Heart of Darkness

Chapter 69 - 57

Angelica stared at the man standing in the hall. He wasn't someone she hoped to see soon. Or ever! How could he...how did he come here?

Lord Rayven stopped and looked behind him to see her standing there in shock. "I brought him here. He will be working for me from now on." He said.

Simu working for Lord Rayven?

She turned to Simu again who stood there looking terrified. Just like Sarah, she could see that he didn't want to be here.

"My Lord." He bowed then looked at her. "My Lady." He bowed again.

This was strange. Very strange. What was Lord Rayven doing?

"If you need anything from outside, you can send him." Lord Rayven explained. "I'll be on my way now."

He left her standing there and when he walked past Simu, Angelica could see how he flinched and shrank where he stood.

Then when Lord Rayven was gone he looked up at her, almost pleadingly.

What about the time she pleaded? Did he care then?

"My Lady. I was only following Lord Green's orders. I did not mean to harm you. Please send me away." He rubbed his hands together nervously.

Angelica looked at him with disgust. "I'll send you away when people no longer remember that I am a prostitute."

His eyes widened.

"You don't think they will forget?" she asked.

He looked down.

"Then I guess you are stuck here but don't worry. I have a lot of things for you to do." She said.

Angelica sent him to buy groceries several times, sending him up and down the hill until he was almost fainting. Then she sent him to take care of the backyard while Sarah and she took care of the nonexistent garden in front of the castle. Angelica wanted it to look like a garden, so she planted flowers and other plants.

She knew Lord Rayven wanted his castle to look the same, but when did she ever listen? She could already see the angry look on his face and him saying "do you ever listen?" with his deep dark voice. It almost made her giggle.

He would come around. He always did. When this place started to look alive, he would appreciate it.

After she was done with the garden, she went to see how Simu was doing. She watched him do his work from the kitchen window while Sarah cooked lunch.

Angelica wondered the real reason Lord Rayven brought Simu here. She had a hard time figuring out that man. One time he cared and then he didn't.

She would get married to such a man. In three days.

Three days!

How was he going to arrange everything in three days? Or perhaps he was going to make it small as she wanted. Well, he would take care of it so she shouldn't worry. But she did.

How was it going to be between them after the marriage? Would they share a room? A bed? And the benefit he spoke about still bothered her. The man was confusing. She wished she just knew what she would have to do once they got married. Should she ask him straight? And finally, stop wondering and know what to expect and what was expected of her. Yes, she should do that.

The rest of the day went by too fast and it was already evening. Soon there would only be two days left until she became a wife. Two days left until she saw her brother. Or perhaps not.

When Lord Rayven arrived at home, he surprised her by bringing her brother. Angelica couldn't believe her eyes that teared up. It felt like she hadn't seen him in forever.


He smiled where he stood next to Lord Rayven. His brown hair had grown and reached his shoulder's and he seemed to have grown taller as well.


They ran to each other and hugged. Angelica held him tightly, "oh, how I missed you."

"I missed you too." He said.

She pulled him back to take a look. "How have you been?"

"I have been alright." He smiled and she stroked his hair. "You are getting married." He said.

Angelica nodded and looked over at Lord Rayven. He refused to meet her gaze. "I'll leave you two alone." He said and walked away.

"I can't believe I am in the wolf's den." Her brother said looking around.

"Come, I'll show you around." She told him.

As she showed him around she asked him questions about his stay in the military camp. He had it tough in the beginning, but knowing her brother he made it through. He even made a few friends. From what he told her, Lord Quintus and Lord Valos came by sometimes. According to her brother, it seemed they came to particularly see him. Angelica guessed that the King must have sent them. Despite pretending to be cold the last time they met, he cared to take her brother away to keep him safe. She knew he wasn't desperate for an army to take her brother at his young age.

But why did he care about them? She couldn't understand him. And the familiarity she felt with him. It was still there.

Skender. She had even seen him in her dreams. Who was he?

"How did you end up here?" Her brother asked.

"Was the monster you told me would save me, Lord Rayven?" She whispered.

William became thoughtful. "I don't know who exactly the monster is but if he saved you, then it must be him."

Angelica nodded. She missed her brother and his wisdom.

"Has he been kind to you?" William asked.


"Do you really want to marry him?"

Want? What did she want? She hadn't thought of want for a long time, only need. What could someone like her want? Her brother didn't know yet what she had become.

"William. There is something you need to know. About me." She said swallowing the lump in her throat.

At this moment she felt rage. She wished to punish Simu even more and she wished to punish Lord Green as well.

"Before I came here… I… I…" He was going to hear it from others soon anyway.

"I know." Her brother cut off.

He knew. Did he see it in his dreams? She hoped not. She couldn't bear it.

"I escaped before I could get hurt." She told him, not wanting him to feel sad.

He looked up at her. "I know." He said again.

She nodded feeling tears in her eyes.

"You did nothing wrong. You don't need to be ashamed. I knew you would make it and I am proud of you for fighting."

Now she couldn't force back the tears. They streamed down her cheeks and she wiped them away quickly.

"It must have been hard." He said.

She shook her head fighting back more tears. "Life has ups and downs."

He looked into the distance as he used to do when he thought of something deep. "They will suffer.. The ones who made you suffer."

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