I Can Enter The Game

1597 Bull Demon King and the little ones!_2

Could it be that this was the direction of the movie's future development?

At this moment, Optimus Prime couldn't stand the bull Demon King's arrogance anymore. He drew out his sword and pointed it at the bull Demon King. Sir, you're too arrogant. I, Optimus Prime, have met many enemies, but they have all fallen under my axe.

The bull Demon King did not seem to be used to Optimus Prime's temper. He said coldly, " it just so happens that I want to see what you're capable of. Today, I'm going to attend my brother, the great sage, heaven's equal's banquet. Tomorrow at this time, at the end of the fifth ring outside you city, see you there.

if you're afraid, you don't have to come. But in the end, you'll be finished. After bull Demon King finished speaking, he ignored Optimus Prime and turned into a car, leaving in a hurry.

There was a traffic jam on the road, but once it was impossible to pass through, he transformed into his transformer form and jumped over.

The bull Demon King left, leaving only Optimus Prime.

A moment later, Optimus Prime also turned into a car and left.

However, everyone was in an uproar.

The people at the scene seemed to have experienced a real movie experience, and they all exclaimed in surprise.

Soon, what happened at the scene was also quickly spread on the internet.

All of a sudden, the entire internet was in an uproar.

While they were still marveling at the video of Optimus Prime and bull Demon King's battle, you Cheng had already arranged for it.

Furthermore, the bull Demon King and Optimus Prime had made an appointment to fight at the end of the fifth Ring Road tomorrow.

All of a sudden, countless people thought of the battle of the full moon on the summit of the Forbidden City.

Wasn't this scene a little similar?

No matter what, many people on the internet were attracted and one by one, they booked tickets to you city.

Even if they knew that this was only a plot arranged by Linlin company, it was still attractive. What could they do?

After all, Linlin company had such means.

This was something that others could not learn. Who could make such a transformer?

In you City County.

Chen Li and sun Xian also called for an emergency meeting.

Naturally, they had received the information and data from the station. The number of people who booked tickets to you city had increased in a short time, and there were no more direct tickets.

Who knew how many cars and people would come by themselves?

In other words, you city was going to be full again, but 5 ring points might not be enough, and there would be a traffic jam.

"Linlin's laboratory is the only one who can cause trouble." Sun Xian said with a smile.

He still hoped for more of this kind of trouble. After all, at this time, you city would be the focus of everyone and it would also promote you city's reputation.

You Cheng was once again shortlisted for a new assessment regarding the city promotion.

Time passed. The next day, as expected, you city was stuck in traffic again, especially at the 5th ring.

Since it was an act, you city had to create a good situation for them.

After noon, the area around the 5th Ring Road was packed with people. Even the surrounding buildings and mountains, as long as they could see the 5th Ring Road, were packed.

It was like the movie Summit of the Forbidden City, where Ximen chuixue and ye gucheng fought, and countless martial artists came to watch.

Under everyone's expectant eyes, the bull Demon King arrived from afar.

Immediately after, Optimus Prime also appeared and stopped not far from the bull Demon King.

The two sides were in a stalemate again.

Immediately after, Optimus Prime transformed.

The bull Demon King also transformed.

"You're here?" The bull Demon King said.

"They're here." Optimus Prime.

"Very good, very courageous." The bull Demon King.

"Let's see what you're capable of," Optimus Prime.

As the two of them conversed, they drew their weapons at the same time, their great sword and great axe aimed at each other.

In that instant, both parties started fighting.

It was Optimus Prime who charged at the bull Demon King first, the great sword in his hand slashing down fiercely.

Seeing this, the bull Demon King was not in a hurry. He raised the giant axe in his hand to block the attack.

The two weapons collided, instantly producing intense sparks.

"It's just so." The bull Demon King snorted coldly and began to wave his weapon to counterattack.

At this moment, all the onlookers were attracted and couldn't take their eyes off him.

However, very quickly, something shocking happened. Everyone realized that it was just like the video on the internet. Optimus Prime was being suppressed by bull Demon King. He wasn't his match at all.

The bull Demon King burst out laughing."What other abilities do you have? How dare you appear in our ancestral star, you are too bold."

"Damn it, why are you so strong?" Optimus Prime seemed to be in awe.

These were the words of the operator behind the scenes, and everything was going according to the script.

However, this still made everyone's blood boil. In their eyes, this was a real battle between the National style Transformers and the Western style Transformers.

Now, it was a reality-made transformer battle.

Even the Western film companies and Transformers fans couldn't refute this fact.

After all, they couldn't make a transformer, and Linlin's laboratory could do whatever they wanted.

The battle between the bull Demon King and Optimus Prime went on for a long time. Optimus Prime was constantly being suppressed. Soon, he was hacked by the bull Demon King's axe, and sparks flew.

Suddenly, the bull Demon King's speed became faster. Just like in the videos on the internet, the bull Demon King had used his ultimate move.

The martial arts intelligence system was activated, and the giant axe in his hand swung out one after another, attacking like a rapid combo.

Optimus Prime could only block the attacks helplessly. After a series of afterimages, he was hit by the axes one after another.

Immediately after, Optimus Prime seemed to have suffered a huge impact. His entire body was sent flying by the impact, and he crashed heavily onto the ground.

Optimus Prime had been defeated completely, just like in the video.

Devilox's giant axe pointed at Optimus Prime. you dare to come to the ancestral star with such strength? "

These words were very domineering, and everyone filmed it. It made the blood of those who had long been looking forward to the National style Transformers boil.

However, unlike the previous videos online, Optimus Prime did not completely lose his mobility after being defeated. Instead, he stood up again and said, " Sir, I admit that you're very powerful, but you only defeated me. You didn't defeat all of us.

After saying that, Optimus Prime transformed into a car and drove off into the distance. At the same time, he did not forget to shout his slogan, ""The Warriors of cybertan will never admit defeat."

This slogan stunned everyone.

What the hell?

However, the bull Demon King didn't give chase. Instead, he muttered to himself, " Cybertron, it seems like there are still quite a few of you. I'll find you one by one. I'd like to see where you're hiding!

Suddenly, bull Demon King raised his palm and aimed at the sky. Then, a signal flare was shot out and exploded in the sky, forming a signal icon.

The icon was in the shape of an axe, and it was flashing.




Everyone who saw this scene was shocked.

One cloud piercing arrow, and thousands of soldiers and horses came to meet.

The axe gang?

What the hell?

But soon, another shocking scene happened. Not far away, a small car drove over.

This car was a little mini, as if it was for a child to drive.

Moreover, there were quite a number of cars, and the key was that they looked exactly the same as bull Demon King's car.

This made everyone puzzled.

What did these people mean?

These mini-sedans were very fast. They rushed to the bull Demon King's surroundings, and in that instant, something unbelievable happened.

The mini sedans began to transform. Then, mini demonic bull Kings appeared in front of everyone, standing in an orderly manner.

These alt account bull Demon King knelt down in unison again and shouted in unison, ""Greetings, my King. What are your orders?"


"????"You city's residents!

"???"Passerby A.

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