God of Tricksters

1093 Killing the Dragon

'He is planning to kill the dragon with this one last strike.' The moment he learned Theo's real plan, Mark knew what he was supposed to do. 'In that case, I will use my remaining Magic Power to hold the dragon down.'

He shot his first attack and spread it on top of the dragon's body, creating a shock wave that pushed the dragon to the ground.

After that, Mark waved both hands toward the dragon's body. However, the wind that followed Mark's movement surprisingly looped around the body and hit the dragon's knees, trying to knock it down.

As for the last one, he saved this one shot in case the dragon planned to attack him or a need for him to stop the dragon came.

Meanwhile, Theo had finally finished gathering the required Magic Power. Now that he had experienced creating the sword once, the process became smoother. Theo could even maintain his Underworld Domain while summoning the sword.

Although he still couldn't summon the sword within a second, he was satisfied with the current result.

'My Magic Power is almost empty. I can't miss this.' Theo thought while taking a deep breath to calm his mind. After that, he waved down his hand, finally pushing the sword downwards.

The immense Magic Power created a continuous gale. Even the dragon would have felt the Magic Power's fluctuation if not because of the fog from the Death Domain.

Still, as one would expect from a Mythical Rank Monster, the moment the powerful gale reached the mist, the dragon immediately sensed the disruption and raised his head. He wanted to open his eyes, but Maya and Theo had been attacking his eyelids this whole time.

If he opened his eyes, they might blind him with their attacks. In the end, the dragon lowered his head and brought out his wings instead.

The wings flapped a few times before gathering in the middle of his back, pointing at the sword.

This was the same defensive move that the dragon utilized earlier. If not because of the magma, Theo could defeat the dragon.

'Die.' Theo's expression became cold as he pushed the sword as hard as he could with his Control.

The moment the sword hit the dragon, an explosion occurred.

*Boom!* The explosion was supposed to blow the sword away since it was the same technique that the dragon used to block Theo and Mark's first attacks.

However, the shock wave from the explosion turned out to be blowing the mist away

"!!!" The dragon was startled when he finally felt the immense Magic Power on top of him. Although he couldn't open his eyes, he knew the Magic Power was similar to the one that Theo sent earlier.

Unfortunately for him, he was too late. Since there were only five wings left, the defensive power couldn't be compared to the previous condition.

*Roar!* The dragon let out a roar and tried to move his body, but the wind had knocked his knees, preventing him from escaping.

"You're not going anywhere!" Mark finally released the last bit of his Magic Power and enveloped the dragon's knees with a torrential wind, stopping it from leaving the ground. This time, he didn't care about the sword breaking the ground apart. After all, they had knocked the dragon away from the volcano.

*Roar!* The dragon was struggling to stop the sword as its wings started breaking apart. The strongest parts of his wings that got the thickest scale and bones were cracking.

The dragon wanted to throw its own body to the side, but Mark stopped him from making any movement.

Even both of the hands were pinned to the ground as Mark desperately stopped the dragon.

"Die!" Finally, Theo shouted at the top of his lungs as he knew one last push was all it needed to kill the dragon.

In that instant, the sword became even stronger and shattered the scales as well as the dragon's bone, making its way toward the scale beneath it.

With the sword's weight, power, and momentum, the body's scale couldn't last long before the sword pierced through the body.

*Roar!* The dragon was screaming in pain as the sword finally stabbed his body. Its mouth opened, spurting a fountain of blood.

The pressure from the sword cracked the ground around them, but Theo stopped it at the last second, not planning to create a crater that might lead to magma coming out of the ground.

The dragon shook its body left and right, showing his last struggle. However, it was futile. Theo's sword was planted on the ground, stopping him from moving away.

Eventually, the blood loss gradually affected the dragon as it suddenly dropped to the ground lifelessly.


The huge body was slammed to the ground as Theo and the others opened their eyes wide, wondering if they'd done it.

They soon looked at Theo to ask for his confirmation since he was supposed to get the kill notification.

But when Mark turned to Theo, the dragon made one last struggle by waving its right hand toward Mark.


"It's still alive after all that?!" Mark widened his eyes in shock as he raised both hands to protect his body. However, he cursed inwardly, 'Kh. I don't have any more Magic Power. If it hits me, I might be severely injured.'

"Kiki!" Suddenly, a burst of high-pitched laughter echoed in his ears. He didn't know why but this voice could calm his heart down. In fact, he thought this was the first time he was glad to hear this laughter.

The monkey jumped to the front, raising both hands to protect Mark. Unlike the original Theo, the clone didn't utilize many big moves, so the Magic Power that the skill copied earlier still remained on its body.

At the same time, a bracelet flew from the side as the monkey grabbed it, turning the bracelet into a shield and using it to receive the sharp dragon's claw.


The clash between the shield and the dragon's claw caused a huge sound. Due to not having a ground to stand, the monkey lost this battle, but the monkey's purpose remained the same.

He grabbed Mark while getting blown away, bringing Mark far enough so that the dragon couldn't do anything to him.

The dragon raised its eyelids for the last time and saw Theo, the monkey, and Mark before closing his eyes again.

[Killed a Volcano Dragon.]


[You've leveled up.]

Name: Theodore Griffith

Status: Supreme

Level: 607

EXP: 2,314,599/ 9,156,822

Blessing: God of Mischief

Skill: Blink (A), Clone (A), Illusion Destruction (B), Illusion Manipulation (A), Magic Augmentation (B), Magic Power Expansion (B), Metamorphosis (A), Supernatural Snake Body (S), Telekinesis (A), Underworld Dominion: Death Avatar(A)

Attributes: Strength 750, Endurance 625, Agility 617, Vitality 615, Magic Power 1000

Free Attribute Points: 0

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