I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

778 My Name Is Xuan Cang!


He had been in seclusion for two days. Many things had happened in that short span, and he wanted to get ahold of the situation.

Suddenly, his heart palpitated.

He had sensed a dangerous fluctuation through his skill, 'Perception'.

Xu Xiaoshou ran back into the building, shouting at Xin Gugu, who was swimming in a pool of his blood. If Xin Gugu had used his full strength, he would not have been reduced to such a miserable state.

Outside the First Pavilion in the Sky, in the direction of the Holy Divine Palace, a shocking fluctuation was vaguely transmitted.

In the past, Xu Xiaoshou would not have noticed it.

However, things were different now that 'Perception' had reached the Sovereign (Stage) like all of his other Expertise Passive Skills.

Having experienced a multitude of Dao principles in Yuan Mansion, Xu Xiaoshou could tell that someone at the Higher Void (level) had created the disturbance.

He could feel a shocking sword intent trained on him.

"Rao Yaoyao!"

Thought was unnecessary for Xu Xiaoshou to confirm the identity of the one whose sword intent was locked onto him.

It was none other than the ruler of the Red Coats, one of the Seven Sword Deities, Rao Yaoyao!

"She's here...!"

He did not need to be a genius to know why Rao Yaoyao had appeared.

Once she had settled the matters regarding the Yunlun Mountain Range, this female sword Deity would spare no effort to uncover the truth; and the first place she would look into would be the First Pavilion in the Sky.

Xu Xiaoshou had been curious to know why the Night Guardian of the Red Coats had not visited them.

Mei Siren must have intimidated the Night Guardian, forcing him to let them go.

Unfortunately, Master Siren's intervention had attracted another individual with a heaven-defying identity and strength. Rao Yaoayao had come to question him.

"Where is Liu Changqing?" Xu Xiaoshou asked those around him nervously.

Xin Gugu noticed Xu Xiaoshou's panicked state.

Although he did not sense Rao Yaoyao's sword intent, Xu Xiaoshou's appearance as if he were about to face a great enemy made him give up on the idea of going for another round.

"He hasn't arrived yet," Mo Mo replied.

"You guys hide for a while..." Xu Xiaoshou paused as he spoke.

Whether these two ghost beast host bodies could hide from the prying eyes of the ruler of the Red Coats was still uncertain.

Therefore, he waved his hand and said telepathically, "Hide in Yuan Mansion."

Mo and Xin Gugu's hearts trembled. They realised that something was wrong and did not dare tarry. They entered the spatial rift that opened above their heads, vanishing as if they had never been around in the first place.

"Hey, where is Brother Xin and Big Sister Mo?" Xiao Wanfeng had just arrived. He was curious to know where the other two had disappeared.

"They have gone to do some work," Xu Xiaoshou answered vaguely. He did not want to reveal too much.

Xiao Wanfeng did not care about the small details, an urgent look colouring his expression. "Young Master Xu, there are enemies..."

"I know there are enemies around, but you aren't qualified to join in on the fun. Go to sleep." Xu Xiaoshou waved his hand, dismissing him.

Xiao Wanfeng let out an "Oh." He thought to himself, "Young Master Xu would have had to be blind to miss such a big hole in the wall... I guess it explains how he knows have infiltrated."

Mumbling to himself, Xiao Wanfeng noted that Young Master Xu appeared different, but not by much, leaving as instructed.

He originally wanted to go back to sleep. In the end, he thought of how he had been taking advantage of Young Master Xu's absence to kick back and relax. As someone serving the Young Master, he ought to take some initiative.

Thus, he endured the feeling of drowsiness and ran to the main entrance, resuming his vigil.

Xu Xiaoshou naturally saw this and did not say anything more. He allowed Xiao Wanfeng to work overtime. This king scroll...

Mu Zixi, who only had the appearance of a curious child, was still puzzled. "Young Master Xu?"

"Rao Yaoyao is here. Let's go back to the house. She shouldn't be looking for you or me," Xu Xiaoshou explained, something he usually did not do.

Rao Yaoyao?

Mu Zixi's heart tightened, and her small mouth opened and closed. She was afraid that if she said anything now, others would hear it, so she kept her thoughts to herself, returning to her house.

"Received Concern, Passive Points, + 1."

Xu Xiaoshou also returned to his room.

He did not think that Rao Yaoyao was here to look for him, or at least he hoped so.

A giant of her level had no reason to come knocking on some small fry's door.

The Night Guardian must have reported the unusual relationship between 'Young Master Xu' and Master Siren to the higher-ups of the Palace, startling them.

As expected, Rao Yaoyao was here to look for Master Siren.

"Did I miss anything?"

Xu Xiaoshou recalled the actions and words he had spoken on the night of the battle in the imperial city. Uneasy, he entered his room and locked the door.

Events flashed through his mind at the speed of light. He put himself in his enemies' shoes and tried to pick out flaws.

In the end, he only found a few telepathic communication lines between him and the Mei Siren during the battle in the Central Zone that could cause him some trouble.

"It can't be that serious, can it?"

Such memories made Xu Xiaoshou's heart skip a beat, but he soon relaxed.

The Saint Servant, Xu Xiaoshou, had shown that he had some contact with Mei Siren, but it was only a matter of a few words. Even if they were close to each other, it did not amount to much.

Master Siren was a sucker for talent; everyone knew that.

Who would not be moved by the exceptional talent of 'Saint Servant, Xu Xiaoshou,' in the way of the sword?

Moreover, even if he had won the people's attention of the imperial city in the battle that day...

Xu Xiaoshou had learned that the Dragon Melting Realm could block the outside world's perception from Elder Sang, who had entered Tiansang Spirit Palace in the past.

In theory, the imperial city's Spiritual Cultivator could not have seen the communication between him and Mei Siren. Rao Yaoyao was another story altogether.

Still, would someone at Mei Siren's level neglect something so rudimentary as blocking the senses of outsiders while conversing with the Saint Servant, Xu Xiaoshou? Would he give outsiders any leverage against him?


"Every step is a step."

Xu Xiaoshou lay on the bed, closing his eyes to 'cultivate'. However, 'Perception' did not sound any alarms as it spied on the movements outside.


Under the starry cover of night, the void pressed down on Abyss Island with an imposing aura.

At the peak of the First Pavilion in the Sky stood Mei Siren, dressed in a green robe. He had a flowing head of white hair, matching his beard and eyebrows. He had the bearing of a celestial being. With a fan in his hand, he gently waved it back and forth, peering into the void.

"You're here."

"I'm here."

A red ripple created a tear in the air, from which strolled Rao Yaoyao carrying a black-green godhood sword strapped to her back. "Master Siren."

Mei Siren was an Elder.

Even though they were both members of the Seven Sword Deities, Rao Yaoyao could not ignore the lofty status of 'Master Siren' and his accomplishments in the way of the sword.

Mei Siren snapped his fan shut, and an amused light twinkled in his eyes. He withdrew his gaze from the Cang Godhood Sword and looked at the woman who was standing in the air not far away.

He sized her up a few times and said with a sigh, "I still remember the first time I saw you on Sacred Mountain Gui Zhe; you were just a child back then..."

As he spoke, Mei Siren stretched out his hand and appraised her. He smiled and said, "You're still only at the cultivation level of a master swordsman."


Memories flashed past Rao Yaoyao's eyes, her words tinged with rare respect. "I just reached the Eastern Sky Realm not too long ago. Yaoyao sensed Master Siren's presence in the imperial city but could come and pay her respects. Yaoyao hopes Master Siren will forgive her," She bowed apologetically.

Xu Xiaoshou, lying on his bed in the cultivation room, was shocked.

He had only known Master Siren as one of the Seven Sword Deities.

He never thought that Master Siren, who was full of peaches and plums, would possess such a lofty status.

Even Rao Yaoyao, one of the Seven Sword Deities, had to greet him as a junior would a senior?

"Am I being too rude?"

When he thought of how he used his identity as a Demi-saint's descendant to talk to Mei Siren, calling him by name and only addressing him as 'Master Siren' from time to time, Xu Xiaoshou was mortified.

He only ever addressed the old Sword deity as 'Master' when he needed advice. Xu Xiaoshou immediately felt a little ashamed of how disrespectful he had been.

He felt that he was floating, floating like a fairy.

At the entrance of the First Pavilion in the Sky, Xiao Wanfeng was still standing guard, although it was already late at night.

Young Master Xu was very good to people. He rarely asked people to work overtime. He always compensated them handsomely for their services on the rare occasions he needed them to work longer hours.

Xiao Wanfeng had never met such a boss before. He felt that Young Master Xu was a good person and volunteered to work overtime.

While he was terrified of the enemies lurking in the dark, he did not want to disappoint Young Master Xu, remaining vigilant in the event he managed to spot the enemy.

Suddenly, Xiao Wanfeng felt something. He raised his eyes and looked up.

It was a moonless night with nary a cloud in sight. His eyes landed on the towering island city overhead and...

A stunning figure in red stood in the air.

"Enemy!" Xiao Wanfeng shrieked in fright. His first thought was to report the sighting to Young Master Xu, but he stopped upon realising who it was.

"Sword Deity Rao?"

He looked around, but there was no one around him, so he could not be sure if he was hallucinating.

He looked at the square in the distance outside the building. Even though he was a mortal and his eyesight was not the best, Xiao Wanfeng could see that none of the Spiritual Cultivators in the pilgrimage square had noticed Sword Deity Rao.

Even though most of these people were looking up at Sky City, their senses seemed to slide past Sword Deity Rao's figure, as if she did not exist.

Xiao Wanfeng was certain that no one could have maintained their calm if they saw the Sword Deity.

"Am I the only one who can see her?"

The thought surprised Xiao Wanfeng. He felt that the people in the square were the norm.

How could a mere mortal like him see Sword Deity Rao while they could not?

"Why is Sword Deity Rao here?"

Puzzled, Xiao Wanfeng stepped forward and soon arrived at a tree near the courtyard. Leaning against it, he looked in the direction where Sword Deity Rao was bowing and saw Master Siren at the top of the pagoda.

Xiao Wanfeng's pupils lost their focus, and his pupils became larger and larger."Is this the fabled night chat between Sword Deities?"

As an ancient swordsman, how fortunate was he to witness a scene like this?

Normally, let alone Sword Deity's night chat, even the traces of a single Sword Deity were hard to find.

Yet, now...

Sword Deity Rao carried her Godhood sword on her back, hovering below Sky City as she paid respects to Master Siren, one of the Seven Sword Deities' seniors.

In the eyes of Xiao Wanfeng, the ancient swordsman, this scene would forever be engraved in his mind.

"I can do it too, one day!"

Xiao Wanfeng gripped his wooden sword tightly, growing excited. He vowed he would make it his lifelong goal.

Soon, he sighed.

"What a pity..."

A mortal's body was limited, after all.

Even though he had practised the sword with everything he had, forging a pair of eyes that could see past illusion and spy on the happenings between two Sword Deities, that was his limit. His hearing was nowhere near good enough to eavesdrop on their conversation.

He could not hear the content of the Sword Deities' night talk at all.

What a pity!

At this moment, a mysterious voice sounded, "Kid, can you see me?"

"Who's there!"

Xiao Wanfeng jumped in fright. He looked around as if he had run into a ghost.

However, there was no one beside him. He suspected that it was someone who had come into contact with the power of Dao and had hidden their true body from sight.

However, if he could see two of the Seven Sword Deities, who could hide around him?

Was it a special ability?

"There's no need to look. Look up. Do you want to listen to the Sword Deity's conversation?" The voice sounded again.

This time, Xiao Wanfeng understood.

The voice was extraordinary. It did not sound like any human language Xiao Wanfeng knew, but he could understand it without any trouble.

Up there?

Xiao Wanfeng raised his head.

Only two Sword Deities were conversing with each other. Was there a third person present?

Moreover, what was with this voice? It sounded directly in his mind...

Could it be a Spiritual Cultivator's telepathic communication?

"Who are you?"

Xiao Wanfeng did not sense any malice in the speaker and thought it safe to figure out what they wanted.

"My name is Xuan Cang!"

When Xuan Cang's voice sounded again, Xiao Wanfeng felt the pores on his body explode, and the wooden sword in his hand began to buzz.

Xuan Cang?

Who was that?

Xiao Wanfeng indicated that he did not know such a person, but his gaze quickly locked onto the longsword on Rao Yaoyao's back...

"Are you...?"

He stared up at it, stupefied, goosebumps standing on end.

Xuan Cang?


The Cang Godhood Sword was one of the five great chaotic divine instruments that suppressed fate in the Holy Divine Palace. Was the sword spirit this Xuan Cang?

"Is it talking to me?" Xiao Wanfeng mumbled to himself. His immediate thought was that it sounded too outlandish to be true. Was this another of Young Master Xu's pranks?

"Young Master Xu?" He asked, pushing the thought out telepathically.

The voice was silent for a time. It seemed stunned by the question.

When he realised it was not a prank by Young Master Xu, Xiao Wanfeng felt his heart bloom in ecstasy. The sword spirit of the Cang Godhood Sword was conversing with him!


"I want to listen to the night talk between Sword Deities!"

With a buzz, his mind shook.

The sound of rushing air filled his ears and the conversation between those two lofty individuals filtered into his ear.

The Cang Godhood Sword's voice mixed in with the other two Sword Deities, "Kid, do you want to become a Sword Deity or even surpass one?"

The bewitching voice held him captive.

Even Xiao Wanfeng, who was used to big scenes, found it hard to resist, his heart beating wildly.


Had the Cang Godhood Sword chosen him?

Why? Was he the legendary chosen one?

Xiao Wanfeng envisaged himself wielding the Cang Godhood Sword, stepping on Young Master Xu, and punching the Eighth Sword Deity, Bazhun'an. He felt he could not hold on any longer; his desire was too great! It was his future!

"No, you're not!"

The sword spirit's voice interjected, shattering his fantasies. "I noticed the Sword intent buried in your heart. You have just enough heart energy and barely qualify to converse with me."

"Then again, there aren't many people in this era who have earned that right."

"I want to give you a chance."

Xiao Wanfeng did not care that his dreams had been dashed. He merely asked, "Why me?"

Xuan Cang fell silent.

Lying did not seem to be a skill it knew. It calmly said, "Because the first two people rejected me."

Xiao Wanfeng: ? ? ? ?

What the hell!

The first two people rejected it, so it came to him... Was he a spare tire?

"May I ask, who are the first two people you mentioned?" Xiao Wanfeng hesitated for a long time before asking the question on his mind. Curiosity gnawed at him, demanding an answer.

Xuan Cang: "You Tu and Bazhun'an."


Immediately, Xiao Wanfeng hugged his blank head, utterly speechless. It was as if his soul had flown out of his body, causing him to crash into the ground.

Was this a part of the sword spirit's recognition?

Xuan Cang had chosen him?

Had he obtained the qualifications to stand on par with the likes of You Tu, the head of the Seven Sword Deities, and even Bazhun'an, the Eighth Sword Deity/

Nervous, nervous, excited, ecstatic...

Xiao Wanfeng's mood changed rapidly. No single word could express his current emotions.

If someone acts friendly for no reason, he is either a traitor or a thief. All of a sudden, this thought flashed through his mind.

No one in this world would ever dream that something like the Cang Godhood Sword could possess ulterior motives. Nonetheless, caution was the letter of the word.

voice his question, "What do you want? Am I worthy?"

Since he dared to think of such an absurd claim, Xiao Wanfeng also dared to He felt more than a little unqualified...

Xuan Cang: "You are worthy! I only have one request. Come to Sacred Mountain Gui Zhe and find me. After becoming the sword-bearer of the Divine Sword, kill the other sword-bearer with four swords for me."

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