
Wang Wei exhaled as he opened his eyes; he finished today's meditation. He had alleviated his injury, reassuring him since he feared it would take too long to heal. In the past few days, while recovering, he searched multiple times to check if he had missed something. Luckily, he did not.

He walked out of his tent, where he noticed the troops and his group having dinner over a fire. He took the plate Li Jun handed him as he sat down next to him.

"Is your soul alright?"

"It should be fine in a few days."

"I would offer you some Soul Repairing Pills, but I know these things are ineffective for you," commented Yan Liling.

"It's fine. I forgot to ask, did you ever try refining the Immortal Pill?" Wang Wei once gave her the special array he received from the Miscellaneous Emperor that could create a unique Immortal Qi only for pill refining.

"I have not succeeded yet because of the divine runes. However, it's a great challenge, and I look forward to succeeding" The Immortal Pill does require not only the absorption of Immortal Qi but also a plethora of divine runes that would make Quasi-Emperor Tier Pill look like child play.

"Why don't you refine it yourself? It might help with your injury."

"Immortal Pills take years at the minimum to refine, so it will take too much time," replied Wang Wei. "Plus, it will be more meaningful if you are the first mortal to refine an Immortal Pill."

"Maybe. However, Heavenly Dao might not acknowledge this accomplishment because of the Immortal Qi Array." The array is the key to creating the pill, and there is only one that the Miscellaneous Emperor granted to Wang Wei.

"Unless we can recreate the array," added Wang Wei.

"This may not be enough." Yan Liling shook his head. She was confident the Dao and Immortal Array Masters of the sect would decipher the formation and recreate it. However, Heavenly Dao might wish for her also to be able to establish the array to acknowledge her feat of refining the Immortal Pill.

"Well, do your best to succeed since the reward should be quite the amount of merit."

"I will." Yan Liling has been saving her merit to cultivate faster in the Emperor Realm.

"Try to do it before the Heaven Will Battle," added Wang Wei. 

"Are you truly going to make this technique public?"

"Yes. However, the people who used it will give a share of the Immortal Pill they sell to the sect," explained Wang Wei. "It's not that big deal considering that less than ten people have the talent to learn this method."

"In the Myriad Emperor World, maybe. But considering the entire Endless Void, that's a much larger number," countered Yan Liling,

"And they all have to pay us patent fees," continued Wang Wei. "My guess is some factions in the Myriad Pill World have a similar method of refining Immortal Pill–even if it's not as perfect as ours. If they were as open-minded as us, how much more wealth could they have gathered over the generations? They could put in clauses in a contract that anyone who made innovations to this technique has to share it with them."

"If you put it that way, it does make sense." Of course, Yan Liling understood such a method would not work for some weak factions who could not protect their intellectual properties from others. Nevertheless, this method was a great business model for the faction with sufficient power.

"Could you use Liang Shixian's Soul Path Method to heal your injury?" suddenly said Li Jun.

"No…because it…would require…too much…," Wang Wei spoke incoherently as his mind seemed elsewhere. After close to a minute of silence: "How can I be so slow!' he clicked his tongue.

"Did you think of something?" asked Li Jun.

"Why is there no Soul Path?"

"What do you mean?"

"Body, Qi, Soul, and Dao. From the information we know, I can theorize cultivators can achieve immortality after opening the Gate of Power. The Immortal Path is the path of Qi, and Dao Ancestor is the path of Dao, so logically, there should be a Soul Path."

"Emperor has a Dao Body, Emperor Soul, and High Immunity to Qi," commented Li Jun. "A combination of the three paths. So, there should have been a Soul Path already existing."


"Do you suppose there used to be a Soul Path, but something happened to it? Maybe, someone destroyed it or something," added Yan Liling.

"That's one of the greatest possibilities," agreed Wang Wei. "The other is True Heavenly Dao removed that path for some reason. But I prefer the first one."

"That's worth thinking about. If someone removed the Soul Path, then that person must have erased it from history since no knowledge remains about it," added  Li Jun. "The alternative is this event occurred in the distant past of the Eternal Ascension World, in a time where maybe the lower dimension did not even exist yet."

"True. The same goes for the True Power Dao Realm. I always suspect there should have been three Gates instead of two, and someone was responsible for the missing gate. However, Wu Hong told me she did not know anything. And for as long as she knows, it has always been two."

"If someone was responsible for its disappearance, doesn't that mean trouble will come your way once you try to reestablish the Soul Path?" stated Tie Gang, which made Wang Wei's mouth twitch.


"You're really a trouble magnet."

"It may not be as you said. There is the possibility True Heavenly Dao granted Liang Shixian the destiny to revive the Soul Path, and I'm just helping. After all, his unrelenting hatred for the Emperor Path is suspicious."

"Let's hope you're correct."

Wang Wei glared at him since he felt this guy was calling him unlucky before looking at his palm.

"Is something wrong?" asked Li Jun.

"My palm is itchy."

"What? Can your palm be itchy?"

"It's a sign I'm about to acquire tremendous wealth."

"Fortunate encounter? In this place?"


Wang Wei was not surprised by this prediction. As a Son of an Era, he should be having fortunate encounters left and right. However, he controlled his Qi Luck since he knew the downside of immense luck. Nevertheless, after surviving any catastrophe, his luck will peak, granting him powerful fortunate encounters.

After surviving his meeting with the Great Cthulhu, his luck should be activating. He closed his eyes, thinking about what he needed to improve his strength.

'I need a better Proving Dao Artifact.' His wife used countless Chaos Artifacts to refine her Proving Dao Artifact, so he should not lose to her. After making a plan, he activated his Luck Dao and used a technique on his Qi Luck.

"Done." He knew for sure this upcoming fortunate encounter would involve his Proving Dao Artifact.

Tomorrow early morning, the troop continued their march. They destroyed city after city. Wang Wei's token was finally activated, and he learned that Heavenly Dao only allowed 100 million troops per token. But their current token could only bring in the 20 million soldiers they brought with them. So, the group continues killing to reach the 100 million quota.

Soon, they found the Sloth base located in the far north.

Envy Territory:

Ao Shen looked at the woman before him with a frown. The woman looked like a typical human beauty except for her pupils: they were mirrors. She was dressed in a man's tight leather clothes, but the clothes could not hide her feminine charm.

'The Mirror Eye Devil Tribe,' thought Ao Shen, immediately becoming on guard. "Who are you?"

"You can call me Envy."

"Are you the ruler of this territory?"

"You can say so."

"Interesting. You should be worth many points," said Ao Shen with twinkling eyes.

"Now, now, there is no need to fight," Envy said. "You and I are similar in many ways."

"Similar? I would love to hear this," replied with a sneer.

"We are. Humans treat us worse than dogs. They hunt our kind for sports and resources. We have not become extinct because of their 'grace.' So, we do have much in common."

"Except your kind also treated my demonkind the same way during your reign."

"That is only in the past; we have paid for the sins of our ancestors."

"Then, what about the fact our demon race is not the enemy of the entire lower dimension."

"Why are you trying to be difficult?" said Envy with annoyance.

"I'm not, but just stating the truth."

"Are you saying you don't see the advantage of an alliance between our kind?"

"The devil race will never stop paying for their ancestor's crime. I don't know what you're planning, but you should understand Empress Wu's seal protects your race.

"If you ever escape, there are too many other planes who would go to extreme lengths to hunt you down and exterminate your species."

Envy quieted down for a moment, "I really wished you would understand."

"I do. I understand the demon race's current situation is way better than allying with you; at least we can still live under the sun."

"Since you're not an ally, you're an enemy."

"I would not have it any other way."

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