I Become A Burdensome Child After Transmigrating

Chapter 338 - Struck By Her Cuteness

An old man deliberately asked Su Jiu, “Little girl, if I buy a kilogram of cabbages, how much should I pay you?”

An auntie also chimed in. “Right, right! If I were to buy two kilograms of persimmons, how much would it cost?”

A group of onlookers waited for the little girl’s replies with interest. Even the audience members watching this through the screen got curious about the little girl’s reaction.

Of course, Su Jiu could easily solve such a simple math question. However, she did not intend to tell them the answer. If she really showed them that she could answer the question, it would be ridiculous.

How could a four-year-old kid who was still in kindergarten understand this problem unless they were a genius!

Hence, she could only pretend that she did not understand. Instead, she stretched out her hands, bitterly counting her fingers.

The little girl counted for a while but did not arrive at the answer, or perhaps, she felt embarrassed in front of the crowd. Eventually, she snuggled into Su Shengjing’s embrace and softly asked, “Daddy, how do I calculate this? Little Jiu doesn’t know.”

Su Shengjing smiled and hugged her. “It’s such a difficult question. It’s normal that Baby doesn’t know.”

“Unfair!” The little girl complained as she nestled in her father’s arms. She then turned around and looked at the old man and auntie from earlier with an aggrieved expression. “Grandpa and Auntie are mean! They asked questions that Little Jiu doesn’t know!”

The group of people and the audience members felt captivated by her resentful and aggrieved gaze. “Hmph. How despicable! How can you make things difficult for my daughter!”

“That’s right, that’s right. Bullying a little kid. Uncle, Auntie, don’t be so shameless.”

“Awww, if I could see my daughter at the scene, I would have kissed and hugged her!”

Another fan replied, “Wake up. Tons of fans are already in line, waiting to carry her. It’s not your turn yet! Go queue up!”

The old man and auntie laughed out loud. They felt that the little girl was adorable, so they stopped teasing her. Instead, they bought a good deal of persimmons and vegetables. After paying her, they happily left.

The other onlookers also started to buy fruits and vegetables from Su Jiu. Soon, the fruits and vegetables that the father and daughter duo had brought with them got sold out; only half of the original amount of persimmons were left.

Actually, the townsfolk didn’t need to buy vegetables and fruits as practically every family grew vegetables and fruits at home. This was all because they wanted to support the cute little girl. It would really be great if they could win.

She had worked so hard, after all!

Su Jiu felt that victory was in sight and immediately doubled her efforts. Even though her father had never taught her how, she stood up and yelled, “Selling persimmons! Big, red, and delicious persimmons! Five yuan for 500 grams! If you can’t buy it for five yuan, you’re losing out! Don’t miss out on these persimmons! Come and buy them!”

Su Shengjing was shocked.

My daughter is amazing. Where did she learn this from? Don’t tell me that the orphanage director auntie taught this to her too? I won’t believe that the director taught her this!

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the little girl was different from other children. Not only was she obedient and sensible, but she also hardly cried or kicked up a fuss. She was also incredibly intelligent. As her father, he felt gratified and proud.

The little girl continued to promote their stall. Su Shengjing knew that he couldn’t just sit by the side without doing anything. Thus, he cast aside his pride and began to shout along with her, “Selling persimmons! Fresh and delicious persimmons! If you don’t buy them you’re losing out!”

Su Jiu wasn’t done yet. When she saw some people interested in buying persimmons, she immediately looked at them with her puppy-dog eyes. It was as if she had shot them with a bright beam of cuteness. None of those people were able to resist the attack, and they immediately approached the stall to buy persimmons.

Two kilograms of this and five kilograms for that. Their stall emptied soon!

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