
Chapter 2656: You, Three Evolvable Saint Godheads?!

As Yuan Qianxing called out his Origin Saint Godhead, everyone present trembled involuntarily.

At the same time, everyone's heart couldn't help but give birth to fear, and everyone included the Otherworldly Mansion Master, Mo Zhi. That was the regal king that reigned above all other saint godheads, the Origin Saint Godhead!

Between this heaven and earth, although the top ten ranked saint godheads were amazing, in Mo Zhi, Long Shengtian, Fei Yanzi, and other Primal Ancestor experts' eyes, they didn't really amount to a lot at their level.

Even the second-ranked godhead did not stir a ripple of apprehension in Mo Zhi's heart.

But the Origin Saint Godhead was the sole exception.

Though the top ten saint godheads were rare, there were still a number of them, and Mo Zhi had even seen two people with Myriad Creations Saint Godhead, but no matter what, at any one time, there would only be one Origin Saint Godhead!

One and only!

On this great land, encompassing the entire Holy World and Alien Lands, there was only one Origin Saint Godhead. One origin core gave birth to one Origin Saint Godhead, and there was only one Son of Origin!

When everyone was looking at the Origin Saint Godhead in shock, Huang Xiaolong's eyes glimmered with burning desire. The Origin Saint Godhead, ah. If he could devour Yuan Qianxing's Origin Saint Godhead, then his three saint godheads could definitely rise to higher ranks.

Waves of origin energy roiled off the Origin Saint Godhead in the air like a powerful waterfall, enveloping Yuan Qianxing entirely. The bloodstains on the corner of his mouth vanished as vigorous origin energy filled him from head to toe, and his momentum rose to a higher peak.

"Huang Xiaolong, my Origin Saint Godhead has complete suppression power over all lower-ranked saint godheads. I bet that under the suppression of my Origin Saint Godhead, your Primal Dragon Saint Godhead, Solitary Darkness Saint Godhead, and Chaos Void Saint Godhead can't employ any powers now, right?" Yuan Qianxing sneered harshly, "Even if you can spur some powers, your holy energy's circulation would be too slow, let's see how you're going to attack now!"

Under the Origin Saint Godhead's innate suppression, the second-ranked to the tenth-ranked saint godheads could perhaps resist, but their powers would definitely be halved. But saint godheads outside of the top ten would be subjected to an even greater suppression, and the Primal Dragon Saint Godhead, Solitary Darkness Saint Godhead, and Chaos Void Saint Godhead happened to rank outside of the top ten. Huang Xiaolong would be lucky if these three saint godheads could employ even one-tenth of their powers.

And for saint godheads ranking outside the top one hundred, they won't be able to move at all under the Origin Saint Godhead's absolute suppression. These cultivators could only wait to be killed obediently. This was the horror of the Origin Saint Godhead.

Looking at the smug smile on Yuan Qianxing's face, Huang Xiaolong interjected indifferently, "Is that so?"

With that said, his three saint godheads spun, and flew out from his body one by one.

When the first of Huang Xiaolong's saint godheads appeared, the world's light eclipsed for a second. Its momentum was no weaker than the Origin Saint Godhead. A resounding dragon roar echoed through heaven and earth, and it was ethereal as if it originated from another world. The moment the dragon's roar echoed, every single dragon species reared by the holy grounds' branches within the Otherworldly Mansion territory, all crouched on the floor.

Awe-inspiring dragon might swept through the lands.

Waves of shock hit the crowd's heart upon seeing this saint godhead, and their level of shock was no less than when they had seen Yuan Qianxing's Origin Saint Godhead.

"Xuan, Xuanhuang Supreme Dragon Saint Godhead!"

Someone in the crowd yelped in astonishment. Actually, there were two people who yelled, Yuan Wangfeng and Yao Ji.

Xuanhuang Supreme Dragon Saint Godhead, the second-ranked saint godhead!

It was the strongest saint godhead after the Origin Saint Godhead.

Looking at the human-faced dragon-bodied supreme dragon and the robust xuanhuang qi coming from the Xuanhuang Supreme Dragon Saint Godhead, Yuan Qianxing couldn't believe what he was seeing. "How could it be like this?! How could it be the Xuanhuang Supreme Dragon Saint Godhead, not the Primal Dragon Saint Godhead?!"

Clearly, Huang Xiaolong's saint godheads were the Primal Dragon, Solitary Darkness, and the Chaos Void Saint Godhead!

Yuan Qianxing wasn't the only person shocked when the Xuanhuang Supreme Dragon Saint Godhead flew out from Huang Xiaolong's body. Mo Zhi, Long Shengtian, and Yin Zhangguo also had surprised expressions on their faces.

In the next second, faces in the crowd changed again as they remembered something.

"Could it be?!" Long Shengtian blurted in a quivering voice.

At this time, the second saint godhead flew out from Huang Xiaolong's body.

A nefarious aura immediately spread out in the four directions, covering the lands. For an instant, the land seemed to have fallen into a nefarious abyss.

"Nefarious, Nefarious Origin Saint Godhead!" sharp shrieks sounded from the crowd. These shrieks came from none other than Yuan Wangfeng, Yao Ji, and Chen Muguang.

Long Shengtian had been holding his breath as he watched on, and upon seeing the second saint godhead flying out from Huang Xiaolong's body, he quivered excitedly, "Really, it really is! It's real! It really is!"

Beside him, the Otherworldly Mansion Master Mo Zhi's eyes glimmered as his lips moved silently, and his goatee curled like it had a life of its own.

Even Fei Yanzi, who was seeing Huang Xiaolong's three saint godheads for the second time, felt her blood rushing through her veins.

Under the double shock, the third saint godhead flew out.

"Chaos Void Saint Godhead!"

The second, third, and fourth-ranked saint godheads!

Xuanhuang Supreme Dragon, Nefarious Origin, and Chaos Void, were the three great saint godheads hovering in high air in a triangular formation. Prior to this, every ray of light was gathered around the Origin Saint Godhead, but with the flickering lights from Xuanhuang Supreme Dragon, Nefarious Origin, and Chaos Void Saint Godhead, the Origin Saint Godhead's brilliance seemed to have diminished significantly!

"This!" Everyone was dumbfounded.

The Origin Saint Godhead that is the king of godheads is actually being suppressed?!

This is truly…!

Even Mo Zhi, Long Shengtian, and the others were dazed by the sight they were witnessing. Never in their wildest imagination had they thought that they would see the Origin Saint Godhead being suppressed.

But now…

Yuan Qianxing's reaction was the strongest of all, he shook his head vehemently and refused to believe, "How come? How come it's like this??!!"

His eyes were completely bloodshot as he fixed a deathly stare on Huang Xiaolong, "You… have three evolvable saint godheads?!"

If he still couldn't see that Huang Xiaolong's three saint godheads were evolvable saint godheads, then he might as well die on the spot.

Three evolvable saint godheads! Even Yuan Qianxing couldn't stop his tongue from quivering slightly when speaking.

All astounded gazes in the competition area were fixed on the three saint godheads in high air.

"That's right." There was no temperature in Huang Xiaolong's eyes as he looked at Yuan Qianxing, "If I devour your Origin Saint Godhead, my three saint godheads would surely become stronger."

Yuan Qianxing blanked for a second, and then his expression became twisted. "Huang Xiaolong, that is exactly what I wanted to say. If my Origin Saint Godhead devours your three saint godheads, then my Origin Saint Godhead would be absolutely invincible in this world. I will be able to kill True Saints and destroy Primal Ancestors, and unifying the Alien Lands is just around the corner!"

Similar to how Huang Xiaolong could devour other saint godheads to continuously evolve his three saint godheads, Yuan Qianxing's Origin Saint Godhead had the same ability. The Origin Saint Godhead's origin energy could turn other energies into origin energy and then absorb it to increase its own strength. All kinds of energy originated from the same source.

Then again, it didn't mean that the Origin Saint Godhead could become more powerful the more saint godheads it devoured. Only those evolvable saint godheads in the top ten ranks like Huang Xiaolong's three saint godheads had any effect.

Like Huang Xiaolong's current three saint godheads, devouring saint godheads below the top ten ranks no longer had much effect for him. Only saint godheads in the top ten ranks could improve his saint godheads' power.

As Yuan Qianxing spoke, his forehead emitted blinding rays of light.

"Holy Mandate Imprint!" Feitian Longpeng exclaimed in apprehension.

This was Yuan Qianxing's Holy Mandate Imprint. At this juncture, he no longer concealed his strength. After revealing his Holy Mandate Imprint, there was grand dao light shining out from his chest.

"Inextinguishable Dao Heart!"

In an instant, Yuan Qianxing's grand dao energy bloomed.

With that, Yuan Qianxing's momentum reached a new height.

"Huang Xiaolong, I have the Holy Mandate Imprint, as well as the Inextinguishable Dao Heart!" Yuan Qianxing laughed hysterically, "Even if you have three evolvable saint godheads, so what? Even True Saints have died against my Inextinguishable Dao Heart! You only have one ending, and that is being transformed into origin energy and devoured!"

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