I Can Enter The Game

1520 Chapter 696-you're thinking too much!

The world Environmental exchange was held at the world Stadium in the center of Shanghai. On the same day, a lot of people had gathered there.

There were environmental departments from various countries, and there were also reporters from various countries.

This time, there were even more reporters than the previous reporters who were talking about the fish with the immune system and HIV treatment.

after all, this matter involved the plant-exchange immune system fish cultivated by farles. not only were the reporters from the earlier HIV treatment press conference here, but there were also many environmental reporters.

The plant cultivated by Fars 'laboratory was also revealed. It was called the grass, a plant that was very drought-resistant and had very strong survival abilities.

This grass was inedible and had no use.

However, the biggest use of the grass was that it could be used to control the desert. After testing in farers 'laboratory, the survival rate of the grass in the desert was almost 40%.

This was a very high survival data. For desert management, it was already to the extent that it could be promoted.

Of course, there were many desert control techniques nowadays, and each laboratory was boasting about it.

However, the Fars laboratory was very disdainful of this.

For example, a technique to make desert adhesive.

It said that as long as it was added to the desert, it could turn the desert into ordinary soil for planting.

this was definitely a very amazing technology at the moment.

It was a pity that the adhesive had too many limitations. It could only be used near high mountains, where there was an underground water source, or near deserts with abundant snow water.

In fact, it was also an exaggeration. With an underground water source or an abundant water source near the snow, could this still be considered a real desert?

The key was the cost.

It was understandable. If it was really useful, would the area of desertification increase every year?

The people in the Fars laboratory and Trang were also very sure that their technology was the only truly effective desert control technology.

It was also the only plant that could be successfully planted in the desert. Although it required a large amount of fertilizer and the cost was not small, it was definitely not a problem for a big country.

Due to the special publicity by the Fars laboratory and the United States, almost everyone thought that the exchange would be about the fish and grass of the immune system.

On the internet, this seemed to have become an established fact.

Many reporters and new media bloggers had even written relevant proposals.

As long as the two sides successfully exchanged the immune system fish with the grass, they would send out a message.

This situation naturally pleased Tim, who had been paying attention to everything, because this was exactly what he wanted.

Very soon, the exchange began.

The people from the various countries 'environmental governance departments were invited into the grand conference room.

Depeslin was in charge of America's side. As soon as he entered the venue, he began to calculate madly in his heart, because he was on a special mission this time.

Although the outside world was already calling for the exchange of grass for fish with the immune system, he knew very well that it was all because of Mr. Trang's operation.

Therefore, what he had to do now was to make this reality completely come true.

The representatives of the various countries 'government departments quickly sat down in the conference room. There were also reporters from the various countries who were broadcasting the scene back to their countries.

After all, all the countries were concerned about the environment.

The meeting started with the usual nonsense, which was to talk about the seriousness of desertification and the dangers of the desert.

Minister Lu came with the people from the environment Department.

When he heard this nonsense, he felt like he was going to sleep.

in the chinese academy, if someone dared to talk so much nonsense in reporting and communication, he must be a guy without any real ability.

This was the difference between scientific research and these people.

Scientific research was all about speed and efficiency.

The nonsense was enough to make people feel drowsy before it ended. Next, they began to show off the desert management technology they had brought.

Unfortunately, the desert management technology of each country was not satisfactory. There was even one country whose desert management technology was only in the conception and had not been studied at all.

This made people very stunned.

What's the point of talking about something that you've just conceived?

what was the difference between this and me having a project where i pluck the stars from the sky and paste ceramic tiles on the great wall?

However, when they saw which country this representative was from, everyone no longer felt that it was strange.

Depeslin had been waiting for a long time. Seeing that it was finally their turn, he stood up with a smile. Now that I've heard so much from you, I'll talk about the desert Environmental Management Technology of our beautiful country.

I'm sure everyone has heard about it. That's right, it's the Dragonfly. The Dragonfly is a plant that our Fars laboratory has carefully researched and cultivated. It's the most powerful plant in the world in terms of drought resistance and survivability.

the survival rate of the grass can also reach 30% if it's grown in the desert. It can be said that we are the only ones who have this kind of plant that can survive in the desert.

These words surprised the people from the various countries 'environmental management departments.

This was because it was already very impressive for Desert Seed plants to survive for 30% of the time.

It was important to note that plants needed water to survive, and what the desert lacked was water, so it was difficult for plants to survive.

The fact that the grass cultivated and researched by farers 'laboratory had a 30% survival rate when planted in the desert was definitely a terrifying number.

Someone suddenly stood up and asked, " "Mr. Depeseing, the grass you've cultivated is truly astonishing. I wonder if we can use other techniques in exchange for your grass-growing technique."

There was a problem with this question.

After all, in this situation, the first thing the speaker should have done was to ask depeseing if he could share the grass-picking technique with him.

The other party might even use moral coercion to beg for the technology to be shared.

How could he directly ask depeslin if he could use technology to exchange for it?

When depeslin heard this question, he laughed. This was because they had specially arranged for this. They wanted to direct the topic to the exchange technology and lay the ground for what he was going to say next.

On the other side.

Terang watched the live broadcast with Adolphus. When he saw this, he could no longer hide the smile on his face.

This was because he had specially arranged it.

His plan was also slowly approaching success.

This time, he would definitely be able to get the fish with the immune system.

At the conference, depeslin also laughed and said, " of course, we can exchange the technology. After all, we also hope that the world's desert can be controlled. However, this grass-picking technique was developed by Fars laboratory at a huge cost. Naturally, we need the corresponding technology to exchange for it.

with that, depeslin looked at the person in charge of the domestic governance and environment and said, for example, the fish with the immune system in the eastern countries. As far as I know, everyone on the internet in the eastern countries is calling for the exchange of the fish with the immune system for the grass-rustling technology.

although the immune system fish may not be as good as our grass-picking technology, the entire Eastern country is calling for it. We won't refuse the exchange. After all, there's a word in the eastern countries called public opinion.

Obviously, the dagger had revealed its true intention, and it was directly targeting the fish with the immune system. It even mentioned the word " public opinion.

The people around them looked at the person in charge of the domestic environmental governance.

But the person in charge of the domestic governance and environment did not answer. Instead, he stood up and took out a USB and handed it to the International environment organization. "Please help me play the contents of the USB drive."

This action made everyone look puzzled.

Especially depeslin.

He felt that something was wrong. The other party should be responding to his conversation at this time.

What was he doing now?

Not only the live audience, but many people in the live news were also confused.

Especially on the domestic internet, countless discussions appeared, but most of them did not understand.

"What's the person in charge doing? At this time, you should be exchanging the grass-picking technique."

that's right. How did this guy get to his position? we should strike while the iron is hot.

if we exchange the fish with the immune system, we can still master it. By then, we can also master a desert management technique.


Obviously, the public opinion on the internet was still very big.

At least, the people on the internet had been led by someone with ulterior motives and had no idea that they had become someone else's chess piece.

Therefore, sometimes, no matter how certain the public opinion was, one should not blindly believe it. One should prioritize the official announcement.

sometimes, many people would rather believe the guidance of others than the official announcement.

This was a pain in the ass.

At the exchange meeting.

The people from the International environment organizations were also confused, but they still took the USB drive and connected it to a computer. They played the video on the biggest screen.

The video started with a sand farm.

The person in charge of the domestic governance and environment also took the microphone that was given to him and said, " as you can see, this is a sand farm that simulates a desert. The environment inside is fully simulated. You can see the plants on it. Let me introduce them to you.

first of all, these are the seedlings of rice. You may not be familiar with rice, but it's the rice that we eat for three meals in Eastern countries. Now, it can be grown in the desert, and it should be called sandy rice in the future.

these are watermelon sprouts. Everyone should know about watermelons. That's right, we also have watermelons that can be grown in the desert.

these are called leeks, and they can also be grown in the desert. You foreigners might not know about this, but it's very good to barbeque with wine.

there are also Apple tree saplings and wasabi. I'm sure many people in your country like wasabi. These are the dog tooth grass.

These words instantly caused a clamor in the surroundings, and all of them revealed looks of disbelief. Depeslyn even subconsciously stood up and shouted,"Impossible!"

On the other side, Tim, who was watching the live broadcast, stood up in disbelief. What kind of joke was this?

Fars 'laboratory had the world's best plant research capabilities, but they had only been able to cultivate one type of plant, the hornless Dragon grass. Now, this guy had just mentioned how many types?

and was the other party speaking human language? Growing watermelons in the desert?

Watermelons required a large amount of water to grow. Unless you watered them, they wouldn't be able to survive even if they were planted in the desert with that little natural rain.

Wasn't this nonsense?

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