Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 506 - Golden Thread Cloud Ginseng

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Mo Wen was like a money grabber. He kept wandering around the treasure trove with sparkling eyes. He opened and looked in almost every wooden crate. He would rather have mistakenly opened them than missed something.

Chen Zikuang followed closely behind Mo Wen. He gazed tensely at him. The spiritual medicine in the treasure trove had been collected by the Intentionless Sect over many years. The spiritual medicines in the treasure trove were of good rank.

If they exchanged it with Huatian Palace, they would surely receive large amounts of treasure in return. Even if they used it themselves, the spiritual medicines were remedies for many things: panacea for treating illness, curing wounds, nurturing, consolidating and breaking through cultivation. Every day, Chen Zikuang had treated them as his treasures. If it wasn't for Old Grandfather's injuries, he certainly would not have let Mo Wen, this "evil wolf", in.

Mo Wen was all smiles; he almost could not close his mouth. The treasure trove was not only full of spiritual medicine, they were all spiritual medicine of good rank. Aside from a few low-grade spiritual medicines with special effects, many were medium-grade spiritual medicines. There were even quite a few top-grade spiritual medicines. Even if the Flame Flower which he treasured was in the treasure trove, it would most likely not be the highest ranking spiritual medicine there.

"Hmm, this isn't bad. It will be useful against Old Grandfather's illness. I'll keep it. Hmm, this is also not bad. Ah, this is really good. For people who have been poisoned, it is practically a wonder medicine!" Mo Wen paced between the wooden racks. Aside from the medicinal herbs that were truly useful for Old Grandfather Chen, he did not let go of any good medicinal herbs, regardless of whether they were useful or not. After all, if he left them in the Intentionless Sect, they would just be foolishly gifted to the Huatian Palace or simply wasted on the people here. It was practically throwing away gifts from heaven.

Chen Zikuang followed behind Mo Wen, feeling as though his heart was constantly dripping blood. He could not wait to give Mo Wen a bite. This fellow was way too beastly. In just a short amount of time, he had actually selected more than a hundred stalks of medicinal herbs.

"Mo Wen, to treat an illness, how many medicinal herbs do you actually need?" Following Mo Wen as he constantly "selected" medicinal herbs, Chen Zikuang finally could not stand it anymore. If he kept selecting, at least ten percent of the medicinal herbs in the treasure trove would be taken by Mo Wen, all of them rare spiritual medicines.

"Deputy Sect Leader Chen, you are seeing this as a layman. As they say, good steel is used for the edge of the blade. The more medicinal herbs the better. That way, the patient's injuries can recover faster, understand? Just now, you asked me to treat old grandfather within a week. But, if you think about it, is it realistic to treat such severe injuries within a week? For special circumstances, we need to use special methods. We cannot afford to be stingy. At this crucial moment, we should use all of the good stuff. If we don't use it now, we may not have the chance to use it in the future, am I right?" Mo Wen answered without turning his head as he selected more medicinal herbs.

Upon hearing this, at first, Chen Zikuang felt that what Mo Wen said was reasonable. Treating old grandfather's illness in one week was indeed not quite possible. Also, if they were reluctant to use medicines now then they would indeed not have the opportunity in the future. Once the Sacred Flame Sect managed to take down the Intentionless Sect, all the resources of the sect would most probably belong to the Sacred Flame Sect.

However, once he thought about it in detail, something felt off. How was using more medicine better when it came to treating illnesses? He had never heard of an incident where using more medicinal herbs was better and could have a positive effect on treating illnesses.

"You shouldn't feel that it is such a pity or be distressed. All of this is so that Old Grandfather can recover sooner, am I right?" Saying this, Mo Wen placed another box of medicinal herbs in Chen Zikuang's hands. In a short amount of time, Chen Zikuang's hands were full of boxes of medicinal herbs. After he truly could not carry any more, he could only call his disciples, asking them to carry it.

In a short amount of time, the number of Intentionless Sect disciples standing behind Chen Zikuang holding large amounts of medicinal herb boxes was more than ten. They were like a long dragon, and their numbers were still constantly growing.

"Huh?" When Mo Wen opened yet another wooden box, his figure suddenly froze. His eyes were full of astonishment. The medicinal herb in this wooden box was not a complete stalk, only a half. However, that half of a medicinal herb had completely caught Mo Wen's eye. He stared closely at the stalk of medicinal herb, not recovering his senses for a while.

"What is it?" Chen Zikuang also felt that something was off. Before this, Mo Wen had just been glancing at the medicinal herbs. After that, he committed one of two actions. The first was to put the medicinal herbs back, and the other was to throw the box of medicinal herbs at Chen Zikuang. Every time the second action happened, his heart would be aching in pain.

Mo Wen did not respond to Chen Zikuang. Instead, he looked intently at the medicinal herb in the wooden box. It seemed as though he had not heard Chen Zikuang speak.

When Chen Zikuang saw this, he remained silent, just looking curiously at Mo Wen.

Mo Wen extended a hand and picked up the half of the medicinal herb. He examined it closely before his eyes for a while. It was half of a ginseng-like medicinal herb. Only the top half was left. The roots at the bottom were all gone. It looked like a small section of radish.

On the surface of the medicinal herb, there were markings like floating clouds. On the surface of its cylindrical shape were golden colored thread circles. It was as though golden threads had been mosaiced onto the surface. It was very dazzling.

Mo Wen placed it in front of his nose and sniffed it. A majestic and pure spiritual energy came forth, nearly causing Mo Wen to choke.

"As expected, it's a Golden Thread Cloud Ginseng." Mo Wen's eyes flashed with a look of astonishment. It was actually half of the legendary Golden Thread Cloud Ginseng. This was a documented profound level in spiritual medicine. It was the first time even Mo Wen had come across one.

Before this, the highest rank of spiritual medicine that he had seen was the stalk of spiritual level superb grade Du Ling Flower. And that was a spiritual level superb grade spiritual medicine that he had the good fortune of seeing when he was an assistant watching an alchemist concocting a precious pill.

He had never seen a profound level herb in spiritual medicine before. The Golden Thread Cloud Ginseng before his eyes made him feel as though he was in a dream.

"Deputy Sect Leader Chen, where did you get this stalk of medicinal herb?" Mo Wen asked with a serious expression as he looked at Chen Zikuang.

The Green Ancient Mystery Dimension actually had a profound level spiritual medicine growing in it. This was too surprising for him. Based on his observations, although the Green Ancient Mystery Dimension had spiritual energy, it was not very high. Compared to the Immortal Cultivation world he was in during his previous life, it could only be considered average. By right, it should be impossible for profound level spiritual medicine to grow in this level of spiritual energy. Even spiritual level superb grade spiritual medicine could not possibly have grown.

Reality had proven this. In the treasure trove, the highest ranked spiritual medicine he had come across was spiritual level top grade. There had yet to appear spiritual level superb grade medicinal herbs. Yet now, a stalk of profound level medicinal herb had appeared before Mo Wen's eyes.

"This stalk of medicinal herb was brought back by my father from the Yunli Savage Lands. Back then, it was already just a half. According to my father, once he was lost in an ancient mountain forest. In the end, he strayed into the frightening Yunli Savage Lands, almost never making it back. As for this stalk of medicinal herb, my father found it in a ruin. According to him, the ruin seemed to have been made recently by external means. It seemed as though two frightening monstrous beasts had a huge battle and sprayed the land with large amounts of dried, black blood.

This half of the medicinal herb was the one that he found in the ruin. However, we did not know what medicinal herb it was and what uses it had. So, we kept it stored in the treasure trove. If you had not found it, I would almost have forgotten about it."

Chen Zikuang looked at the half of the medicinal herb that was in Mo Wen's hand. He immediately recalled what Old Grandfather had experienced long ago. The Yunli Savage Lands! That was one of the three great savage lands in the Green Ancient Mystery Dimension. Aside from having ability beyond others, the people came out of that place alive needed to have frightening luck. If their luck ran out, even a pinnacle of Golden Elixir realm ancient martial art practitioner would have difficulty making it out of there alive.

"Hmm, not bad. This half of a medicinal herb will be of use for Old Grandfather's injuries." Mo Wen nodded his head and he put the wooden box into his pocket with a smile. This time, he did not let Chen Zikuang or the others hold it for him.

When Chen Zikuang saw this, he was speechless. This fellow was obviously thinking of bagging it for himself. He did not look like he was going to use it to treat others at all. However, he did not say anything. Medicinal herbs that could be used for their effects were valuable. If they could not be used, they would be worthless no matter how good they were.

Giving the medicinal herbs to Mo Wen was actually making the best use of them. In reality, the reason why Chen Zikuang could tolerate Mo Wen wantonly plundering the treasure trove was not just because Mo Wen could treat old grandfather's illness, but also because of Mo Wen's identity and his gratitude towards Mo Wen.

If it wasn't for Mo Wen, the Intentionless Sect would most likely have had a major problem. If Mo Wen could cure old grandfather's illness, it could be said to be indirectly saving the entire Intentionless Sect. In contrast, paying him with some items of value was negligible. By rights, it should be given to Mo Wen as a token of appreciation.

However, this fellow was really too shameless. Other people might have acted more courteously, at least concealing their thoughts in their hearts. But this fellow was practically plundering the place as soon as he came in.

"Hmm, that should be about it. We will stop here for today. With these medicinal herbs, we should have enough to treat Old Grandfather's illness. If they aren't enough, we can come back for more." Mo Wen clapped his hands contentedly. To be able to obtain half a stalk of profound level spiritual medicine was the biggest harvest of the day. All the other spiritual medicines combined would not be worth a stalk of profound level spiritual medicine. Hence, right now he was very satisfied and did not continue to plunder the Intentionless Sect.

Chen Zikuang finally heaved a sigh of relief inside. But when he heard Mo Wen said that they would return if it was not enough, his hand shook and nearly made him drop all of the boxes of medicinal herbs on the ground.

Once they came out of the treasure trove, Chen Zikuang immediately found a quiet room for Mo Wen. He also sent a group of his most trusted men to guard the doors, not allowing anyone to disturb him.

Mo Wen stayed in the room, sorting out what he had obtained this time with a smile on his face. He had not stopped smiling since entering the treasure trove and continued to do so after leaving.

The room was filled with a large pile of wooden boxes containing the spiritual medicines. There were more than two hundred boxes, causing the spiritual energy in the room to thicken greatly. Mo Wen waved his hand and the medicine spiritual ring emanated a misty green glow. With a gentle wave, all of the boxes of spiritual medicines were stored in the ring.

In order to not reveal the secret of him possessing a storage ring, before this Mo Wen did not directly store the boxes of the medicinal herbs in the medicine spiritual ring.

After simply tidying up, Mo Wen once again sat down. With a wave of his hand, a small, crimson cauldron furnace appeared in front of him. It was the Flame Divine Furnace.

In order to cure Chen Wuhui's injuries quickly, he would need to use alchemy arts. He also needed to concoct healing medicinal pills that were of higher rank. Although the Cyan Spiritual Pills weren't bad, they were still not enough. At most, they could only delay the injuries from breaking out again, but the chances of completely curing them were not high.

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