Still descending from the air due to Zeno's powerful kick, I instinctively surround myself with vampire aura, allowing it to instantly mend my injuries. The healing magic of my aura works like a charm, and I'm back on my feet in no time.


With a gentle landing a few meters away from Zeno, I regain my footing.

She stands there, an amused grin on her face.

"That's why you should never mess with a martial artist, fufu," Zeno giggles, clearly enjoying herself.

Her comment earns a chuckle from me. "That's quite a cocky statement. Even Roth or Alphonso, who are well-versed in the martial arts world, would never make such a claim," I remark, shaking my head at her bravado.

But before I can say more, Zeno darts toward me with astonishing speed, a flurry of punches charged with Ki energy. The air vibrates with the force of her strikes, but I effortlessly evade each one. We become a whirlwind of motion, me darting around the field with Zeno in relentless pursuit.

With a sudden twist, I turn my body 120 degrees and launch a series of Ki blades at her. She expertly dodges most of them, but one grazes her left cheek, drawing blood. She comes to a halt, a hand brushing against the wound, a mix of shock and anger on her face.

"Y-You c-cut my beautiful face!" Zeno stammers, clearly stunned by the turn of events. I stop a few meters away, maintaining a defensive stance as I observe her reaction.

"Oops, what are you going to do about it?" I tease, shrugging nonchalantly, attempting to further irritate her.

In reality, I'm growing somewhat disappointed with the way Zeno is fighting. Even Roth put up a better fight when we sparred. If this is truly her peak, then I might have to employ—

"Aarghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I'll fucking kill you!!" Zeno's furious roar echoes through the arena, causing debris to swirl in the air. Her long hair undergoes a startling transformation, turning white and flowing like a living entity. Her Ki takes on a denser, more imposing quality, almost as if it wants to consume my own.

Murmurs and mumbles ripple through the crowd as they react to this unexpected situation.

"That's it!! She used it! The fifth stage of Ki! The stage that only the emperor can use!!!!!"

"Finally!! I never believed another person could use it apart from the celestial monkey emperor!!"

The celestial monkeys in the audience erupt into excited chatter, their anticipation palpable.

"Fifth stage of Ki..." I mutter, still stupefied by the revelation. This is the first time I'm hearing about the fifth stage of Ki. Even Alphonso, my teacher, was only aware of the fourth stage, and I'm still in the process of mastering the third stage.

For some reason, as I sense the sudden surge in Zeno's power, adrenaline courses through my veins. A daring thought crosses my mind—I want to experience a punch from this woman, a punch imbued with the legendary fifth stage of Ki!

With a wide grin, I charge headlong toward Zeno, ready for the next exhilarating exchange. However, before I can even reach her, she vanishes from her spot with uncanny speed, reappearing behind me. In an instant, her elbow slams into my back with bone-shattering force, causing an excruciating pain as my spinal cord seemingly snaps.


My body is sent hurtling forward like a missile, crashing into the unyielding fence that encircles the battlefield. Surprisingly, the fence remains intact, and as I lay there, the only thought racing through my mind is that my Ki, my most potent defense, was rendered useless against Zeno's fifth stage of Ki.

Before I can process this revelation fully, I see Zeno closing in on me once more. She delivers a barrage of ferocious punches, each hit causing me to propel forward, breaking through the fence guarding the battleground. But just as I'm about to crash into the crowd, an unseen barrier halts my momentum, preventing a disastrous collision.

At this point, my body is riddled with broken bones, and blood seeps from the corner of my mouth. Yet, an odd thrill courses through me as I find a strange enjoyment in the relentless pummeling from my opponent. As long as Zeno keeps pushing her limits, I'm far from bored.

Looking up, I see Zeno advancing menacingly, her Ki radiating a chilling aura akin to steam. Determination burns in her eyes, contrasting with my beaten yet strangely content expression.

As Zeno draws closer, I activate my vampire aura, using it to heal my battered body. Within moments, my injuries vanish as if they never existed, leaving me whole and ready to continue the fight.

"I don't like this look on your face. Are you underestimating me?!!!" Zeno's angry roar fills the arena as she charges toward me once more. But before she can reach me, I cloak myself in vampire aura and launch a massive blood strike at her. She raises her hand to block the attack, and after deflecting it, she resumes her assault.

"Astral walk: Second stage...." I mutter softly, expending a significant portion of my vampire aura. Instantly, everything within a radius of about 300 square meters freezes, including Zeno herself.

"Wow, this same technique that worked on Roth also worked on her," I mutter nonchalantly as I stroll toward Zeno, stopping just inches from her frozen form, my face inches from hers.

"I thought you were going to be a bit more entertaining; what a big disappointment..." I mutter, my voice barely a whisper.

The next moment, I envelop my hand in a massive ball of raging red blood aura, pulsing with incredible power.

"I heard you tore someone limb from limb, how about I do something much worse than that?" I taunt Zeno in a low voice, an evil grin spreading across my face. She may not be able to hear me, but the feeling of dread will undoubtedly linger.

"Ye blood, obey your liege and heed my command. Blood aura; Ultimate burst~" I utter as I place my hand on Zeno's chest.


With a deafening pop sound, Zeno explodes into tiny fragments of flesh, leaving nothing but an empty space where she once stood.


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