Global Killing: I Could Plunder Talent

479 Chapter 479 Starry Sky Door, God-Killing Test

Locke knelt in frustration. Dick had destroyed his last dignity. Now he had completely abandoned his pride.

"Young master, let's get out of here first. After we have a rest, we have to take part in the starry sky test."

Mahathera was taken aback. He hurriedly helped Locke up and whispered in his ear.

Locke waved at Mahathera and struggled to stand up.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I got it. I used to be a person with a narrow view. I was so arrogant because I didn't have a match. But now everything is different. I'll make Dick look up at me one day!"

Mahathera nodded his head with anger.

"Yes, young master. From now on, our family will cultivate you most strictly. I can guarantee that with the resource of our family, your future achievements will be higher than Dick's."

Locke nodded and said softly.

"Besides, although I lost my face this time, Dick is a divine king-level talent. I don't want to make trouble for him. On the contrary, I have to go all out to establish a good relationship with him."

"He has such strong talent, and his future achievements must be very extraordinary. It's not a good thing to have such a big enemy for himself too early."

Mahathera looked at Locke with relief. His young master finally began to think calmly and make the right choice.

Perhaps this blow is a good thing for the young master and the entire Dark Star.

At this time, Dick and his group had left the third floor of Starry Temple and headed for the fourth floor. It was the place for the starry sky test.

"Anna, the reason why I didn't let you take part in the combat power test now is that just now, you got a higher evaluation of the talent after you evolved the bloodline talent. Therefore, I hope you can carry out the combat power test after you upgrade your talent and get the divine grade talent."

On the stairs, Dick turned to Anna and said.

"Is that true? After the test, I can improve my qualification by improving my talent. But it's not easy to improve talent or bloodline level in a short period."

Anna said helplessly.

"You don't have to worry about that. When I was browsing the stalls for demigod-level warriors, I accidentally found a pill that was very suitable for you. That person offered a price of a demigod-level weapon, and I happened to get two from Locke. This one is for you. After you exchange it for it, you can immediately absorb it and then participate in the test."

Anna took the weapon of demigod level from Dick excitedly.

"Mr. Dick, thank you so much! I will improve my talent and obtain the divine qualification!"

Dick smiled gently at her, motioning her to put away the weapon.

"Well, hurry up. Remember to find a safe place to absorb the energy. Now the second round of the elimination match is almost half over. We have to participate in the starry sky test as soon as possible, to prevent our homeland from being attacked again."

Watching Anna leave, Dick took a deep breath and looked at the fourth floor of Starry Temple.

"Well, our final challenge is right in front of us. Everyone, cheer up. After completing the test, we have to return to the castle as soon as possible."

Liya and the wolf emperor agreed and the three stepped into the fourth floor of Starry Temple together.

On the fourth floor of Starry Temple, there were five huge light doors, each emitting different colors, representing the starry sky test of different levels.

The bronze light door represented the low-grade starry sky test, the cyan light door represented the middle-grade starry sky test, the silver light door represented the top-grade starry sky test, and the golden light door represented the divine starry sky test.

The last door was glowing with golden-red color, emitting endless stateliness.

This portal represented the starry sky test of the divine king level.

At this time, thousands of people were gathered in front of the bronze door. There were more than 1,000 people in front of the cyan door, while there were only dozens of people in front of the silver door, and there was no one in front of the golden door.

"Let's go inside. Ignore the others."

Dick said slowly as he walked into the light door of the divine king-level test. Liya and the wolf emperor looked at each other and then walked into the light door of the divine-level test.

They moved so fast that the people in the hall didn't even notice that they had entered the light door.

As soon as they entered the light door, Dick's body was surrounded by a dazzling light. A moment later, Dick felt that he was in a pure white world as if he was standing in a void.

Just then, a majestic voice fell from the sky.

"You have stepped into the place for the starry sky test of the god-killing level. During this test, if you die, you will be resurrected by the rules, but this test will be regarded as a failure."

"If you fail, the difficulty of the test will be reduced by one level. You have to continue to complete the test. If the difficulty of the test is reduced to a low grade and you still can't pass it, you will lose the qualifications to participate in the test forever, and your level will be stagnated forever, unable to reach the spirit level."

"100 points will be deducted for each failure."

"Note: This test will be held in the form of passing a pass, mainly to test the comprehensive combat power of the contestants. There was no restriction on the contestants to use things that could enhance their strength, pills and arcane."

"Note: Every time the contestant passes a test successfully, he will be automatically rated by Starry Temple. F is the lowest, and SSS is the highest."

"Note: The less time it takes to pass each pass, the higher the evaluation and reward will be."

"Note: You need to accumulate more than 500 points in the three tests before you can pass the starry sky test of the golden-level god-killing test. Your current points: 129."

"The test will officially start in a minute. The countdown now begins."

After reading the test rules, Dick was overjoyed.

To test his comprehensive fighting ability, this was what he was most good at!

Dick's body lit up with a golden light. Nova Armor made of fetish merged with Dick, which increased Dick's combat power by 1,000 stars!

Then, the four-element divine sword floated neatly behind Dick, and the fire divine sword was put into Dick's hand and integrated with him.

In an instant, Dick's fighting capacity soared again!

"Well, now let me see how powerful the magical beasts are."

Dick's heart was filled with fighting spirit, and his strong aura was like a sharp sword stabbing into the sky!

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