His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 873 - Enigmatic Truth (23)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Lu Yanchen tidied his attire as his cold gaze landed on Shi Ze, taking in every single change in Shi Ze's expression. He did not ask Shi Ze where Mo Feifei was, because if he knew, he wouldn't have resorted to using Wu Xing.

However, Lu Yanchen could not forgive Shi Ze for setting everything up as such.

Opening his car door, he took out a document and then looked at Shi Ze. "Back then, we were both young regarding your father's matter. It's fine if you blamed me then. But now, we're no longer kids. My tolerance toward you has reached its limit, and this is the last time, purely on account of your mother. You should know very well everything your mother has done for you. If you truly don't care about her wellbeing and her body, continue with what you're doing then! But, I won't tolerate you for a next time!"

He then threw the document at Shi Ze and turned around, leaving without a single care.

Shi Ze was gripping his fists so tightly that they were turning white, cracking out noisily. Even though he was glaring angrily at Lu Yanchen's back view, he caught sight of some photos that fell out of the document from the side.

Stunned for a moment, he picked up the photos in disbelief as his eyes widened. He hurriedly opened the document and everything he saw inside drained all the color from his face.

"N-No! Impossible…!" He muttered incorrigibly as he threw the document to the ground with unparalleled hatred.

Standing up, he ran toward Lu Yanchen's car.

"LU YANCHEN!!" There was a sharp jolt in the depths of his heart. "YOU'RE F(CKING LYING TO ME, AREN'T YOU?"

Lu Yanchen ignored him. Despite seeing him coming from the side mirror, he just drove off. Shi Ze's outstretched hand did not even manage to touch the bumper of the car.

"LU YANCHEN!" He roared out.

When Lu Yanchen's car disappeared from his sights entirely, it was as though there was a thread that had snapped in his mind. He staggered and stumbled on the ground, looking at the scattered photos with reddened eyes welling with tears.

Laughing out in a deranged and bitter manner, he mumbled, "It's fake…!"

F-Fake! Everything must be fake!

This must be a set up by Lu Yanchen for revenge!

Yan Zi had not managed to contact Shi Ze for two days now, and neither had he appeared in the company. The attacks on him and his company had died down. Even though the reputation of his company was damaged, this was the best outcome still.

Yet, the discussions online were clearly unstoppable earlier on—why had everything just disappeared?

Did Shi Ze do something? Did he promise Lu Yanchen something? Otherwise, why else would he disappear for the past two days?

Yan Zi called Shi Ze repeatedly, yet there was still no answer.

She knew that usually when Shi Ze was troubled, he would coop himself up in his apartment. Since she had the password, she entered the house straight.

The moment she entered, she was greeted with the scent of alcohol.

Turning on the lights, there she found Shi Ze leaning against the chaise longue with the table filled with wine bottles—mostly empty.

He was in an utter despondent state.

Yan Zi felt a sense of shock as she rushed up. "Shi Ze, what's wrong?"

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