"Is this the place?" Gabriel landed on a mountain peak, staring at the valley in the distance.

"That's right. That's the Valley of Death," Avilia answered Gabriel, pointing in the distance. "As far as your eyes can see from this point on, it's the area of the Valley of Death. The Tomb is in the centre of the Valley."

"Usually, there is a powerful formation all over the Valley with thousands of traps that could even kill a Holy Lord if someone tried to force their way inside. However, there is always time when the formation and the traps are their weakest."

"It's that time now. The traps are at their weakest and shouldn't be able to stop people as long as one has the protection of the keys."

Gabriel didn't doubt Avilia's words since he had also heard the same thing from Xin when he received the key. If the valley was still dangerous even with the keys, there was no way the Royal Families would've sent their youngsters to this place.

"Now that the Traps are at their weakest, they shouldn't be able to stop a Holy Lord even without a key, right?" Gabriel asked, trying to understand how the traps actually worked.

"That's right." Avilia nodded. "They aren't as strong as usual so they can't stop a Holy Lord if one was to rush to the center of the Valley. However, that's the extent of it. To enter the Tomb, one still needs the key."

Gabriel understood the essence of how things worked. No matter what, the key was really important.

"That shouldn't be hard for you. You can just snatch the key from one of the idiots and get inside with me."

Since it was the case and he didn't know what was actually inside the tomb, he still felt that it was better to take Avilia with him as long as she could satisfy the criteria for entry.

Avilia rolled her eyes. "No need. I can't enter even if I have the key."

"I see. So you're older than thirty," Gabriel understood what she meant. There were only two criteria to enter the Tomb after all. One was the key and the other was the age!

"Hmph, barely over." Avilia scoffed. "Let me tell you, I'm still one of the youngest Holy Lord."

Gabriel didn't expect her reaction to be so interesting. It looked as if Avilia really didn't like talking about her age. Then again, Gabriel was only eighteen so he understood why Avilia was like that.

He believed that she felt as if she wasn't talented enough to be where she was after all this time while Gabriel reached that level when he wasn't even twenty. He didn't think too much about it.

"Alright. You can go back. I'll go alone. Until I'm back, try to protect Arecia."

After speaking, Gabriel jumped off the mountain. In the valley, no one could fly. However, he could still use other spells.

He used the spells to make his body stronger and as light as a feather before jumping off the cliff.

Thanks to the precautionary spells, he managed to land in the valley safely, despite the fall being over two thousand metres. From there on, he travelled on foot.

Gabriel had expected himself to be one of the first few to reach this valley. However, he was surprised to find many more youngsters along the way.

It was as if the youngsters had started the journey to reach this valley months ago, to be here at this time.

All the youngsters were dressed lavishly and had many life saving treasures that were given to them by their families, including some previous talismans.

As Gabriel wasn't greedy about these small human treasures, he didn't pay any attention to the youngsters and rushed past them.

"That's interesting. The closer I get to the centre of the valley, the heavier this gravity becomes."

After three hours of travel, Gabriel had started to slow down to some extent. At first, he thought the gravity was because of his earrings, but with more time, he realized that there were some external factors involved as well!

The earring was already applying external gravity pressure on his body which was hard enough to deal as it was. However, thanks to the valley, the pressure was even more!

"Without these earrings, it would've been a walk in the park to walk through this valley under the valley's pressure!"

Gabriel was forced to take rest regularly since it was getting more exhausting. Whenever his body was accustomed to increased gravity, the earring increased pressure on his body. It was the same for the valley. No matter what, the pressure was always beyond Gabriel's limit.

Despite all the disadvantages, Gabriel was still able to hold on and tread deeper into the valley.

The journey which should've taken him barely half a day took him entirely three days. The person who was in the lead at the start was now at the end!

Fortunately, after three days, he did manage to reach the centre of the valley, making him the last person to reach here!

Even the Royals from Yann were already there!

Everyone looked at the newcomers who had just come out of the forest. They saw Gabriel covered in sweat all over. Looking at this sight, the youngsters could only laugh amongst themselves.

"What a weakling. He can't even reach this place under such weak pressure without being half dead!"

"Must be an untalented idiot from some lowly Empire!"

"What a waste for him to have a key. He should've given that key to someone who deserved it more!"

There were over fifty youngsters who were already outside the Tomb, waiting for it to open. Amongst them, most were looking at Gabriel mockingly, completely underestimating him.

However, there were three people who didn't take Gabriel lightly at all!

Amongst those three, one was the Crown Prince of Yann while the other was Princess Xin! The two had already seen what Gabriel was capable of! That man was way stronger than all of them combined!

The two didn't understand why Gabriel was covered in sweat because of such weak gravity, but they didn't think too much. They didn't dare mock Gabriel! They had no intentions of courting death!

The third person who didn't mock Gabriel was someone who was standing in the distance. The person was covered in a good, making it impossible to see their face or even their figure. The person didn't speak, but occasionally glanced at Gabriel.

"It doesn't matter how weak he is! If he's weak enough to easily die inside, it can only be good for us since it means less competition! We can even use him like a human shield to check for traps ahead!" One of the youngsters laughed heartily.

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