I Shall Cuck Everyone

274 Final Clash

Swordcraft: One hundred cuts; merge!"

"Sanguines petal strike; Second Stage!!"

The two bellows simultaneously as they charge at each other. Trails and marks of burning blood aura can be seen in their paths as they dash towards each other like lightning bolts, aiming to finish everything in one strike.

Both of them sprint toward each other with their weapons radiating intense bloodlust.


Their collision sends shockwaves through the air, the force of their clash shaking the very foundation of the battleground. As the dust settles, both Zamira and Zero find themselves standing with their backs turned to each other, their swords still gripped tightly in their hands.

A sudden gush of blood sprays from Zero's shoulder, the result of Zamira's precise strike. His right hand, severed during their exchange, falls to the ground, taking the sword it once held with it. Despite the gruesome injury, Zero remains remarkably composed. With a determined expression, he gathers a surge of Ki in his left hand, pressing it against the stump of his arm to halt the bleeding. He then reaches down, retrieving his severed hand, and reattaches it with a swift motion. His regenerative abilities allowing him to restore his physical form.

Meanwhile, Zamira clutches her injured shoulder, blood flowing freely from the wound inflicted by Zero's dagger. Her breathing is labored, and pain courses through her body, but she refuses to falter. She pulls the dagger out with a grimace, letting it fall to the ground beside her sword.

"You bastard! What did you do?" Zamira's voice echoes with fury as she tightens her grip on her sword. Her body remains stiff, unable to move as she confronts Zero, who approaches her with a confident smirk.

"Well, well, well, I admit that you're stronger than me," Zero chuckles, his voice dripping with arrogance. "However, you are just a muscle-head after all. Your focus on winning battles without sacrifice or strategy is your downfall. And that weakness, my dear Zamira, is what I've exploited."

Zamira's eyes narrow as she glares at Zero. She knows he speaks some truth, for her strength and determination often overshadow her need for strategic thinking. But she refuses to let that define her. Gripping her sword tighter, she prepares to face the challenge before her.

Zero continues to taunt her, reveling in his perceived advantage. "My blood power, you don't understand it, do you? I can control atoms to a certain extent, and with the dagger I used to stab you, my blood now runs through your veins. Every fiber of your being is under my control."

A mixture of anger and defiance flashes across Zamira's face. Despite the dire situation, she refuses to be intimidated. With a surge of inner strength, she raises her head, her eyes ablaze with determination.

In a split second, Zamira's eyes emit two beams of blood aura, shooting towards Zero with incredible force. The beams strike him squarely in the chest, sending him hurtling backward through the air. He crashes against a nearby cave, his body crumpling to the ground.

Zamira takes a moment to catch her breath, her body trembling with exertion. The control Zero had over her starts to wane, and she feels her muscles loosening, her own willpower reclaiming dominance.

With renewed resolve, she steps forward, her gaze fixed on Zero's fallen form. "You underestimated me, Zero," she declares, her voice filled with a mix of triumph and defiance. "My strength may lie in my physical prowess, but I am more than just a muscle-head. I possess the willpower and determination to overcome any challenge."

Zero groans as he struggles to rise, his arrogance fading in the face of Zamira's fierce spirit. Blood seeps from the wounds on his chest, staining his clothes and the ground beneath him. Despite his injuries, he manages to push himself to his feet, his eyes filled with a mixture of anger and disbelief.

"You think you've won? You think your temporary surge of power can overcome my mastery of blood control?" he spits, his voice laced with venom. "I am a Sanguine, a descendant of one of the most powerful bloodlines. Your strength is nothing compared to mine."

Zamira stands tall, her expression unyielding. She takes a step forward, her sword gleaming in the light. "It's not just about bloodlines or heritage. And If it's about bloodlines, you know your bloodline pale in comparison with mine," she retorts, her voice steady and filled with conviction. "It's about heart, courage, and the unwavering determination to protect those who matter. And I will not let you harm anyone else."

With a burst of speed, Zamira charges at Zero, her sword held high. She strikes with a calculated and relentless assault, her movements precise and calculated. Zero desperately tries to defend himself, but Zamira's determination and skill prove to be formidable.

Their swords clash with a resounding clang, the sound of their duel echoing through the air. Zamira's blood aura swirls around her, amplifying her strikes and infusing them with power. Zero's control over blood may be formidable, but Zamira's unwavering spirit is an unstoppable force.

As the battle rages on, Zamira's attacks become increasingly fluid and calculated. She anticipates Zero's every move, exploiting his moments of weakness. With each strike, she inches closer to victory.

Finally, with a swift motion, Zamira disarms Zero, her sword pressing against his throat. She gazes into his eyes, her voice steady and unwavering. "Any last words, Zero?"

Zero's defiance wavers, replaced by a mix of fury and resignation. He meets Zamira's gaze, his voice filled with bitterness. "You may have won this battle, but the war is far from over," he seethes.

Zamira's grip tightens on her sword, her determination unwavering. "We will be ready for whatever you and the Sanguines throw at us. Our kingdom will stand strong, and justice will prevail."

With a final flick of her wrist, Zamira renders Zero unconscious, ensuring he poses no further threat. She takes a moment to catch her breath, her body pulsating with a mix of adrenaline and fatigue.

Zamira looks around at her comrades, their faces filled with relief and admiration.

"Moe, Phill, Carmin, you guys won huh?"

"Yes, your highness," The trio replies with a nod.

"B-But why didn't you kill him?" Carmin asks, pointing towards the unconscious figure of Zero.

"Welp, Jake told me before we entered the game that if encounter Zero, I shouldn't kill him. Jake also made me aware that I should be aware of his underhanded tactics. Phill, tie him up," Zamira replies and instructs Phill.


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