I'm the King Of Technology

1784 A Grand Entrance!

Landon stared outside his window, leaning to the side and flooding his chopper to the left. 

The other aircrafts behind him also did the same. And soon, they found themselves in the Innermost zone of the Palace. 

The buildings were, as expected, very spread apart, divided by open fields, lands and ample spaces for grand picnics, kite flying and horse riding. 

There were also large ponds, gardens and enclosed barrack training zones that Landon didn't target. 

There it was again… the uneasy feeling Olibang and Tacholla felt during lift-off. 

Holding onto their armrest as tight as they could, the duo quickly braced themselves for landing. 

The most troubling moment for them was when the chopper's tires touched the ground, causing a brief jolt from below. 


The duo breathed out sighs of relief, slowly looking at each other with smiles on their faces. 


They have finally landed safe and sound. 



The duo felt like dancing over a fireplace when thinking of their grand adventure through the skies. 


This matter must be written in the history books, as they were now among the first group of Mirvans to ever grace the skies. 


The way they felt was the same way the first Baymardians to enter a vehicle ever felt. 

Their hearts were beating so loudly they felt they could hear it in their ears. 

But looking at the godly food/snacks they hadn't finished yet, the duo was embarrassed when thinking of how they would take these foods with them. 

Well, it wouldn't be considered stealing, right? 


Tacholla tore up one packet of peanuts, shoving a bunch in his mouth fast. 

Oh my~

The salty, nutty taste was so exquisite that it made his tummy grumble even louder as if asking for more. 

Tacholla couldn't help momentarily closing his eyes, wishing to savor the amazing explosive taste in his mouth. 

How can something taste so good and addictive?

As for Olibang, his focus was on his unopened juice box before him. 


He had already finished all his snacks and had no time to drink the purple-colored juice box. 

So was he just going to leave it behind? No way! 

Taking the straw attached to the side of the box, he recalled Tacholla's earlier actions and darted the straw through the silver spot on its top. And soon… 


He was in. 

Looking left and right like a sneaky villain, Olibang quickly sucked on the straw, dragging and gulping down as much juice as he could. 

"Eh? Grape?" 

The more he drew in, the more convinced he was that he was drinking a unique grape mixture. 

So good… 

Olibang finished the juice box in just a few seconds and was very regretful that it was finished. 

Smacking his lips Olibang couldn't help recalling the sweet, amazing taste still lingering in his mouth. 

Dammit, blame him for drinking it all too fast.

The duo soon fell aggrieved, looking at the empty packages and juice boxes in their hands. 

They didn't want to throw these empty packages at all. 

Are you crazy? 

The artwork done on the packaging was exquisite and precise. 

It must have taken the painter quite some time to paint on each package for them. 

So want it disrespectful to throw the empty packages away? 


Very quickly, the duo neatly folded their empty peanut packages and protein bar packages, before keeping them in their inner chest pockets. 

In addition, they secretly swore to keep these wrappers and empty juice boxes in their treasuries for safekeeping, to show support to the artists who painted on them. 



The duo had decided on this matter. 

And while they were inside enjoying themselves the situation outside wasn't all that calm. 

None attacked yet only watching vigilantly. 

To understand why they were so calm, it's all because of what happened several minutes ago. 

--40 minutes prior--

The palace was on edge, as several guards quickly swarmed the palace walls and important areas, preparing to wage war on any flying beat that came their way.

They had their siege weapons ready, choosing to use 3-Arrow Ballistas and bowling ball catapults to shoot at any flying creatures that dared to venture close to the palace. 


The atmosphere was heated and the people were dawned in armor. 

At first, there were no signs of danger from any angle. But after a while more, they heard faint whooshing noises coming from afar. 

And soon… 


The sounds had grown so great that it seemed like a thousand bees were buzzing in the air. 

"Over there! Over there! The Flying Beast is coming our way!"

Sweat stung their faces like vipers, as many began sweating before the battle even commenced. 

Not sweating from fear but from sheer determination to win.

Time stood frozen in place, with emotions of all sorts bubbling within them. 

On the walls, those handling the siege weapons kept their heads sideways, ready to give their attacks. 


Almost there… Almost there… 

The strange giant beast was almost within attack range. And once it came close enough they would waste no time plunging hails of attacks its way. 

But what they didn't expect was that the beast would surely fly extremely high inches before entering their attack zone.

Understand that their siege weapons could only shoot high to a certain extent before dropping down. 

Their siege weapons couldn't shoot too high into the sky. 

They had never needed it to shoot so high since the walls alone gave great height advantages in war. 

Understand that the palace walls were far higher and thicker than the walls in the rest of Hertfilia. 

But at this moment, the lone aircraft flew higher, before sending out a message to the troubled Mirvans below. 

The message was in their language and was one the pilot had memorized just for this occasion. 

[Please, do not be alarmed. We mean no harm. We come in peace, beating a message from your Mirvan Ruler. This isn't a flying monster but a flying carriage.]


True or false? 

Well, even if it was false they had to still take that chance, knowing that the flying beats had made mention of their Ruler. 

It's best to be cautious since they don't know if their Ruler was kept hostage somewhere. 

"Stand down!" 

Orders were immediately given and the lone chopper was allowed to land.

Many archers and siege weapons holders now turned their attention to the open space just before the gates. 

That was where the chopper landed. 

And right before their eyes, its door opened and out came a fellow Mirvan their leaders knew. 

Was that...

"Commander Lifyork!" 

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