I Can Summon All the Gods

234 Chapter 234 The Evil Young Man Take Actions

Looking at the three magical beasts that had already been submerged in the giant beasts, the middle-aged man in a magic robe's eyes darkened slightly.


They must be dead now!

The next moment, his pupils trembled slightly.

In the distance, a dazzling red light burst out from the position of Badal and others. Then, the giant beasts that had pounced on them were directly blown away by a powerful force.


In this powerful explosion, dust and stones flew in the air.

After more than ten seconds, the dust gradually disappeared. In the red light, everyone saw a huge red shadow.

At the same time, everyone felt strong pressure from the huge figure.

On the city wall, Mallory stared closely at the gradually clear figure. Finally, he called out a word in a trembling voice, "Dragon..."

The soldiers on the city wall, the Lister guards who had seen Badal countless times, the armed enemies on the ground, and the middle-aged man in the robed mage, all of them wide open their eyes and stood there numbly like clay sculptures.

Looking at Badal who had recovered its body, everyone was incomparably shocked.

Dragon! It was a legendary creature. How could it appear in Lister!

At this time, Mallory, who was on the city wall, only felt that he had been impacted. He now had a feeling of illusion.

That idle magical beast was a dragon!

"There is a level-6 red dragon in Lister." On the distant mountain peak, the evil young man was also slightly surprised.

After a moment of surprise, the young man chuckled. "It's really a surprise. The blood essence of this red dragon is more precious than all the people below."

As he spoke, the evil young man had disappeared from where he stood.


On the other side, Badal roared and rushed directly into the army, spitting out huge fireballs.


In a few breaths, big holes were blasted out on the ground. After Badal recovered its original body, other than level-6 and level-5 magical beasts, the giant beasts below level-5 were frightened to crawl on the ground.

However, even level-6 magical beasts looked at Badal with great fear.

But Badal's attack was soon blocked by a level-7 mage, who came out of the army of the Backer Kingdom.

"Well, even if it's a dragon, it's only level 6 now. Today, I'll be a dragon-slayer!"

Looking at Badal, the earth mage said coldly.

As he spoke, he had condensed magic of level-7 in his hand and smashed it towards Badal.


Badal spat out a fireball to confront the attack. The two masses of energy exploded in the air, raising a huge energy storm.

Magical beasts were much more powerful than humans at the same level, not to mention that it was a dragon with a strong bloodline.

Therefore, Badal didn't feel much pressure facing a level-7 mage.

Seeing that his magic power was dissolved by Badal, the earth mage was not surprised. Several magics quickly condensed in his hands.

However, a strange scene appeared. The magic that hit Badal seemed to be fixed and then slowly dissipated.

To everyone's astonishment, an evil-looking young man suddenly appeared.

"Leave it to me." The young man floated in the air and said flatly.

Looking at the evil young man who suddenly appeared, the level-7 mage stopped talking. After saluting, he decisively turned around and left, handing the battlefield to the young man.

"You are very strong." Looking at the young man in front of it, Badal said in a serious tone. It could feel a faint threat from the young man.

The young man slowly raised his hand and crooked his finger at Badal. "Little reptile, I can give you a chance to make a move."

Little reptile?!

Hearing what the evil young man said, Badal became angry. It roared in the sky, "I'm going to tear you apart!"

Badal spat out an energy column and directly shot at the evil young man.

Looking at the energy column shooting towards him, the young man chuckled and raised his hand.


The energy column hit the young man's palm, then it couldn't move anymore, and it quickly dispersed to both sides.

How could he block it so easily? In the distance, Badal's eyes also flashed a trace of surprise.

However, Badal was not afraid of those who insulted him. With a long howl, it had taken action to grabbed towards the young man.

The dragon's body was as hard as dark steel, and its claws were extremely sharp, which could easily crush rocks.

The evil young man smiled weirdly and disappeared instantly in the next moment. As for Badal, it drew a blank.


"Fuck, come out!"

Badal roared angrily as its target disappeared.

The evil young man appeared again, but now he was already behind Badal.

Looking at the roaring Badal in front of him, the evil young man slapped it.

Badal only felt as if an iron mountain was smashing on him.


Then it was hit and flew out, falling from the sky and smashing heavily on the ground in the distance.

After slapping Badal away, the evil young man did not waste time. He slapped Badal again, intending to directly kill Badal.

As the young man's palm fell, a huge dark palm formed in the sky, with a dark aura on it, heading to the position of Badal.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of the people on the city wall instantly sank.

In the distance, seeing that Badal was solved in one move, the soldiers of the Barker Kingdom burst out a roar. They beat the weapon shields in their hands and shouted excitedly.

They could see someone kill a dragon with their own eyes!

The black palm fell quickly with powerful energy. When it was dozens of meters away from the ground, a huge palm print had been pressed on the ground. Badal sank to the ground again because of this powerful force.

In the blink of an eye, the huge palm had already smashed in front of Badal. Everyone was not surprised at all that Badal would be smashed into meat pies by this palm in the next moment.

However, at this moment, an accident happened. The palm with strong power suddenly stopped, and the monstrous aura also stopped in an instant. The whole scene seemed to fall into the time silence.

The pupils of everyone on the city wall trembled slightly as they stared blankly at the stranger scene in the distance.

In midair, Sleipnir had appeared midair outside the city wall. It was still sleepy as if it hadn't woken up yet. There seemed to be invisible stairs in the sky, and Sleipnir stepped on them slowly towards the evil young man.

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