun was not stupid. He definitely could perceive what Su Li could be aware.

Receiving the latest news from his spies, Yan Shixun frowned and sighed slightly. He sat down and pinched the part between his eyebrows. He was upright, but he looked so tired.

Yan Shixun had been intriguing against the Jin Family and the Lin Family for two months. He was really tired at that moment.

“Dad, we got it. The old butler didn’t come with the Su Family, and he was still in the Dasu Town. He said that someone really went to the Su Family to send news secretly and exposed the whereabouts of Lecturer Su Li.”

Yan Ziye came in a hurry and told Yan Shixun what they had got. Yan Shixun was excited suddenly.

“Just as I expected, the whole thing seems to be very mysterious! The butler in the Su Family takes Su Li’s side, so, not everyone in the Su Family bullies the girl. However, she is still in a bad situation…”

Yan Ziye murmured. Thinking of that Ning Yunzhi had told him that Qi Xianqing supported Su Li, Yan Ziye made up his mind that he wouldn’t let anyone hurt Su Li in the Qinghe Town.

Otherwise, if Qi Xianqing was angry, the whole Dahan Country would be in trouble, let alone the Yan Family.

“Ziye, you are responsible for protecting Su Li. Try to prevent her from involving in the dispute. If you find that members of the Su Family want to hurt her, you should stop them as soon as possible. Do you understand?”

Seeing Yan Shixun talking to him so seriously, Yan Ziye nodded heavily. He remembered that Su Li was badly wounded and lost a lot of blood last time. Yan Ziye was really sad for her. He didn’t bear to see Su Li who was innocent, weak but strong would be hurt by the Jin Family and the Lin Family again.

It was in the courtyard of the Qinghe Girls’ School.

Seeing the latest information Fang Yuan brought, Su Li showed a despised expression. There is no story without coincidences. Su Huanli even build the branch of the Baiwei Building on the diagonally opposite side of the Linli Building.”

“Wu Yun didn’t take action, but the Yan Family sent people to the Dasu Town. It seemed that they got some news.”

Fang Yuan added some key points. Su Li nodded and mediated for a moment. Then she said, “Don’t take any action and just observe what Wu Yun will do.”

Su Li gave the same order as before, and Fang Yuan had been used to it. He just nodded and then left.

The room was quiet again. Su Li took the Ao Sword Skills and then began to comprehend the third hurdle. Despite the fact that her cultivation was powerful enough to avoid being found by people arranged by Wu Yun, she seldom went to the Linli Building these days.

However, there were no absolute rules.

Su Li never thought that she had a good luck, so she must be careful in the critical period.

After a while, Su Li thought of something. She asked, “Mammy, is my mom going to have a baby?”

Mammy Li who was taking a nap outside was waken up with a start. She nodded repeatedly while rubbing her eyes, and then she answered, “Yes, Fifth Master will be born in less than one month.”

“Fifth Master?”

Su Li tilted her head with a smile, which confused Mammy Li. Mammy Li murmured, “Didn’t that witch say that First Madam would give birth to a boy this time?”

“Mammy, ask someone to inquire secretly which midwife will deliver the baby for my mom. Then I can know it’s a Fifth Brother or a Fifth Sister that my mom will give birth to.”

“Well! I will go now.”

Mammy Li stood up and sighed secretly, “Second Miss said that she doesn’t care about First Madam and others, but she thinks about them in heart all the time. Argh! First Madam was heartless, but she gave birth to such a kind-hearted daughter. How much good deeds did First Madam do in pervious life?”

Perhaps Su Li and Wu Yun couldn’t pay the price to stir up trouble and just observed each other’s action secretly, so the Qinghe Town was quiet temporarily. Only the newly-opened Baiwei Building became a hot topic.

“I heard that dishes in the restaurant on the opposite side of the Linli Building taste very good. Have you ever been there?”

“I have been there before. I thought that they just bragged, but a few dishes tasted really delicious!”

“You don’t understand. I heard from others that those recipes were created by Su Li, the most intelligent girl in Qinghe Town, so they must be delicious.”

“I get it!”

“You mean the 16-year-old Lecturer Su?!”

“Since you said that, I really want to taste those dishes to see whether what you said is true or not.”

“Ho-ho, you don’t need to doubt that Miss Su’s talent. She is the youngest special-class lecturer in the Qinghe Girls’ School and even the First Master of the Lin Family is not worthy of her.”

“I heard that Lecturer Su Li is quite pretty. She is really a girl endowed with both a pretty face and talent.”


Remarks had spread. The business of the Baiwei Building was thriving, which made Su Huanli extremely happy. He thought that it was right for him to open the new Baiwei Building in the Qinghe Town.

Su Huanli got Su Li to design the boiler of the Baiwei Building and arranged some helpers from the Dasu Town. Then the new Baiwei Building operated normally. Although there was not much profit now because the building was too old, Su Huanli was full of confidence in the future.

“When I make enough money to renovate the new Baiwei Building, the business here will be more prosperous. In addition, Li’s fame will attract more customers. At that time, the profits of the new Baiwei Building might keep up with the Linli Building.” Su Huanli thought.

To celebrate that the new Baiwei Building began to make profits, Su Huanli sent out invitations to influential families in the Qinghe Town in the name of Su Li and invited them to the new Baiwei Building to attend a feast.

Receiving Su Huanli’s invitations, influential families reacted differently.

At ordinary times, these families wouldn’t care about a small potato like Su Huanli, but now it was in the critical period and they knew the origin of the new Baiwei Building clearly. What’s more, Su Huanli invited them in the name of Su Li.

Since Su Li came to the Qinghe Town on the first day, she was regarded as a member of the Yan Family. Su Li was saved while she was seriously injured. All this kind of things happened later proved that Su Li belonged to Satrap Yan’s faction. However, Su Huanli who didn’t understand the situation also invited the Jin Family and the Lin Family, which aroused their thoughts.

“We will go and we must go! Otherwise the Yan Family may think that the Jin Family and the Lin Family are afraid of them. But, the head of our family doesn’t need to go there because Su Li is only a junior. It’s better to let First Master and First Miss go there.”

“I agree!”

“I agree, too!”

After receiving the invitation, Satrap Yan was really embarrassed. He couldn’t help but think, “Su Huanli is really a troublemaker, but it is also a good opportunity to test the Jin Family and the Lin Family.”

“Ziye, go there with Hongxiu. Don’t lose our Yan Family’s face.” Satrap Yan ordered.

“I understand!” Yan Ziye answered.

Every influential family that received the invitation arranged anxiously. Finally, it was the afternoon of the next day, the feast time of the new Baiwei Building.

Luxury carriages stopped one after another in front of the dilapidated Baiwei Building. Well-dressed childes and misses walked out of carriages. They had attracted many pedestrians around.

“So many rich families sent people here. It seems that Miss Su Li is more influential than we have imagined.” Pedestrians marveled.

“The Linli Building is booming fast, but the Baiwei Building is booming faster.”

“It’s so rare. I must try to sneak in. If I can go in and have a look, I will have no regret in this life.”

Some pedestrians began to bustle around, and the situation was in chaos. Fortunately, officers and soldiers who guarded around the Baiwei Building stopped the chaos.

Su Huanli was welcoming childes and misses of rich families at the entrance of the Baiwei Building. He was extremely happy because he never thought that Su Li was so influential that so many rich families came to attend the feast. Su Huanli could imagine that the business of the Baiwei Building would be more prosperous in the future.

Su Li stood next to Su Huanli with a gentle smile as if she never minded that Su Huanli sent out invitations in her name.



At this time, two luxury carriages stopped simultaneously at the entrance of the Baiwei Building. A man and a woman walked out from the carriages. The moment when they looked at each other, the air seemed to be still.

Seeing that, others stood still, too. Everything was in silence suddenly.

They were brothers of the Yan Family, Yan Ziye and Yan Hongxiu, and the couple, Lin Yanxing and Jin Ruolan.

The Yan Family and the Su Family fought against each other over one month, but they never met each other. They finally met in a sudden at this moment, so, they wouldn’t make any concessions.

Although Su Huanli had perceived that there might be something wrong, he didn’t know the adversarial relationship between the two families, so he walked forward and flattered with a smile, “Childe and miss of Satrap Yan, you are here. I am Su Huanli. Please!”

Yan Hongxiu and Yan Ziye didn’t speak, but Jin Ruolan rolled her eyes and said in an ironic tone, “Look at your obsequious face. You are really a dog of the Yan Family!”

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