[Breaking the seals!]

Alvine murmured with his platitude voice.


The next moment, his divine and threatening aura began wreaking havoc in the black room by creating a few cracks in the walls, stronger than steel and more resistant than a divine weapon.

'Huh?! He's really an intermediate divine mage?!' Feyre thundered in her thoughts when she finally saw through Alvine's rank of cultivation.

But unfortunately for her, she did not yet know that this was only the beginning of the large-scale show.

In front of her and the executor, Alvine's golden aura vanished suddenly around him, followed by a dull and mysterious silence.

And the next moment,


Another wave of aura, more fierce than the previous one, manifested around him.

"Huh?! Has he just reached into the high-level divine rank unintentionally? A natural breakthrough, huh?" She whispered while frowning.

Her surprise was only momentary before she regained her cold blood when she realized it was Alvine, the person she wanted to experience the most.

But just as she thought she could catch her breath, her eyes widened by noticing other strange changes in Alvine's aura.

The golden glow, like a tsunami, suddenly became calmer again and began to have traces of redness in it.

'It's impossible.' She almost shouted these words out loud, noticing this difference and the placidity in Alvine's look and aura.

She was not convinced that Alvine was regressing to the rank of emperor. Thanks to her perception, she could see beyond what a divine mage could not see, the crystallization of the will of Alvine, which was manifested through the aura of Alvine.

'According to my knowledge, the white color represents the holiness and purity of a being who has transcended the limits of mortality, gold represents pride, and blue represents laziness.

-As for the rose, it is the lust and obsession to have everything for itself. Green is greed or avarice. It's avarice. But the red...! Sigh, I now understand where he derives this strength and this desire to protect his loved ones. Alvine Dragnar, you deserve me to be interested in you. Everything of your being represents an absolute interest in research.'

She was not the only one with skeptical eyes; the executor was in a situation similar to her when he saw the aura of Alvine.

'The red, huh? What an irony of fate. While you were absolute darkness without attachment, I never thought you could change so much, dirty monstrosity!' He murmured, proudly manifesting his golden aura around his body with an insane smile!

[So you sincerely said you wanted to protect your loved ones? Even if I now believe in your will just by seeing your aura, I still find it ironic. Before your fall, you had no attachments; your soul was black.

-But it doesn't matter, red or black; finally, the thirst for massacre always shines in your eyes. Even if it is for reasons different from those before!]

As he spread these words with an insane smile, he pointed his hand at Alvine, followed by a dazzling light emanating from the golden tiara in his other hand.

|Power of the tiara: sealing chains! |


Simultaneously, golden and translucent chains boo toward Alvine at a moderate speed like dozens of snakes crawling toward him.

But despite their slow speeds, Alvine also realized that his movement speed had become more slower than the chains.

'Tsk, this skill also influences time.' His frustration reached its outburst, followed by a wave of dark energy emanating from his body that had nothing to do with the other two auras.

As a result, he also regained his dazzling mobility while jumping toward the masked executor, who had two crescents of Moons on his mask.


Regardless of the latter's surprise when he saw Alvine remove the temporal influence, he canceled his attack and jumped back before Alvine's sword reached his head.

"...Seeing you trying to save time, I conclude that you are trying to prevent me from going to Fraydja's planet. That leads me to conclude that you are preparing something against my family." He murmured when he saw the executor's inaction towards him.

[...What if that were the case? What do you plan to do? To leave here, you must prevent this tiara from exercising its powers in this area, and to do this, you must steal it from me. And for that, you have to reach me. One thing you will never be able to do.]


[As far as I am concerned, I could kill you anytime. But I did not receive this order; you are far too dangerous to let your soul perpetuate the cycle of reincarnation. It took us a long time to locate you; the chances are almost zero percent for us to make this mistake. And as for you, given your attachment, you are not ready to commit suicide and abandon everything you have fought so far. So it's--

"Our perspectives on the importance of life differ; that's why we will never be able to understand each other." Alvine interrupted him in the middle of his sentence with this sentence that he pronounced in a dull voice.

*Stop moving; the power of the tiara is not something we can--!!

Just before Feyre reveals some information to him, Alvine's silhouette vanishes again, and tries again to reach his target.

But not surprisingly, the latter managed to avoid his attack as if it were only a game for him.

But Alvine constantly continued to attack him without hitting the mark.


After five minutes, he noticed that his body was becoming heavier, so taking a step forward was up to him to make monstrous efforts.

He was not the only one to have noticed this phenomenon, but just by seeing the executor's vicious smile, and Feyre's heavy sigh, he could guess that these two knew what was happening to him.

"..." Finally, he stopped and used his magical perception to inspect the room in depth.


'Golden threads?' His expression wobbles slightly before his frown comes back as before.

Golden threads barely larger than an atom were connected to each part of his body, tying him to the tiara held by the executor.

*It is because of the power of sealing the tiara that he holds in his hand. Initially, it only prevented his target from going out into its area. But the more its target rebels, at the slightest movement on his part, the tiara becomes more powerful, and there will come a time it's his prisoner will not even be able to breathe because of its obstruction. That's why I kept trying to stop you!*

Upon hearing Feyre's explanations, Alvine remained momentarily silent and motionless. But just when Feyre thought he had finally understood the situation, he continued his assault more agitatedly than expected.

"...Sigh, he is still immature." She murmured with a stale mood as she looked at the abyssal black pupils of Alvine, who continued to persist more despite the disadvantages she had just listed.

But unlike her, the exterminator did not have the same impression. His expression gradually became dark as he saw Alvine force his body beyond what he was supposed to endure.

'His clothes are soaked as if he spent an hour in the rain, I don't need to listen to hear his bones crack and his nerves tear. But because of his regeneration, he continues while obstinately wanting to reach me.' He said to himself, teleporting ten meters from Alvine for the eighth time.

But no matter how far he moved away from Alvine, the latter did not stop chasing him, despite the fact that his speed of decreasing every second.


At the moment when the executor and Feyre expected the least, and when they believed that Alvine was going to faint, the latter suddenly zoomed in in front of his target, and the blade of his sword missed the executor by an inch.


Seeing a small notch on his armor, the executor frowns.

'This sword is more dangerous than expected.' He said to himself with dark eyes.

At the same time, Alvine also stopped.

"I think I understood how this artifact works in your hand." He soberly murmured while taking advantage of the brief break to catch his breath.


"Well, let's resume from the beginning!" He then said, after seeing the mistrust in the executor's look.

'The mysterious powers of this tiara compress my aura, and the golden thread around my body oppresses my movements. And above all, only this girl is affected by her effects and me. In other words, this fucker can move at his will. And finally, despite the presence of my aura, it is practically only used to make the decoration. Not only can I not use it to cast spells, but not even for simple muscle strengthening.

-Seen from this angle, he’s unbeatable. But there are always flaws; perfection is not willing to any newcomer. I learned this well, depending on my expenses. And the weakness of this seal is the man in front of me. He does not attack just for fear of killing me or for other stupid reasons, but it is because he wants to save his energy at all prices, which leads me to the conclusion that this artifact is voracious in terms of the amount of energy it needs to stay active.

-That's why he discourages his targets from moving. But despite this conclusion I had since my first attack, it was too easy to guess, which means that it hides other characteristics. And I believe that it's because of its voracity in energy that it does not prevent its targets from manifesting their auras.

After all, it also absorbs the energy of its prisoners to support that of its owner. Even if it is tiny and goes unnoticed in the eyes of others, I noticed it thanks to my perception. This tiara uses my energy and that of Feyre to continue to strengthen that of its owner. The best thing is to banish all energy in this room.' He concluded, followed by the smile that emerged on his lips.


Faced with his flat expression that suddenly changed into a sudden mischievous smile, the executor's frown persisted.

[Do you think you can get out of here? Even transcendent beings do not prove anything against the power of this artifact. The more powerful its target, the more the powers of this little jewel will become immeasurably great! You will have no chance to escape here to rescue your so-called family!] He retorted these words with bloodthirsty eyes.

"Thanks to your words, I confirmed some of my suspicions. This tiara draws our energies to strengthen yours so that it remains active." He said these words out of breath.

[...Ho? I congratulate you for understanding this. But this is not hidden information; even Miss Feyre already knows how this little jewel works. But why has she always remained as a spectator? Because she knows she won't be able to--

"Stop there, you bastard! If I haven't moved from here yet, it's to prevent the seal from absorbing my energy and strengthening, not because I don't want to help him!" Feyre retorted between her clenched teeth seeing through the intentions of the executor who wants to sow more discord between her and Alvine.

"Referring to your reasons, it does not change that it is partly thanks to you that we were able to isolate him from his subordinates. At present, they should all be already dead. And you, you are here without being able to leave to join them; how does it feel to feel this impotence?" The executor continued in a sarcastic tone that could not hide his pride.

"Heh, I don't need to rush towards them; after all, you seem to have forgotten an important detail; those on these two planets are much stronger than me. If they don't have the ability to get by, then I doubt that my presence can change anything. In addition to that,...


'They had already received my instructions long before your appearance; I doubt they will let themselves be overwhelmed by events.' He pronounced this last sentence in his thoughts while caressing the ring on his left ring finger.

*I know that you're arrogant and that you hate being noticed. But here, we have no option but to rely on you. I don't have the power to prevent this artifact from working, but it is enough for us to prevent it from absorbing more energy. So absorb all the energy from my three cores and restore them when the moment comes. If you cannot do that, then it means that your arrogance does not deserve to be; and believe me, I'd get rid of you no matter the price!*


After communicating these words, Alvine remained silent despite not getting an answer from the ring.

But this silence lasted only a long time before it suddenly fainted to the ground.


Due to Feyre's surprise, the executor also remained in a second state when he saw him lose consciousness.

"Sigh, all this pride speech just to get to this point? It's pathetic." He shakes his head in a frustrated mood when he sees Alvine subdued without being able to contemplate the despair he wants him to live in.

But because of his ignorance, neither he nor Feyre knew what Alvine was going through.


Despite everything, the two suddenly felt tingling in their souls because of the negative feelings they felt following the appearance of familiar energy that emanated from the ring, followed by Alvine's sudden awareness.

'Ugh!! Something is wrong with this guy!' The executor and Feyre had the same thought when they saw Alvine stand on his two legs with a more disinterested expression that was familiar to them but that they could not remember where they had seen.

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