I Can Enter The Game

1599 The bull Demon King wants to flatten Linlin Scenic Area

Therefore, without waiting for Shen Li to speak, Qin Lin took out the designs of the great sage equal to heaven and Erlang immortal master and handed them to Shen Li, " director Shen, these are the newly designed great sage, heaven's equal and Erlang immortal master. You can bring them back to professor Lin and ask him to produce the new Transformers as soon as possible.

To professor Lin, with his previous experience, as long as the entire Linlin laboratory cooperated, the seven heavens great sage and Erlang Immortal King's Transformers would be produced immediately. However, this was not what Shen Li was concerned about. He immediately asked,"Chairman Qin, do the great sage, heaven's equal and Erlang immortal master have car designs too?"

Qin Lin nodded with a smile. yes. Also, in the future, let's see what kind of Transformers the National style sci-fi team will design. As long as they can make it, they should have a design sketch.

Chen Li's face was filled with joy when he heard this and immediately said, ""Sure, sure. I'll go back and ask professor Lin to make the two Transformers."

However, as soon as he left Qin Lin's office, he immediately took out his phone and called Gu Yue. As soon as the call went through, he said to Gu Yue, " President Gu, I'm telling you, you need to put in more effort on the design of the National style Transformers. No matter how unrealistic, cool, or impossible it is, just design it as unbelievably as it can be. Don't worry that President Qin won't be able to make it.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Li immediately revealed a sinister smile.

As long as gule music could get more incredible car models, Linlin car would have more incredible car models in the future, which would definitely attract people's attention.

It was just that this might have to trouble Chairman Qin. After all, it would take more effort to make the Transformers, right?

As he thought about it, Shen Li left the Linlin Manor proudly.

Qin Lin didn't know about Shen Li's thoughts. If he knew, he would definitely say that this guy was overthinking.

He also looked at the light screen in his mind and completed today's Daily task. Then, he controlled the game character to leave and wander around the game's maps, trying to trigger some plot task.

Unfortunately, his luck was not good. He did not trigger any plot mission. There was nothing at all. Even if there was an in-depth conversation, there were only two more sentences.

In the end, Qin Lin decided to get up and take a break. He left the office and went to the hall.

An excited voice rang out at this moment and spread throughout the hall, "

"Great, success!"

"Yes, that's great. We've succeeded."

the new rocket has been successfully driven. We have taken another step forward in our space dream.


It was the Research Institute arranged by academician Hao, the three seniors, and the manor.

After the effects of the moonstone were activated, the three old academicians had an epiphany under the effects of the moonstone. They began to frantically calculate and research. In the end, Minister Lu personally brought people to cooperate with the three academicians and personally oversaw the research to ensure that the academicians 'research was successful.

After all, space rocket technology was related to the future of the country and the rise of the nation. It was related to whether they could be completely left behind in the world in the future.

As long as they conquered space one day, that would be the time when they would be above the world.

If they could build spaceships and space carriers, they would have the power to destroy any country at will. By then, they could only compromise.

At that time, they were the only ones who could speak loudly. When the time came, they could say who else was there and no one would dare to talk back.

Minister Lu ran to Qin Lin excitedly, hugged him and said, " boss Qin, did you know that the power of the space rocket has been completed? our space rocket has taken another big step forward. No, I have to tell this good news to the leader immediately.

As he spoke, Minister Lu ran to the side excitedly and took out his mobile phone to make an encrypted call.

It was a call from a higher-up. As soon as the call went through, he said, " leader, space rocket technology has taken another big step forward. The power drive problem has been solved.

In a special office in Beijing, an old man also stood up in surprise and asked, ""Is this for real?"

He had a look of disbelief on his face. After the collapse of that country, many countries had been trying to make space rocket technology. There hadn't been much progress in the past few decades, but who knew that academician Hao and the others would make a breakthrough after going to Linlin Manor? and they made two breakthroughs in a row.

It seemed that this house really had a magical power. As the academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences had said, the environment there was very good for quiet thinking.

Academician Hao and the others were already the best proof.

After hanging up the phone, the leader immediately made another call and ordered, ""Draft an application for the Linlin Manor to be listed as a key historical site protection. We'll allocate funds to maintain the Linlin Manor every year, and then confirm the application for a fixed treatment for an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

Obviously, this was to lift Linlin Manor to the sky.

How long had Linlin Manor been built? Historical remains, my ass, important historical remains.

This was because they were afraid that someone would destroy the Linlin Manor and affect the layout of the manor, which would cause a deeper impact and cause the Linlin Manor to lose its current effect.

The people on the internet did not know about this. Their eyes were still on the bull Demon King and Optimus Prime.

However, after the continuous popularity, the bull Demon King did not seem to have any new actions. This made the people on the internet itch to know what happened next.

However, there was no movement from the bull Demon King. Instead, there was movement from the Linlin Scenic Area. The area around the gate was cordoned off, not allowing tourists to approach.

This made many tourists a little confused, not knowing what Linlin Scenic Area was doing.

At this moment, the bull Demon King's figure appeared on the streets of you city again, attracting everyone's attention.

They had to pay attention to it. After all, this Street had been cleared out by the traffic police in advance. There were no other cars, only the cool car model of the bull Demon King appeared there. It was difficult not to attract attention.

The bull Demon King was the focus of the internet's attention. Many visitors had already taken out their phones to take pictures.

look, demon ox! It's here again!

"It's really the bull Demon King!"


The bull Demon King transformed into a transformer and appeared in front of everyone. At the same time, he raised the gun in his hand and aimed it at the sky. Another signal bullet was fired.

The signal flare exploded in the sky, revealing a dazzling signal and the Phantom of an axe.

It was the same cloud piercing arrow. Next, it should be the little bull demon's turn to meet him, right?

Sure enough, just as everyone had expected, the sound of concentrated motors rang out, and then they saw mini devil ox sedans driving over. Moreover, there were surprisingly many of them. They were densely packed, and there were many more than the last time.

Naturally, it was produced by Linlin's laboratory under the orders of professor Lin.

Moreover, with the use of replacement materials, these young bull demon Kings were easier to make.

Then, the dense group of small bull demon Kings began to transform into mini bull Demon King Transformers.

The number of people was neat and tidy, as if they had been trained. It was really shocking.

Then, the young bull demon Kings knelt down in front of the real bull Demon King and shouted, "

"Greetings, my King!"

"Greetings, my King!"

"Long Live the King!"


This time, there were even more of them, and the shouts were even louder.

The people around them smiled knowingly. They had long guessed that this would happen. This was the beginning of an immersive plot.

The bull Demon King also shouted at this time,"little guys, have you found those outsiders?."

Upon hearing this question, the young bull demon Kings also shouted out one after another, "

"Reporting to the king, we've found their tracks. They're hiding in a place called the Linlin Scenic Area."

"That's right, that seems to be their base camp."

I also saw two big guys standing guard at the door. There should be a lot of those guys inside.


The little bull demon Kings also answered their King's question like little demons.

When the bull Demon King heard these words, he immediately gathered his huge axe and shouted, ""Linlin Scenic Area? Little ones, follow me there and trample that place flat."

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