His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1096 - Memories Regained, Sisters Reunited (46)

Chapter 1096: Memories Regained, Sisters Reunited (46)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

There was no way Shi Guang and Rong Mo would be able to escape from two men.

Or at least, that's what Su Ya thought.

Chang Xiaoyang suddenly knocked the other man out with a strike to the back of his head as the latter collapsed to the ground.

Su Ya looked at Chang Xiaoyang in shock. "What are you doing?"

Chang Xiaoyang ignored her, merely looking at Shi Guang and Rong Mo before hollering, "What are you guys waiting for?"

Rong Mo and Shi Guang were both somewhat dazed, not expecting Chang Xiaoyang to do that. Snapping out of her stupor, Rong Mo heeded Chang Xiaoyang's words and pulled Shi Guang with her to the car.

Su Ya naturally did not want them to leave as she rushed up but Chang Xiaoyang held her by the wrist.

Her face contorting with rage, Su Ya screamed, "Chang Xiaoyang! To think that you would betray me! I won't let you off!"

Chang Xiaoyang replied calmly, "I'm not betraying you. Brother Wen said Shi Guang must not be touched."

"Don't use that as an excuse! How could Mo Feifei possibly know about this place and end up here? You must have been the one who informed her! You like her, you love her! Don't think that she's going to fall for you and be together with you just because you did this!" Su Ya was pissed to death. First, it was Yan Zi. Now, even Chang Xiaoyang was helping them!

"No!" Chang Xiaoyang denied it.

"Stop denying it, you ingrate. You've truly disappointed me. If not for me and my brother, would you have your current life? But, all our kindness to you is nothing compared to a Mo Feifei?" Su Ya glared at Chang Xiaoyang, her eyes seething with anger.

Chang Xiaoyang returned her gaze with a cold look. "I'll never forget your kindness to me. That's why I let them off. If they leave…"

Su Ya cut him off and bellowed, "Do you think that the Lus would let us off even if they leave?!"

"At least the Lus won't openly go against you right now! As for the future, no one can guarantee who would be friends or enemies forever amongst the rich families!"

"I don't care! And I don't need you to explain! I understand this circle better than you do! I know that everything you've done is just for Rong Mo!"

Looking at how Rong Mo was prepared to drive off, Su Ya was getting hurried as she looked both horrifying and malefic.

"Chang Xiaoyang, don't think that you'll be cleared off all charges just because you've helped them and Mo Feifei would accept you! I'm telling you, that's not going to happen! She'll never forgive you for everything you've done to her! Never ever!"

Chang Xiaoyang's expression was really terrible looking. "Su Ya, if you insist on going about things your own way, I'm going to have to tell Brother Wen about everything that happened today."

Su Ya laughed coldly. "My brother must have made some sort of trade with Lu Yanchen to let Shi Guang off. Perhaps, this whole kidnapping must have been for that trade to begin with. Even though he said that it's for my sake, he isn't doing it to help me get revenge! He just wants to make use of this incident to make the trade with Lu Yanchen!"

With that, she laughed out in bitterness and resignation.

In truth, there were things that were clear and blatant. However, it's just that they've been siblings for their entire lives and Su Ya did not want to believe nor acknowledge the truth.

She wanted to believe that gains aside, the things they did were for their relationship as siblings as well.

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