Global Killing: I Could Plunder Talent

473 Chapter 473 Talent Evolved, Qualification Increased

There were all kinds of supreme treasures on the stall of the demigod-level masters. Dick nodded as he watched.

Although the items sold by these powerful warriors were not as precious as those sold in the Starry Pavilion, they were indeed much cheaper in terms of price. It was already a very good price for ordinary people.

Seeing Dick coming over, the demigod-level masters cheered up and greeted him warmly.

"Friend, are you also going to take the test of the Starry Pavilion? It's too difficult to get the purchase authorities. Why don't you take a look at my shop? There are all kinds of good things here."

"My friend, look at me. I'm selling weapons here. It's very helpful for you to pass the starry sky test!"

Dick nodded at them with a smile and glanced at the stalls of these masters one by one.

He seemed to be appreciating the treasures casually, but in fact, his soul power had already covered every stall, and he could see all the items displayed in stalls.

Suddenly, an item caught Dick's attention. He stopped in front of a stall.

"Friend, do you want anything? All I sell are pills and formulas. What do you want?"

The man stood up and greeted Dick as soon as he saw him standing in front of his stall.

"How much is this pill?"

Dick picked up a jade bottle from an inconspicuous corner of his stall and asked.

"Oh, this pill. It's a level-eight pill that can greatly enhance time talent. I'm going to exchange it for a level-nine item. Do you have it?"

The man answered with a smile.

Dick smiled. He had too many level-nine weapons, but he didn't like them now. They were just used in exchange for the pill.

He took out a level-nine weapon, and the man's eyes lit up. Without saying a word, he handed the pill to Dick. Then he put away his stall immediately and squeezed into the crowd with the weapon that Dick had given him.

Although the level of this pill was not high, it was an extremely useful thing. He planned to give this pill to Liya. Maybe it could directly make Liya's talent upgrade to a level-SS talent.

Coincidentally, Liya, who was in the hidden space, had also completed the absorption of the weapon. So, Dick handed the pill to Liya and told her to absorb it as soon as possible.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the end of the hall, which caused the masters at the gate of the Starry Pavilion to be restless.

"My friends, go and have a look! The young master of the Dark Star is about to carry out the combat power test! He is the first person to obtain the divine qualification in the Starry Temple!"

Hearing this, the powerful warriors at the gate of the Starry Pavilion couldn't sit still. They all packed up and were ready to go to the place where the combat power test was to be held.

There were very few people who had obtained the divine qualification, and the chance to see the combat power of the divine level was extremely rare. Everyone didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Dick was curious and asked a man who ran past him.

"Hello, may I ask who the young master of the Dark Star is? Is he very famous here?"

The man looked at Dick strangely and said quickly.

"Who the hell are you? You don't even know the young master of the Dark Star? The young master is the son of the master of the Dark Star world in the polar star region. He has already absorbed three days' pills at the place where the combat power of the divine level is tested!"

Seeing that Dick didn't care about it, the man waved his hand impatiently and said.

"Well, it seems that you don't care much about it. It seems that you haven't even taken the qualification test. I have to go now. I don't want to be delayed by you."

Dick's interest was piqued. Since he was going to the combat power test later, he might as well go and see what level the young master of the Dark Star had reached.

He walked up the steps to the third floor of Starry Temple.

On this floor placed several altars of different colors, and in the center of this floor placed a scarlet golden altar.

This was the place for the divine-level combat power test. Compared to the other altars, this altar exuded a terrifying power. Even if one was only close to the altar, one would feel great pressure. Ordinary people couldn't stay around the altar at all.

At this moment, a man with purple hair was sitting on the altar. He slightly closed his eyes, and a milky white pill was floating in front of him. The force was slowly entering his body.

Dick couldn't help laughing. The young master of the Dark Star group was high-profile. If he only wanted to absorb pills to enhance his strength and get a higher score in the test of combat power. He could find a quiet place to absorb the pills, and there was no need to choose this place to absorb them.

However, he was absorbing them here. It was obvious that he wanted to attract everyone's attention and let them come to watch him.

When he passed the test of combat power, everyone would praise him as much as they could, and he would be able to obtain a strong sense of satisfaction from everyone's praise.

In the final analysis, this so-called young master of the Dark Star was just a fellow who wanted to satisfy his vanity through an uproar.

However, to Dick's surprise, although the young master of the Dark Star had obtained the divine-level qualification, his combat power had just reached the peak of the spirit level, even worse than that of Liya.

What was truly worth attention to was the people surrounding the young master of the Dark Star.

Near the young master of the Dark Star, there were a total of seven old men. Each of them had reached the demigod level, and even Dick's Eyes of God couldn't see their true strength.

At this moment, Liya and the others in the hidden space sent a message to Dick. They had absorbed all the things they had obtained.

To Dick's surprise, after taking the pills, Liya's time talent had risen to level SS.

After Liya's talent level was improved, she also heard the hint of Starry Temple.

"Since your talent level upgraded to level SS, the point of your four tests has been changed. Congratulations on your obtaining the divine qualification. You are allowed to participate in the divine-level test of combat power. Once you pass the test, you will be able to participate in the starry sky test of divine level."

This was the hint Liya heard after upgrading her talent level.

It seemed that when they were doing the test, the souls left in the crystal ball had been connected to the real body. They could detect the change in the real body in real time and change the result according to the change of strength.

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