Global Killing: I Could Plunder Talent

417 Chapter 417 Epic Items, Group Invisibility

"Hey! Be careful. We are here by order of the mahathera. If anyone is exposed, I will never save him. Even if there is only one person left, we have to take the information we have found back."

Runo said in a low voice, looking at the ten people standing in front of him.

There was a deep scar on the man's face. He was as strong as an iron tower. It was the medal for his battle.

He had been trained as a daredevil since he was born. After more than ten years, countless companions died before him, but he was still alive. Cruelty and cold-blooded were the labels of this man.

His ten companions, who had also been professionally trained, all nodded their heads at this moment.

"It's good that you understand. Let's go."

Runo glanced at each of them and then gave the order to set out.

For him, these companions were just tools. As long as he could bring the news back in the end, no matter how many companions he had lost. It didn't matter even if he lost his own life there.

Runo was wearing an almost transparent armor, and only a vague outline could be seen on his torso. At this moment, he gently pressed the armor and released a circle of silver light from it, covering him and his companions.

Then, their figures slowly dissipated, as if they had merged into the air.

This armor was an epic item. To carry out this investigation, Lummus directly handed this incomparably precious item to Runo.

At this time, the first effect of the armor was to make a group of people invisible. This effect could create an invisible force field within a radius of five meters around the user, which could at most provide the invisible ability for ten companions.

However, after being given the stealth capability, once they touched other creatures, the stealth capability would immediately lose its effectiveness.

"Mahathera, isn't it too rash for us to give such a precious item to them? It's one of the only three legendary items in our race."

Lummus's counselor whispered. He looked worriedly in the direction in which Runo was leaving.

"It doesn't matter. Runo will bring the news back. Even if this item is in the hands of the undead race, we can still take it back after we destroy the bramble castle."

Lummus said confidently. Then he turned around and walked back to his tent.

In a dark corner.

Adrian was like a viper lurking in the dark, monitoring the movements of the army of the Land

Race at the periphery.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt the air around him seem to be squeezing his body.

This unusual feeling made Adrian alert. He gently moved his body and looked around in the darkness, but did not find anything unusual.

No, although I can't see, it doesn't mean the invaders don't exist. There must be something passing by me!

Adrian grew up in the Land Race, so he naturally knew there was a secret technique to cultivate death service and something that could make people invisible in the Land Race.

"It seems that the legendary item is working. In that case, I'll break it."

Adrian murmured to himself. All of a sudden, his body jumped out of the darkness and turned into a blurry black light, covering the surrounding space of dozens of meters.

This was exactly how Adrian tried to touch the person who was given the stealth capability and find where he was.

As expected, Adrian only felt that his arm hit something, and then a stunned person suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"So, our guest is here. Now that I have found him, show yourself quickly!"

Adrian roared. He swung his fist violently and smashed it into the ground. The terrifying impact smashed through the ground, and countless rocks soared into the sky.

"It's you! You sent us a fake message before, and then lost contact with us. We thought you were dead, but we didn't expect you to be a traitor!"

The rock was smashed into pieces, and then a claw popped out from the broken stone and slapped hard on Adrian's chest, forcing Adrian's body to fly back a hundred meters.

"Who do I think you are? So, you are my old friend. Runo, I didn't expect that you are still alive."

Adrian coughed slightly, moved his shoulders, and said to Runo who was standing in front of him.

"Of course. You are still alive. How can I die? But now you have become my enemy. You should know what I have with me. If you get out of my way now, I can let you die without pain for the sake of our past friendship."

Runo moved his fists and walked forward. Then he signaled his companions behind him to spread out to investigate the news.

However, Adrian didn't respond. As the other daredevils dispersed, his body turned into a black light, and the sharp short sword in his hand pierced through the chest of one of them.

"You know me. I don't want to explain anything to you. But as long as I'm alive, you can't leave here alive."

Adrian's body suddenly swelled up, and the surging power surged in his body like a tide.

He didn't dare to neglect the legendary treasures.

Runo's strength was similar to his. If they fought to the death, he was not sure if he could fight against Runo.

Dick, I haven't found the true meaning of power from you. How can I die now? Let me guard your castle with my own strength before you return.

Adrian thought to himself. His fists slammed into each other, making a sound of metal clashing.

"It seems that you have completely fallen over to our enemy. In this case, our friendship in the past is over."

Runo had no mercy on his companion who had been killed by Adrian. He took a deep breath and pressed his palm on his armor.

"You haven't seen the glory of this epic item yet. Just let it stay in your eyes before you die."

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