I'm the King Of Technology

1499 Ready For Action


Mushu inwardly sneered, thinking of why he allowed these enemies of his into his fortress.

How stupid do you think he was?

He Mushu had 2 Fortresses scattered around the Capital's perimeters.

This fortress wasn't even his main one. His real fortress was far bigger and more secure than this one.

That's right. He allowed them to see this site to make them focus on it. And during the time leading to the killing period, he would keep drawing their attention to this fortress.

What can kill a man is being too sure and too confident.

He planned to get them here, surround this place and kill them all during the killing period!

And with his acting, he had also made them believe the only reason he showed them was because he was forced to by the T.O.E.P.

After all, just like Camila, his mission involved putting Cletus on the throne

So what choice does he have?

Cletus was greatly pleased, being his victory so close.

Look! Aren't these 'frenemies' of his all bending to his wills now?


Monarch! Monarch!

Finally, his long-time dream would be fulfilled!


"Duke Cletus, with all your men gathered, it's time we reassess things for the big battle a day away. The same goes for you both."


Everyone had stern expressions.

Though they already knew victory was there, one still had to be careful, especially with Gregory's dogs (ministers) running about vigilantly.

"Over the past few months, my men have been arriving in batches, little by little. And now, we have 21,289 men in total."

"Hmmm... And what about you, Duchess Camila? I take it you have hidden forces too, no?"

Camila swallowed hard but still maintained her charming smile, not adding to lie about the matter.

It's likely that these masked men already knew the true answer but were mainly testing her.

So how dare she play a fast one on them?

She had a fortress a little bit further away from the Capital's perimeters. Her fortress could be said to be close to another town further east of the Capital.

Camila's throat was dry from the shock of how powerful Morgany was to know every little thing about everyone.

Did they have eyes on the trees, walls, and the grounds? How can they always know everything, even her deepest darkest secrets?

Camila had a momentary shiver the more she thought about it.

Thankfully, she was on their team. Anyone who dared to go against them was looking for suicide!!


Camille forced a stiff smile, gripping her armrest tightly. Yet, her smile was as graceful as a stagnant lily floating on a pond.

"My lords, you are indeed correct. This one does have a fortress all to herself, not belonging to her husband or children... But, I don't know what orders my lords have for me?"

One of the masked men chuckled, waving his hand casually. "The beautiful Camila needs not worry much. Compared to everyone else, you were only informed no more than 4 days ago. Everyone had months to prepare but you. So how can we not be fair toward one of our own?"

"My lords, you mean..."

"You will indeed contribute to tge battle, but we just need no more than 2/10th of those already residing in your fortress. This group will serve to do specific tasks within the Royal Capital to facilitate our assassination."


Camila's smile became genuine.

Good. Good.

They won't be using all her men.

What's more, she also had many fortresses scared about the empire?

But since they had only just informed her, it would indeed be unfair to request for all her men in the nearby fortress to match out.

Even she didn't want to.

After all, no matter how vigorous they would emerge, they would still fight a bloody battle with Gregory's dogs. All arrows, be they stray or not, will eventually take out some of her men. Swords, spears, and other weapons would have been detrimental in this bloody battle.

She didn't care much about them dying or not. She could always kidnap some more men or hire them. Though training them with resources wouldn't be difficult, it would take time to build them up to a formidable group. At least now that she had the chance of sending her men to Morgany for training.


Camila's main issue was that she didn't want to use her forces for Cletus's sake.


Why must her powers work for Cletus' benefit?


Think beautifully!


The words from the lords made Camila visibly relax in her seat.

The Lords didn't ask about Mushu's situation since they had long known all they should about his matters.

"Now then, Duke Cletus, it's best to remind you that we are only here to assist you. The deal was for us to assassinate Gregory and aid you in sitting on the throne. But that doesn't mean you won't be handling most of the work."

Cletus suddenly felt nervous.

"Duke Cletus, you need not feel anxious. We will still assassinate his highest Gregory and the few ministers too. And though Lord Mushu and Lady Camila and a few others will aid you, the majority of work will fall on your shoulders."

The men left things on that note.

If this guy couldn't even control the many opposing nobles and forces in the Capital to abide by his orders, why bother thinking of the throne?

With Gregory dead, the throne would be open for anyone to grab. So if another contender (a person not belonging to the T.O.E.P) arose and took the seat even after all they've done, then this guy was really useless!

Back in Alec Barn's day, they also aided him, still leaving all the work for him to fight against.

The real go they gave was the impeccable information they had gathered.

And just like Alec's time, they had gathered everything about Gregory for Duke Cletus.

He had the schedule for every single thing Gregory would do on the coronation day.

He also knew about the many ministers' plans and how many knights would get stationed everywhere.

So only trash would not be able to win in such an advantageous scenario.


Like so, the enemy forces gathered to iron things out, while the many air force units collected all they could.

Time seemed to play a quick game on many.

And in no time, the morning had come.

Landon tightened his grip on his weapon.

Today would determine their outcome for tomorrow!!

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